[My] Life in Wisconsin

My Friends... Part Three

Part Three...

Cristy works at a funeral home, and can honestly make the most out of this all! Level~headed and so much fun. She is always busy, has many friends and loved ones who are always there for her. The funeral home is not her only job, and she plays therapist at her other job to a younger co~worker who is one tough little chickipoo... She is quick enough to know when the wool is being pulled over her eyes, and strong enough to say so too. Another person not afraid to call a spade a spade.



Paddy, who is taking a well~deserved and hard~earned break right now, is sassy and just plain fun to be around. We stalked each others blogs for months and finally became friends. She will return to her 360 shortly (I hope)?! hehehe We all deserve a break, and to have one in the Springtime is just perfect! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-MjncX3sheqIYKPJUoAPY97w-?cq=1


Taia, Sweet Jen most recently has taken a digger, (and has also taken a picture resulting from her fight with gravity). Funny enough to bring tears to my eyes. She misplaces staplers, men and running shoes... hehehe She is wild and crazy, and is also not afraid to call a spade a spade. http://360.yahoo.com/profile-IAyVwkwleq8lLAr_LLDb_dycWw--?cq=1


Brendartist2 lives in Blacksburg Virginia... She has just lost a very close personal friend of hers in that awful holocaust at VA~TECH. Like the rest of the world, she is still coming to grips with everything bad that has happend. Brenda writes poetry and is classy and usually upbeat. Please say an extra little prayer for her... and for all as well. She is a poet who can hit home with her words and her heart.



John C. is new to my friends list. He is also ever so thankful to those people on his own friends list who make his life a little less boring. John lives in the UK, loves his children and his computer. He is semi~retired, and looking forward to swimming at the new gym!



Nancy C , aka a "pself~proclaimed" psycho sales bitch ... (ya gotta love 'retail' to understand that one)... Most recently has written about alzheimers disease, as her grandmother suffers; and brings to mind my won memories of what Mamas cousin went through. She has kissed many frogs, and finally one turned into her prince charming. Loves her husband perfectly!



Cris is kind of an 'adopted' daughter of mine. She is married to Russ, who she met while serving our country in the US Marine Corps. She is currently also attending school at NWTC. They have 3 beautiful children; 2 girls and a boy, and she is a wonderful mother. I have known Crystal since she was about 11 or so. I worked with her stepmother, Cris herself and her sisters for many years. She is full of life. Kind. And is always proud of her family and friends. Not a blogger, for there isn't much time for it after her day is done! (Three kids, Crystal, is it ever really done)?



Brandy is Cris' big sister. Another 'adopted' daughter of mine, and of course I have known Miss Brandy for the same length of time. She is vivacious, friendly and a very hard worker too. She manages her time on the farm, along with her job and her lovely daughter too! Not a blogger, but keeps in touch through my 360 pages; IF she has any few minutes leftover at the end of the day!



Doubtfire, aka Pam, is very very dedicated to both her page and to each of her friends. (We went to the same college together). She writes a bit in the morning, and always says goodnight too. Lets her rip on Friday and Saturday nights, with dance partys for all! She loves her 'youngens' too! Passionate, with a spark for life that we all should have! Always has the coffee on for a friend.



Cindy Y is also pretty new to my page... Mama. Grandmama. And is earning her wings by working in a child care facility. (God would have to increase my patience level 100~Fold if I were ever to work in a day care)!!! hehehe Cindy lives and loves in sunny Arizona! Her husband Dave also has his own website; he is a musician.



Bren, a displaced Hoosier, a mom and a grandmother now, she writes of His Love in all the little things that happen each day. A heartwarming way to start my days... And one peek at her page can transform the ugly beast in me to more acceptable levels! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-tk3yMD8_dLRzrwp7S08YJg--?cq=1


Lone Rider loves his Harley and his family. He raised those kids on his own after his wife absconded to points unknown. Another one who works entirely too hard, and yet has time to care for others. At the moment he is still taking donations for June 23, 07 Poker Run for Abused Children. Anyone wanting to make a donation to the Child Abuse Prevention Fund may contact Duane. He has a heart of gold. Down to earth and practical too. My VERY FIRST 360~Land Friend!



Craftmaker is also an East~Coaster... and she has the gall to think she is over the hill at 40!!! Guess I am a dinosaur then... In chemo, and has maintained a grand sense of humor thorugh it all! An inspiration and a role model for all of us to live by. Please check out her pictures, what she did to her bald head on her April 9th blog! Too CUTE!!!

*** OOPS I am an idiot! (I have been trying to tell people this all the while, and you folks refuse to believe me)! hehehe It is not Lisa that is in chemo; it is her cousin... (& Yes, like I have already told her, I would definitely fail 3rd grade comprehension)!



