[My] Life in Wisconsin

Happy Birthday America!

Good Morning All;

As I come back on this morning, all is once again working quite well. (Hang on, I have to "knock on wood")... Even Flickr has uploaded my pictures without incident! (Nice Flickr)... And so without further adieu, I will try to have you all up~to~date in very short order!



Kelli and Tim ready to go up on the roof!
..."once a smart^$$, always a smart^$$...
But that's OK, she gets the hot job; laying on the roof and working upside~down.
While Roberta slaved away in the garden, (Her big toe as yet, UNinjured)!
As she tries to hide behind the tiger lilys...
Miss Punk and Mr. Miller hiding in the shade; being oddly quiet?
Master Gabriel, bored, sets off to the woods all by himself!

Then you all know what happened next to Bertas big toe... (She is such a klutz sometimes)! hehehe

CaseyAnne and Derek arrived with sandwiches for everyone! (Well, for everyone except Sewer~Mouth that is)...



Derek having to share his sandwich with Mr. Miller!


Derek had quickly stolen an old pair of earrings from the rummage sale items... And "Trouble" comes by the pair with those two...

He looks SO funny!

Monday came, and with Berta's little injury keeping her out of the garden; we all worked on rummage sale stuff. Still MOUNTAINS of bagged items to get through, but at least they are mostly sorted now...



A sad toe...
Compounded only by the hospital leaving the IV in her hand for more antibiotics...
Master Gabriel playing with the price tags...
...and yes, he put this on his forehead all by himself!
But I would think he is worth MUCH more than a quarter!

Yesterday brought Roberta here on her way home from work to collect her little Escort, (assured to be all fixed by Mr. Ineptitude himself)...




And also brought Berta sans vet wrap on her hand, but still in the boot
(as her big toe has gotten even bigger)! hehehe
We took a little walk around (to check on the the safety of my blessed weeds)...
She hides behind one of the trees she'd planted!
Weeds and flowers all becoming "one"...
Sadly, weeds and lawn also becoming "one"...
(I do promise to do something about this shortly)!
...and must leave to pick up Master Gabriel by 6PM...
(As she struggles to make the "shift" from automatic back to 5 speed, and to also change from luxury to small car)! hehehe
...She had been driving the Buick Roadmaster since her Escort took sick...

And so I have caught you all up on my news and pics... (Well, for the most part anyway)!

There was a bit of unintended hilarity 2 days ago. As it rained, (and me not wanting to go outside), gave the gun to Miss Casey as there was a gopher right out the back window... We opened the window, but as she took aim, she noticed the truck parked in the drive to the field. (Bad shot then, as there was someone standing right by that truck... She decided then to go outside)...

As quickly as she made that decision, she sees that migrant worker haul @$$ back into the pickup truck and quickly drive away...


What a hoot that was, as I can imagine what he might have been thinking, seeing the barrel of a gun sticking out one of my windows and taking aim...

(Yup, still laughing at THAT one)...

And so it was Miss Punks turn to get the gophers...

And she did!



(OK, OK, so I admit we got these two a few days ago)...

Still funny... Time for me to fly!

Have a glorious, grand and safe 4th!


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