Some of you may have already received this in your emails. If so, I apologize for the 'repeat' note.
To my friends, my family, and to the organizations that may have emailed me from 8-19-2011 through 8-22-2011.
Through my own phone calls, and my mailed letters, I have practically begged for help from Yahoo; short of driving to their offices...
(Not an option, my wheelchair will not travel that far). hehehe
As you know, I have dial-up through Yahoo.
As of May 2011, I have had to call Yahoo, (various numbers), no less than 25-30 times to rectify an error on THEIR part. ie: my lost/misappropriated funds.
Calling in, in May, I had made my requisite payment.
Yes, I have BOTH the confirmation number AND the printout from my bank showing that my account with Yahoo is NOT in arrears, and has been paid in full.
It is this May '11 payment, erroneously applied, that has resulted in much frustration, (and for the Nth time now, to have had my email service cut off from the ISP server site)...
This, in itself is wrong, since yahoo has 'free' email service, whether or not they are your ISP provider, (do they not)?!?!
My apologies if any of you tried to email me since Friday last, (8-19-2011).
You would have had your email message to me returned as undeliverable.
I ASSURE YOU THAT "onthefarm@prodigy.net" IS MY EMAIL ADDRESS!
Please continue to use the email you have on hand for me- Should you have your note(s) returned, I promise that this will be rectified as soon as the next service day begins- or shortly thereafter.
Unfortunately for me, I discovered that I could not access my Yahoo mail on Friday evening.
Their office hours are 8-5 Monday through Friday; so I was quite screwed for the entire weekend!
Again, I apologize for Yahoo's inept service.
I am wondering if any of you have an active email (OR, snail mail) address for any of Yahoo's bigshots? I should very much like to send this note to them, again.
In advance, I thank you for your time and help.
Hope all is well with y'all. hehehe
Please too, let me know if you would have any suggestions for me to add to Yahoo... I will be mailing this letter through the USPS, certified mail.