Rochelle loves to lay her dulcimer, and like me, LOVES to shop rummage sales and flea markets! YAY! She is sweet and loves her hubby and her children. Only an hours drive away right now I hope to be able to meet her at some point, and maybe even make it a day of flea shopping! She will be relocating back to Michigan soon. She is plain fun on here! We also share a hatred of anxiety attacks, so our little outing will be a very interesting one! hehehe



Cheryl What can I say??? She always makes me laugh! She is too cute and ever so funny! (And I love her blast now too)! hehehe Lately she has been raising fowl birds, losing watches and and sharing a recipe for Hostess Cupckaes! hehehe See what I mean about smiling and being funny? Yup and recently has had her meds changed... (Could account for the watch in the toilet)?



Reconstituted Teenager Most exactly and aptly named! There is nothing this lady cannot blog about and make it interesting to me! She comes from a long line of horse thieves and malt liquor! (Haven't heard of the real Ninky~Nana~Momo Gang? Right up there with Dillinger and Capone if you ask me)... But you didn't ask, so you will just have to go read, sit back and ENJOY each word! I did it for the postcard! (haven't seen it yet, but my own is absolutely the very best answer, wouldn't you agree)? hehehe



MBB aka Michele My little Army Brat... No longer writes, and has not been around for a very long time. Hope all is well. I miss peeking in on her.



Patricia G. has family in Maine and lives in Florida. Her son is getting married in August and she is hard at work to make sure everything is perfect for that. She always writes informative and happy blogs! One of the few people that actually LOVE their jobs; even if she doesn't always want to go! She is kind and life~loving, and a trip to her page is just fun!



Cheryl has just been through the awful surgery of having her leg removed; and is surrently battling an infection throughout. She is lucky to have her life, and her attitude is absolutely wonderful. She shows more courage in one day than many of us show in an entire life time! Proud to have her around this wonderful 360 BlogLand of mine!



CareBear Chrissy lives all the way in South Africa. She doesn't blog too much but is a newlywed, (3 years this August), and has a beautiful 2 year old daughter too! She loves them both and includes pictures too! Always interesting and very passionate about her thoughts and ideals! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-oEgp9Z4yerS.4qB7CIW5mz6PkQ--?cq=1


Tattoed and True (speaking of surgery... I was too), is Aggie, who is yet another of my friends who has recently underwent surgery. She is regaining the full use of her hand through physical therapy; (and with the spunk one needs to endure it all). She has a highly scientific brain, and has already answered many of my little science questions. She can also tell you how to make a snowflake fossil. (Hopefully this is something to do next year with the kids and grandchildren because we just want the danged cold~n~snow weather to go away til then)!



Sherilyn Wise Sweet And always an offer of friendship and love. What more is there? http://360.yahoo.com/profile-6i8OTCIyc6N3H7HZIhwCRJgPfA--?cq=1


Miss Cherokee Donna another 'sister' found through our 360 world; and we share so very much... From our passionate love of children and grandchildren, to all the little things that make up our days. She has most recently lived through a tornado that pretty much left her yard reduced to next winters firewood. Like me she has Raynauds Disease, only it has affected her much worse than myself. She is a pistol, and takes no crap from anybody. A trait to be envied, and yet has the ability to love fiercely and forever.



HugoBrazil (guess where he is from)? Sweet but taking time off from his 360. Learning English, and tough to understand, but once you know what he is saying he is charming and kind.



Dea is still another East Coast friend. She has the happiest feet here of anyone on my page. She teaches dance at the high school level, and loves every moment of it too! (and yes, she can still teach dance with a fractured leg, and on crutches)! God Bless her!!!



Rosebud A gaffe of my fingers called her Rose"BUG" and so since that time she has been my little bug! hehehe She is a wonderful and spirited lady; and is currently taking a break from her 360 to attend to family.



Humble 1 is capable of going through the motions, and yet possesses such a spirit. She is entertaining, and honest about everything. Too cute for words.



Duane E. is also quite new to my page. He spends his time working with people with disabilities and loves to chat too. He is always busy, and a proud man from Shreveport Louisiana.



Goin Slightly Mad Like me she has lived in the same place for just about the same amount of time. (But we are not really sure of that because she has conveniently misplaced her birth certificate)! hehehe She lives in Edinburgh in the UK, loves her family and has very recently lost her Dear Friend Weebs.



Patricia A lover of God. people, and a sharer of prose. No further explanation needed.



Munna Bhai Thought provoking and deep. Busy and kind. http://360.yahoo.com/profile-jKw1O9k8bqgCnFuAezjBVvmyvw--?cq=1


JoAnne E. New. But has already touched my spirit with her christian blogs.



