Good Morning Friends, Freaks, Wenches, and Family!
(Oh wait, the 'family' part might just fall under ALL of the above)!! hehehe
I absolutely HATE it when I have no idea where my blog might take me... But only have a few random thoughts as I type...
The first of the title here.
"TAXES"... (Yeah, death is inevitable too)! And I see that some are already getting this awful matter over and done with...
To those, I say... WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU THINKING??? (You will now have nary a thing to worry about come April 15th)! And yes, we LOVE to pick on the procrastinators of the bunch too.
Sadly, I fell into that procrastinating category last year... And hit that link to 'send' to the irs just before midnight on the 15th. Having put them off until the last two weeks, I then had to run home from the hospital and try to get them finished up by midnight.
Casey had been hospitalized (at that point with severe pancreatitus)... Nasty that, her pancreas was digesting itself because her poorly behaved gallbladder had been inserting crystals into her pancreas...
But last July this offensive gallbladder was promptly kicked out of her little body! (Serves it right, don'tcha think)?
But back to death and taxes... Taxes suck...
But the same as when I ran the drive~up window at the bank, and also was the proof operator, I could balance any customers' checkbooks in record time, but of course NOT my own! Taxes are like that too. I can do most everybody elses, but shudder to do my own... What's up with that?
Now on to death... Sad this. I received 2 emails on tuesday telling me that 2 of my very close friends had lost loved ones the day before... I have 2 funerals tonight and tomorrow to attend.
As my friend Kelli said, 'the real bitch of getting older is to be losing people' ~And yes, it is so true.
I find that even within my own classmates from way back... some have passed on, and it gets one to be thinking how on earth one has been spared... and why? Yet, I have never thought that to be mine to 'question' either...
But I do think of how very closely I came to losing my sister Mary... That she had almost died from the toxic damnable effects from her own chemotherapy... That her white counts (and all the rest too) were so low at that point, they did not know how she survived... But with her spirit firmly intact, she pulled through~ It clearly was NOT her time to go home. The next Spring, she had taken an old sock that had fallen off my clothesline; and put it on my driveway marker, stating that NOW I had a windsock! (That old sock remains there to this day; and I do wonder what some visitors think)!
That great spirit of survival... Those giant leaps of our own Faith that keep us going and going. I have known a great friend through this 360Wonderland, who has beaten so very many odds here. Please visit DeeAnne's pages if you would like to know exactly how courage and determination are defined
My friend DeeAnne IS a survivor in every sense of the word, in every conceivable definition as well... And yes, she has climbed her own mountain now! (Literally and figuratively)! Please congratulate her efforts and her soul!
And back now, to a few more old snow shots, just to let everyone know that it is truly "Winter" here! That same crispy crunchy snow that squeaks and crumbles under your feet.
It was that same snow that had completely covered the "doggie~doo~doo" area at Petco yesterday too. But that didn't bother my little Punk too much- She had quickly made her own little place! While there, I purchased an extra~large safety seat support harness for her. This was to accomodate dogs up to 110 pounds. I got it home, put it on her, and it is too small. (And no, she does NOT weigh that much)! The adjustable part is all the way open, and still too tight around her ribcage... I shall return it and try another on her before I buy again.
Oh, she LOVES going to Petco too... and even got to pick out a toy of her own, and a bag of bones too. It is like she actually KNOWS which bag she preferred too, and she carefully sniffed around, settling on some hocks. (No, I will not be cooking sauerkraut and sausage to go along with these bones)! I had received a very nice gift certificate to Petco from Zoe and Eric for Christmas... (THANK YOU ZOE & ERIC)!
Punkie says "thank you" too!!!!
(She really says "ARF"; but we ALL know what THAT means)...
I am going to try to steal back a picture that Jennifer had used on her own blog. I took this shot last year too... Casey (once again) had been released from the hospital and felt the need to run about and play! I sure don't blame her!!!
Here Casey is, fresh out of the hospital, in her robe; beaning Jenne with a huge snowball... (GREAT ARM, CASEY)!!!
And so now it is WAY past time for me to be getting in the shower- Even Punkie came down about an hour ago already.... and is wondering what is keeping me from getting off my (now numb?) backside! hehehe... But you are ALL so interesting and intriguing to read about too!
Like a very good book, my 360 is hard to put down!!!
Have a HAPPY Thursday!!!
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