Good Afternoon Everyone!
Guess what?? It's snowing!
This was taken on our way driving in last Sunday.
No, it is not a crooked picture,
just the snow that was so wind~driven.
.No, it is not a crooked picture,
just the snow that was so wind~driven.
And the roads were like this...
And like this...
And like this...
Oh, I sure did hate those last 90 miles! Worse too, when there is a sheet of ice and freezing rain under the snow.
Oh wait, the roads are STILL like that...
I hear that Flintville got about a foot of snow, between Thirsday night and yesterday afternoon; with lots more coming tonight and tomorrow...
Poor Kelli beside herself, shoveling, taking care of the horses, and my place too. (Tim had recent back surgery otherwise could be out there too).
She even said she would try to dig out Casey's car (looking much like a Chevrolet Igloo now), and move it in the garage.
Oh wait, the roads are STILL like that...
I hear that Flintville got about a foot of snow, between Thirsday night and yesterday afternoon; with lots more coming tonight and tomorrow...
Poor Kelli beside herself, shoveling, taking care of the horses, and my place too. (Tim had recent back surgery otherwise could be out there too).
She even said she would try to dig out Casey's car (looking much like a Chevrolet Igloo now), and move it in the garage.
When he called Kelli to tell her to try to leave work early and how bad the roads were, he also told her that his trailer tried to pass him 4 times!
(I laughed myself silly over that one).
She said it took her an hour and a half just to get to work yesterday.
But they are both home, and safe, (and 'off' for the weekend); and that's what counts.
I am sure you are all wondering about Casey...
She is MUCHO better today!!!
Her urine began flowing quite well last night too. And what a worry that had been for us all.
But I will let you judge for yourself how she is doing...
Just check these out!
I shall do a "before and after" here for you...
And AFTER!!!

Oh wait... me too!
Such a huge difference without her NG Tube!
And she will be on liquid diet.

Yes, Lady Valerie did get her two front teeth!
I'd better close for now and head back up to the hospital. But I want to give Casey and Greg a lot of time together too, as he will have to be heading home tomorrow. Duty calls.
I imagine you are all busy with last minute details with your own preparations for Christmas.
I hope you aren't too busy to be reading this all.
Sorry, I do have a tendency to get a bit long winded at times. Hope you're not too busy to let me know you were here. hehehe
Know that Casey is doing remarkably well- Greg has just called; and Casey is now sitting in her chair!
If it is possible, she is 1000% better than yesterday.
Know too that Punk has been an absolute angel being left alone in this hotel room many times, and for many hours at a time.
Off her feed yesterday- probably feeding off my own emotions. But has eaten today; AND of course we have already played in the snow. Twice.
I did go to WalMart and get some winter skivvies, and some warmer socks too. Should be all set now.
Hope you are too! Be warm and safe. Know you are loved.
My love to all. And again, our most heartfelt thanks for everyone's thoughts and prayers. They have worked wonders for Casey- and for myself too. Knowing there are people out there that care everso much means the world to us.
And AFTER!!!
Oh wait... me too!
Such a huge difference without her NG Tube!
And she will be on liquid diet.
One of you (PeachieBaby, I think), had asked about the leg circulation.
.No worries there;
these have been on her,
working 24/7,
since before her surgery.
these have been on her,
working 24/7,
since before her surgery.
That nurse was SO fun and funny too.
We have had too many that do not have a sense of humor, let alone a bedside manner.
This man had it all.
You could tell he loved his work, and his patients also.
Credit where credit is due, everyone has been so nice, so far.
Of course I miss home.
Kelli assures me that Miss Milly is just fine, and will now be (another) inside dog.
Ruh~Roh. (Didn't bargain for that one). hehehe
.We have had too many that do not have a sense of humor, let alone a bedside manner.
This man had it all.
You could tell he loved his work, and his patients also.
Credit where credit is due, everyone has been so nice, so far.
Of course I miss home.
Kelli assures me that Miss Milly is just fine, and will now be (another) inside dog.
Ruh~Roh. (Didn't bargain for that one). hehehe
Yes, Lady Valerie did get her two front teeth!
I hope ALL of my grandbabies are all set for Santa Claus.
I'd better close for now and head back up to the hospital. But I want to give Casey and Greg a lot of time together too, as he will have to be heading home tomorrow. Duty calls.
I imagine you are all busy with last minute details with your own preparations for Christmas.
I hope you aren't too busy to be reading this all.
Sorry, I do have a tendency to get a bit long winded at times. Hope you're not too busy to let me know you were here. hehehe
Know that Casey is doing remarkably well- Greg has just called; and Casey is now sitting in her chair!
If it is possible, she is 1000% better than yesterday.
Know too that Punk has been an absolute angel being left alone in this hotel room many times, and for many hours at a time.
Off her feed yesterday- probably feeding off my own emotions. But has eaten today; AND of course we have already played in the snow. Twice.
I did go to WalMart and get some winter skivvies, and some warmer socks too. Should be all set now.
Hope you are too! Be warm and safe. Know you are loved.
My love to all. And again, our most heartfelt thanks for everyone's thoughts and prayers. They have worked wonders for Casey- and for myself too. Knowing there are people out there that care everso much means the world to us.