Sophies page is absolutely witty and fun! She claims tro be sarcastic, but I don't know about that, (I "get" all of her thoughts)! hehehe You will HAVE TO read her latest entry- 50 questions she did about herself. Too freakin' hilarious!!! Like Christian, she is also sporting a new tattoo!



Nohra Like her profile says, she is a bubble! Sweet, and always sharing in her blogs... and aside from our Amos, she has the cutest cat in the whole world!



Fay H She loves it all! One of my oldest friends on here, and she has brightened many days for me! She is a proud mother, and grandmother, and simply loves life; although she would rather get back to the country. Interesting and sweet. (Like me, she is also addicted to FreeCell and Spider Solitaire)! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-yPl2tvwoeqBvHmptwXpNfQ--?cq=1


Tamara H (I LOVE HER QUOTE)! Loves to cook! Artistic and soulful with her art too. How beautiful. Worth a look~see just to say hello and to see her horses!



Polly Not a blogger, yet one of my dearest friends. Has her page to keep in touch... Polly and her husband used to live next door to us out in Pulaski, and I could never have asked for better neighbors if I had bought them! (For a while I think Miss Casey actually thought that Polly was her second mom)! Will have to share some pictures... soon as I unearth them. hehehe A geologist, and always on the go. Lives in Wyoming and is restoring a family farmhouse in Rockford. Busy busy lady! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-_0SqynkhdKpGoOPKaexyWlc-?cq=1

Hope you enjoyed!!! (And I do hope I have everyones links correct too)! hehehe


Friendship... Yahoo 360 Style! Part One

Friends PART ONE

Good Morning...

I know I haven't been around these past few days... oh ye of little faith... But here I am now... More appropriately perhaps this an entry for Thanksgiving, and it is within that same spirit, that it is enough to post this for you ALL now!

Please know that your names are in NO particular order; (but if I ever chance to do this again, at least they will be in alphabetical order)! Whew.

Please let me know if I have missed you, or if your link does not work...

But First, I did find this "Special Wish" for y'all too!
HEHEHE!!! ...Stolen from here: click me


And A~WAY WE GO...

Debbie... Definitely a trend setter with the word "Green". She does everything she can within her power to make sure the Earth has enough of itself left to care for our young too. She is a believer in reduce, reuse and recycle... as we all should strive to be. Deep and thought provoking blogs!



Dizzy Kimmy writes about the dumbest person in the whole wide world! She is married and in love with another man. (Actually she is his Number One Fan)! It is none other than Bucky!!! She is also in love with Pugs and I cannot believe her husband hasn't bought her one yet! hehehe

Stupid people link http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-f55frfo1crztbLFgv37AaCgm8y8c?p=1441

Homepage= http://360.yahoo.com/profile-f55frfo1crztbLFgv37AaCgm8y8c


Val, (whom I affectionately have called "Mrs G".), writes all about her life and memorys... with a brilliant and most comedic flair! With a husband who broke his bicycle and was stymied by a new dining room set that refused to be put together correctly! http://uk.360.yahoo.com/profile-p_Hr4Q4pdqfoh5BvdtGDxGcV


Toni, who for the next 8 weeks will probably be spending much more time with her online schooling than with us, writes clever real life! She loves God, people, and dogs; and that is all I need to know. http://360.yahoo.com/profile-bTeFo_kldKh4UPaKJUVI7n8W


Ursus Martimus, a bear, who writes about his friends and family... Mostly about his animal friends though! (And he should write much more often too)! You can always learn much from the "psylightly psychotic" musings and meanderings of a polar bear with an attitude! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-ireeRJw4dbD4fTcDjlFbGpCmOXIjh15iaWC9


There is Mr. Tim, who came to me through an old blog I had written about my own fathers U. S. Navy experiences aboard the USS McFarland. Not a blogger, but it seems that his father was also on that same naval ship; though not at the same time as Dad was. He has been busy with his family, as they are staying with him as they prepare to move into their new home. http://360.yahoo.com/profile-Pohp8QImfqFnKtWKOqL6cSg-?cq=1


Miss Spell of Gardenias is about as much in love with her camera as I am; and portrays beautiful thoughtful pictures and and blogs of family, and of her new neighborhood too! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-4uB6dogia6PXKjjf8DlrFqM5uOS.Usub


There is Miss OhioChik who hasn't been able to get online often enough to blog; but has recently had surgery and is recovering well at her moms house. Loves her daughter and her hubby too! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-zKIPQsk.c69JyVeVLv5GpUES


Jimbo is a true friend; always popping in with a great comment or two- and makes my day every time. Jimbo has alzheimers, yet still writes in English, French and I swear German too! I have to keep my distance as he is NOT a GB Packers fan!!! hehehe http://360.yahoo.com/profile-_iB21oE7cqsPDG.uy_mdxb0MdLPd


