Gabriel showing off his little brothers birth certificate!
Good Evening All;.
I am very tired... and not knowing when I will be able to post again, I thought I would share a few more pictures with you.
Roberta is doing well, but needs to bring her blood up soon or they will ultimately do a transfusion. I am sure they will keep her there until her blood is replaced...
This now, to go with the above picture...
And just to give you the correct size of Big Sam's tootsies.
When we got to NICU, it was very apparent that Samuel was wasting no time waiting for us to come...
And as soon as we got there, a miracle occurred!
And as soon as we got there, a miracle occurred!
Check these beautiful eyes out!!!!
Sam says "HI" to all!
And so it goes that Master Gabriel has gone from 'baby' to "Big Brother" in the wink of an eye!
Suddenly being SO BIG too!
At least big enough to finally push the buttons for the elevator!
And darned proud of himself too!
Gabriel and I also did a bunch of shopping.
His wardrobe a bit sparse at this point in time.
But no longer!
By the time we got home, he was one pooped out little kid. He has been asleep ever since. I am thinking that with all this excitement he will sleep all the night through. Wish I would too
Love to all
Originally posted to my Y! 360, Saturday July 5, 2008 - 08:01pm (CDT)