[My] Life in Wisconsin

Any Solid Ideas?

Any Solid Ideas?

Cute picture was taken inside of Miss Millys Cedar doghouse- One pup asleep in the front corner... There aren't words...

More of the little ones have found a new home this weekend already- And if you have read the entry title here, then you know I will be needing your suggestions...

Miss Milly has a bit of a fever now- and the diarrhea too- Will see if I notice any improvement tomorrow- if not, I will bring her in. Like I said, these pups are taking their toll on her right about now- Have told my 'owners' since the pups have had puppy chow since week 2, and they are all healthy, ready to be paper trained etc etc etc, that I would NOT be against removing them a bit early-

Everybody wants them to have more time with their mama, but what they do not understand is that if Milly gets too sick, then it is neither constuctive nor healthy time spent with their mama.

Sadly, life in the animal kingdom, domesticated dogs included, still is survival of the fittest-
This would translate to Milly being the fittest. The alternative would be that I remove her from the pups- Will see what our vet has to say about it. But am afraid that is what he will probably recommend...

Because of my stupid head here, I did not get any seeds in the ground yesterday Hate to 'lose' these planting days, but I just napped on and off all day- My tummy is off now from the migraine meds I took yesterday. (Gee, speaking of 'alternatives' is that now out of the frying pan and into the fire for me?)... Just sorry that I did not get those seeds in. I just couldn't do it yesterday- no energy, and not many pain-free minutes either. They are calling for rain over the next 3 days or so- Perhaps I can run out there inbetween the raindrops.

The fields got planted on Friday too- Corn this year, and while that is alright after a season of soybeans, I like to be able to see the woods back there too. Oh well, maybe next year!

Funny story now too- The other day, Casey wanted spaghetti so badly; and so I'd promised her I would make some... Old Mother Hubbard here went to the freezer, and couldn't find a single pound of ground chuck. But I did find some chili I had frozen from last month... Since I do not make it real hot, the old lightbulb flashed brightly in my brain and I pulled that out of the freezer- I did some quick thinking and seasoning- added some garlic and red wine- a bit of sauce and tomatoes... (and prayed)! ...

When Casey came home, she smelled it all cooking- Her friend Joe stopped by- and I threw on a quick batch of garlic toast... Everything went well until Joe asked me why there were beans in the Italian Spaghetti. Oops, I'd forgotten all about them! Funny. But it worked out fine- Both Casey and Joe had these little piles of red beans on their plates- but both went back for seconds too.
In raising 4 kids on my own, you learn to make do with what you've got. And here I'd thought I was being smart. Another "Oh well" for me; but another bullet dodged too!
Hope you are all having a great weekend- soggy as it is around these parts...

Sunday April 30, 2006 - 07:36am (CDT)