Reflections is going to be out watching the marathon runners tomorrow, but can usually be found on her 360 extolling the virtues of simple virtue. Peaceful and practical too. Wise beyond her years.http://360.yahoo.com/profile-34hn6AQjfqCQGOCJYWVjy6cvRHwiiA--?cq=1


"Wise beyond her years" brings me to my daughter, CaseyAnne, who has always been thus. My college daughter, hanging in there and struggling to regain her health after a plethora of painful surgeries. She is most recently engaged to a kind man who loves her very much. His love returned ten~fold by herself. http://360.yahoo.com/profile-XjsBGt80f6TUx7c7Ofoz


Which HAS to bring me to Lego. This is the love of CaseyAnnes heart. May he always hold it as close to his own as he does now. He writes of his love for her within his page. (but hates to go online, which makes every word that much more special to us all). http://360.yahoo.com/profile-F7zxjRozRKNIy3x_Sma_bg--?cq=1


There is sassy, but funny, Buddy; whose offbeat sense of humor is SO very off the wall that you HAVE TO at least smile at all of his blogs! Aloha BuddyBaby!!http://360.yahoo.com/profile-iSfUrfo3bqganRa20hHmQsqhPIw-?cq=1


There is the equally hilarious Theresa F, who also can bring me to my knees laughing hysterically at her jokes; but every now and then a glimpse of herself too! Bright and funny, with an awesome haelthy sense of humor! http://uk.360.yahoo.com/profile-RFv5DwY2cqH.xPUtg_ADlyxUhewTN4km


Jennifer from Wisconsin... A very strong candidate for Mother~of~The~Year! She writes about the frustrations and the joys of raising her two lovable wonderful sons! Entertaining and bright, (Scratch that 'entertaining' word, she is downright hilarious)... and equally as talented! Always a joy Sweetie!http://360.yahoo.com/profile-XSfAjw4.d6LypeuFI9Vdf_NmVxDBaA--?cq=1


Aunty Maisy... who offers to help any of us with all of our problems, but still allows us to take the best of all the comments and run with them. Relationships are her major forte, and her friends always give the best they have! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-E9lQkmQ8eq.85rvKlphImgvCKQ--?cq=1


On to Lynn, Grits Mafia Don, who is "TWITTERPATED"... (Yeah, I almost fell off of my chair reading that one). Has just moved in to a beautiful new home and has shared those trials with us. It is beautiful Lynn. Her husband is a proud Marine; serving ALL of us faithfully. The proud. The few... (Too few, if you ask me)... She has a daughter who is proving to make her equally as proud. http://360.yahoo.com/profile-kaRK6501frBUxruAseP7zb0-?cq=1


Barbara, the "Tragic Optimist" who has brightened almost every morning with her thoughts in my top page comments. Almost prayerful in their depth and honesty. Just like her. She believes with all of her heart, almost dancing through life on the wings of faith alone. http://ca.360.yahoo.com/profile-8CgJMtIzerSFLSfNZv1DpQ--?cq=1


From Mombie, (my little Freak), Whatever you call her! She is one of my closest friends. A morning allegiance to be shared with coffee too! Her faith recounted and recanted numerous times within her blog pages. A dose of awakening that I need. Loving this God, Nascar and her family; she is truly an inspiration to us all! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-upIXHhIic6NSKKndUtEtZeHL5yw-?cq=1


Christopher X , a private man, who is still looking for a bit of land in Maine. Sparse with his entries, but not with his comments! I do love him to death. Kind, and witty too; and not afraid to pen a real letter either! Please go to his page; CYBERKICK his backside into at least a sequel to his last entry! hehehe http://360.yahoo.com/profile-ysrWyg4yY6vRt11fdA--?cq=1


Rebecca absolutely abhors our current president. She is young with a beautiful soul, and is not afraid to be neither political nor tender. She has a wonderful heart and a passionate spirit! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-4ZueZj4oKPBF6isYy0cW7XK6


CMM, (such a Wench)!, & the third part of our morning allegiances, with always a photo to accompany her musings... She is busy, yet as faithful to us as she is to her family. Lives far away on a hill in Tennessee, and is always here with her shoulder and her kind, compassionate, and helpful words. http://360.yahoo.com/profile-0BQ2eOkydqs8UNyic9bZ83Q-?cq=1


Amy... You ask; "AMY WHO?" (So does she)! Funny; and off to Las Vegas at the moment! Frustrated with the men who call themselves princes, but in reality are just toads! (Yeah I might have kissed a few of those too)! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-uCkOsnMwd6Prsr1UMG4xRKkx4hHsEycyH7ZH5gP3


And maybe she has run into Miss Jennifer J, who actually LIVES in Las Vegas, and loves it there! Originally from Wisconsin, I do not know how she copes with the heat once it settles in for summer. She has just had a birthday on the 17th... Go wish her a Happy Belated, as I have just done. http://360.yahoo.com/my_profile-sCjN9oIwcazbgJDX392sz1E-;_ylt=AvmoJ35c7u0.pa9...


You will find Miss Jeannie bragging (righteously so), all about her garden and her beautiful world! She has 2 beautiful daughters, and is busy loving life. It is Jeannie that brought you my last blast link; and the wonderful words about raising your daughters up the right way. (Sure wish I would have had those same words a few years ago)! hehehe http://360.yahoo.com/profile-9YupIXIzb6Cqfl.JPjQdqw--?cq=1


Beth, who also has just bought a new home... Bright and wise, but sick as a dog right now... Has just cared for the kids illnesses, and they are so kind that they have shared with their mom! She also gets through life with her wise beliefs. http://360.yahoo.com/profile-gvvPIcUjfrKebFK9AhEEieU-?cq=1


Miss JeannieMoo, an Ohio Southpaw, a poetess, a mother and grandmother... who cherishes them all! (Who wouldn't)? Cute as can be!



Ariel, who works entirely too hard, and has little time left over then for us; lives in Japan. Her 'blast' message says it all! But she still needs to cut herself some slack too. http://360.yahoo.com/profile-vrRj6fQ8erSnO7BhqmzeHbP8


Babycat, who writes that she loves us all, but isn't online as much as we'd like either. She must write more often. I, for one, miss her... http://360.yahoo.com/profile-HvblyJwjabRi10yLATXi3aegKr4-?cq=1


Kris, who is as mean as they come; having kept me locked in a basement for a LONG time... She is very loving though too, and has helped me through many, MANY crisis' in my own life. Oh, did I mention she is my sister? (Yup. Lucky her)! & my big sister at that! By 'big' I do mean OLDER! hehehe I am glad she finally allowed me out of the basement all those years ago... Or did she????



Jacqueline, whose faith also is extended to us all. She lives in England, loves Jesus and loves the world; and that simply says it all. http://uk.360.yahoo.com/profile-GDvHyXIlfqLScX7ksOxnJySno4mzZ1moJPH2z2K0jQKSd...


Sweet Suzygirl has become a wonderful addition to my little 360 World, and who is going through so much in her own little world. Please visit and say a little prayer for her parents too, as they are both battling cancer. Miraculously, and somehow, having time for all of her friends too. http://360.yahoo.com/profile-C9uAZ04ibrxymLEcjjTRKJE3G_44


Miss WYCK, who "claims" she has no patience for 'stOOpidity' (yet has allowed ME to be one of her friends)! hehehe Go figure. Spunky and spirited, and has many a story to tell that will leave you in tears. Hysterical tears!!! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-uK2yh94mYqWwMjjY8AMean14kFer


Miss Maureen who claims she is 'nothing special' but 'just a mum' has also made me laugh out loud many many mornings! Especially when she put me in jail! She has lived through the heartbreak of losing a child; still maintains her sense of humor, and can still be there for her friends. http://uk.360.yahoo.com/profile-n7etc7c6eqp9Amblz2VtIpxG8A--?cq=1


Sassy sexy and proud, Debbie came to my page during my "single Parents Blog! (Brave lady eh)? A poet, and a lady with a darn good sense of humor as well! (Not to mention her three cats and a dog)!



Roberta is my 3rd eldest daughter. She is the mother of two of my grandchildren; namely Lawrence and Gabriel. She has been an amazing source of strength for me; having watched her grow into the beautiful young woman she is inside and out. (Wasn't always so)... She has met her demons head~on, and has slayed every dragon that has come her way. I am ever SO very proud of her. http://360.yahoo.com/profile-TCPGnWUjdKQpcFjJESOCIfzsm_Jmhg--?cq=1


Miss Coranewf, whose 'handle' here is a special tribute to her very special dogs. She works with animal rescue, and has also recently celebrated her birthday. (Again a belated wish; I am SO bad)... http://360.yahoo.com/profile-CmIgxsMydLQnNfNy4VgShM8-?cq=1


There is DahoochieDog who comes around every now and then to brighten my day with her kind words. She has a daughter who graduated from the Air Force in December WITH HONORS! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-Myi5ffY1eq4ZBZeWNPERn5Lagck-?cq=1


BabyBlueButterfly, who has loved and lost and seems to have come and gone within our 360 World too. http://360.yahoo.com/profile-hnKcCWslaacxAvZVZvcJ7v8LOwd7g2qA


Mr Pauls Blog... A single dad, of 5 CHILDREN! (Must be a saint), but with a unique and sassy sense of humor too! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-OEVdbqohdLRmonyt6d.Dyv0-?cq=1


Kara L. Not a blogger; but yet one of my dearest friends! She joined 360 because this is where I write about Miss Punk and Mama Milly (Miss Milly is proud mother to Miss Karas "Lily")! Lily of course then, is sister to Punkie. Kara calls me from time to time. She is truly one of the sweetest people that I have ever met in my life. (I am jealous of her mother)! Kara works at The Mayo Clinic, and has helped me through lots of things where Casey is concerned too. http://360.yahoo.com/profile-fgMJfG46erQO.9sS3Kip8yG4Ig--?cq=1


Donald J. I am sworn to secrecy on this one. But I cannot tell a lie... I cherish the person on the other end of it; and will. Forever! Cheerful. Beautiful. Just what friends who become family should always be. http://360.yahoo.com/profile-QQlWCkMifqfIp4HT9oIDxcTT


Sponge Babe has Faith strong enough to move mountains, and gentle enough to console all of her friends with her words. A refreshing visit always; I am never let down by her blogs either! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-Cmajk1oia6nNkokAxwpUpvA9BiWDa50-?cq=1


Miss Donna; relatively a newcomer to my page, but a faithful friend as well! She is always ready with a compliment and always ready with a comment too! She comes from a long line of patriots. Every branch of the military is found within her clan! I salute them all.



Blessings (I am My Abba's Child), is truly what she calls herself. Strong. Religious. Kind. Compassionate. Relatively new to my pages... (and I am sure quite shocked at some of the shenanigans here too)! hehehe Keep up the good work! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-AzkRIXk8er93h9XkjZ16lw--?cq=1


Did you find yourself? No? please go to next blog... Part Two!


My Friends... Part Two

PART TWO of My Friends!


Miss Connie, whose husband is a wonderful & sexy hat man that goes by the name of John T! (And who also has his own blog)! They live in Texas and visit their other home in Arkansas a lot. (Or maybe they live in Arkansas and visit their other home in Texas). I surely DO get so "cornfoosed" sometimes... But Connie is not afraid, EVER, to tell it like it is. I adore that ability in anyone, and I cherish her as my friend.

Connies Blog= http://360.yahoo.com/profile-Vy046XQydrYWJbYBhCvgwQ--?cq=1

John T's Blog http://360.yahoo.com/profile-SQVOsFc7dK4e06._WBx1Um1U9jK51e3L


My Sweet Friend Dawn M., (who disappears on me from time to time); and yet, by Gods design always comes back too! Mother. Grandmother. And a most enviable sense of Faith. http://360.yahoo.com/profile-8yIdKXg1erGZ2eRLxX6btFz5GpuD


And then there is Merlin, my MAGICIAN, who magically took me bowling a few years ago! We simply had a ton of fun. He is not a blogger, but I do think he visits my page every now and then too!



Nae Sweet Young and Innocent. Currently going to school, and has a HUGE test at the end of the month. Please wish her well! She is trying so very hard; and it will all work out fine for her! She also has a lovely daughter Shawna, and is always so happy to spend some time with her as well!



Along with ServoCrow comes a healthy daily blog of Christian values and homespun madness! hehehe A busy little lady; and ALWAYS upbeat and on target!



Sweet Lisa MZM ... Who loves her camera same as me, but can actually take beautiful picutres too! Married and with a hubby who has melons on his feet and children who always ALWAYS keep her on her toes! Her dogs call me ALL the time, and we 'arf' on a regular basis. http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-UQwb19Iyd6myoFKPAxMvg3EgH1M-?cq=1&p=1600&n=28500


DeeAnne, I believe we are sisters- an amazing counterpart to each others ideals, (but not countering ideals either). Except that she is much kinder than I; (even with the ALIENS that live in her head). She can tell me exactly which end is up in case I ever forget. She also quickly became one of my closest friends on here. My 'real' world, and my little 360 World would not be complete without her in it! An original member, and appointed Leader of the Hung~Low Gang. http://360.yahoo.com/profile-dt1TOco1fqPveZBCIxbvouRhNwo-?cq=1


I cannot mention the Hung~Lows without writing about Always Sleepless. She has an as of yet undiscovered tracking device planted in my home so that she always knows when I am out. (I know this little "BUG" is hidden here, somewhere; as this is the ONLY time she ever calls me). But I do love her upbeat and happy voice on my answering machine as well! She writes of her two beautiful children, the love of her life; and of the love she has for life itself! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-v4BPcpUid6McBhg16BSMynAWQVzfRuOisC7nag--?cq=1


There is Dubya the Second, a veterinarian who has shared with us the wonderful site where the recall for our pets is updated daily. www.petconnection.com But she is so much more than that too. She tells us how to keep our sanity on the internet; and cannot decide if she wants to go to heaven or hell! hehehe She is fascinating, smart as a whip, and very, very down to earth! Always richly interesting to me!!



Free Spirit Angel A new face on our 360; Just since 2007... Just needs a bit of a boost at times to keep her going. A lovely soul! Honest and ever so friendly too!



My little Miss RubyBlue... Tanya. My niece, who has just gotten married to a wonderful man, Peter. They will be returning to the U.S. of A. sometime in the next month or so, and until then will be "honeymooning" in India! hehehe Tanya is young, beautiful and bright, so full of life. She now has a pet goat (that her mama says looks like a hand puppet)! As we all do, Miss RubyBlue needs a bit of tenderness now and again, which her husband is providing so well. Tanya is an absolute joy to me. She writes poetry (and is very very good at it too)!



Jacquie (What a beautiful name)! And only blogged a few times with the passing of her sister... I wonder how she is doing now and will have to visit and drop a little note to her...



Thers writes most recently of having been able to spend time with her family; and of the tragic, shocking death of her own mother. She is a survivor; and has survived with an uncommonly great sense of humor too! Simply an amazing person! (NOw where's my damn cheesecake)???



Fancy Face My wonderful poet- I can get lost easily in her blogs... And somewhere along the way to always have a moment of recall so special when I read her words. Thank you Loneta!



NISHGIGGLES! (Makes you want to start smiling just to read her name)! I call her Buttercup! (You will have to ask her why)? She is my cousin, NOT my granddaughter, even if she does call me "Grannie Annie!" hehehe She is studying out in Utah, but hails from Sault Ste Marie, Michigan. Undeniably sweet and beautiful... Just like the rest of her family! You must go congratulate her on winning that scholarship too!



Kristen... One of my favorite lurkers until recently! She is so neat and has such a wonderful Matthew in her life too! (You gotta love a man that can so nicely wear a bow in his hair)! hehehe



Nancy T writes of things that delight and make one feel good. It is bloggers like her that help make, and keep, us all a bit sweeter!



Kashiyumekoinu A true dog lover; just as it claims on her top page! And almost on her way to Africa! What fun; and how very much she will miss her dogs... And we will miss her blogs! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-qofgL9E6erWzNLC3AkH0KCqteBjBIw--?cq=1


Bob S. Not a blogger, but a wonderful man! (I should know, for he is "UNCA BoBBie" to me)!!! He is kind; and ever so funny and faithful. He visits my page every day; and since he is newly divorced I would have to chase him myself, (well, if it wasn't for the "Unca" part)! hehehe http://360.yahoo.com/profile-nAN0Wi4ib79RGKZWQ_80_UA-?cq=1


Miss Bonnie then... "BONBON" is wonderful and wise beyond her own 29 years! She is so kind that she has offered anything she could had we needed it while we were at Froedtert. Not too many people offer such a kindness to a stranger. I do wish she would blog more though!



Michael C is my nephew. He is currently studying at UW~Oshkosh. Not a blogger but comes to see my page every now and then too!



Christian. Dear Sweet Christian!!! hehehe Not enough time for his blogs or his writings after he is through with an overloading job! But you have to love him, (and haunt him anyway)! A poet, whose best friend is a bear! He is exceptionally FUN to tease! Sassy as all get out; and has just discovered the joys of the tattoo artists! http://360.yahoo.com/profile-Tti8G.o4abLz4LJAi4k-?cq=1


Mamica And how wonderful that she has just celebrated 42 years of marriage! Takes a lot of hard work too. Please congratulate them and wish them every happiness for the next 42 years too. I think somebody put a computer in front of her one day, and she took to it like Mozart to a piano! She is that good! Kind and sweet and compassionate, and never afraid to tell you which end is up either. Her current blast will send you right off your chair laughing!



Leticia All the way from Thailand! Always refreshing and beautiful. She writes of many things, is a poet (and should write songs too)- her words also take me back... And she does some really creative things to her photos and pages!



Toni J. She has just blogged about her friends... and has included a poem that will make you cherish each and every breath that your friends can take... She is also as interested in the paranormal as I am; and has many tales and stories to tell.



Speaking of the paranormal brings my thoughts to Peachie. She is so intrigued by the paranormal, (quite like me that way)! She is sweet and sassy too; and ever so much fun to read! She easily recants her own past, (and prom, complete with 70's pictures), and is so honest and down to earth that you think you are always so precious to her. She is a one of a kind friend. Tried and true blue, with a heart that knows how to love!



Darla tells of her beautiful sons. The youngest is Dalton, the apple of her eye! A wonderful mother, and she seems even to be able to keep up with him. Sir Dalton has just begun to walk and talk; although he writes me notes every now and then too! Darla is a grand friend who actually came to me through a mutual friend of ours, Drea. Drea disappeared after she got married. (I am thinking the honeymoon goes on and on)... But there had also been an earthquake in Hawaii at the time she disappeared. Thank you Drea, whereever you are, for giving me Miss Darla, shy and proud.



Lil Mel aka The one and only Jenny Mella! CaseyAnne's truest and bestest friend in the whole world. Jenny has been a part of our lives since forever. And she lives right across the field here too!



DeBee is one of my newest 360 Friends, came through her sons page to mine... and through my daughters heart to mine as well! She is brand new to bloggin, but you wouldn't know it for she writes absolutely wonderfully! Classy. Sexy. Proud. She has known the loss of a child and hopefully will also know the love of a grandchild! (Thank you, in advance, KC and Derek)!



Lisa C. Not a blogger, but is getting used to having me blog anyway! I have known Lisa for the better part of 27 years now. She has been an extrememly loyal friend; and an integral part of my family. She babysat for my girls many many moons ago... I swear she helped me raise those three eldest!



DggylLove aka Sweet Renee, I think she got blown away last week?!?! hehehe She can tell it like it is in no uncertain terms. A source of endless wit, and she cares deeply too. She has recently asked "Who are you?" (And as soon as I figure that out I will respond to her)!!! hehehe???



Miss Butterfly! Always a word of thanks for her friends; and a smile. Relatively new to "The Freakin' Fields of Flintville" here... And I do not believe that she is the age she is claiming either. (If she truly is, I would like for her to send some of the water from Delaware here)?!?! Pretty please?



Shirley M. (Beware! She is currently handing out squishy group hugs)! hehehe If you're not smiling now, her pictures and her words will warm your heart! She's got family and friends and the whole world that she has room enough to love and be kind to! A grandma (times seven), and we all keep her very busy too just in case that is not enough!



Marie All good things... Marie is a truck driver, but is home every night too. She is very busy, having just found out that she is to be Grandma again! Please stop by her page and congratulate her! Marie also is the one who came to visit Little Miss Casey when she was hospitalized at Froedtert last week! Upbeat and strong. An enviable lady!



Chevy, a certified stay at home mom, (lucky her)! This is exactly what our world needs, but not in a June Cleaver sort of way either. She knows this. She can cook, and always shares her recipes. Has founded a few groups on Yahoo, and I am ever so proud to call her 'friend'. (Her "Pet~Peeve~Thursdays" always have room for LOTS of comments too). Her most recent topic was other peoples children... hehehe (To boldly go where no man has gone before)! Wit that just won't quit. http://360.yahoo.com/profile-v7ImtjoyerRLrD.O0c6LVrQWo.Og4g--?cq=1


Susie Q It's her birthday today! Be sure to visit and wish her a happy one!!! Talk about huge familys, she is mother to 7, grandmother to 8... the littlest one having just had some surgery himself. Prayers and wishes go out to this wonderful family.



Mindy Strong. Capable. Lovable, and has way too much on her plate to stay sane and sweet; yet somehow manages to do both with each entry she writes! Love and Grace personified.



Sweetling has a dragon in her tank... (and by her side)! Loves her family; and shares the adventures all with us, although not nearly often enough! A simply adorable mother and grandmother!



Becka4881 Becka has another of Miss Millys little girls. Not a blogger but stops in from time to time to check on Miss Punk... (And the rest of us too)! Her little one is named "Luna" and Miss Luna is the pup that went the farthest away from home. She lives in Pittsburgh, PA. Luna and Punk both learned to swim the very same week last year!



CHE who is conquering her four winds un the city of Dubai right now, and has beautiful pictures of this City of Gold! (even the sunset photo on Sojourner appears to be made of gold). http://360.yahoo.com/profile-fOe2QlE5fqiQLhqEWKqZ5Ho-?cq=1


Sunflower My garden and my farm just would not be complete without a lovely sunflower to brighten my days! Her motto is living, loving, and laughing; and she can maintain all of this, even with a sister who is very ill. Her faith and her friends to help them along.



Miss Tonya, who lives in Florida gets to grill her food year~round. She takes spectacular photos, (one of which I have stolen and saved). Her down to earth stories can make you feel as though you are there with her and her husband and Miss Kayla too. Her son is a hemophiliac, and has the brightest personality I have ever heard of in a 12 year old child! She would like to meet others who deal with hemophilia.


Still didn't find yourself??? Hmmm... On to Part Three with you then!

