Part Three...
Cristy works at a funeral home, and can honestly make the most out of this all! Level~headed and so much fun. She is always busy, has many friends and loved ones who are always there for her. The funeral home is not her only job, and she plays therapist at her other job to a younger co~worker who is one tough little chickipoo... She is quick enough to know when the wool is being pulled over her eyes, and strong enough to say so too. Another person not afraid to call a spade a spade.
, who is taking a well~deserved and hard~earned break right now, is sassy and just plain fun to be around. We stalked each others blogs for months and finally became friends. She will return to her 360 shortly (I hope)?! hehehe We all deserve a break, and to have one in the Springtime is just perfect!
Sweet Jen most recently has taken a digger, (and has also taken a picture resulting from her fight with gravity). Funny enough to bring tears to my eyes. She misplaces staplers, men and running shoes... hehehe She is wild and crazy, and is also not afraid to call a spade a spade.
lives in Blacksburg Virginia... She has just lost a very close personal friend of hers in that awful holocaust at VA~TECH. Like the rest of the world, she is still coming to grips with everything bad that has happend. Brenda writes poetry and is classy and usually upbeat. Please say an extra little prayer for her... and for all as well. She is a poet who can hit home with her words and her heart.
John C. is new to my friends list. He is also ever so thankful to those people on his own friends list who make his life a little less boring. John lives in the UK, loves his children and his computer. He is semi~retired, and looking forward to swimming at the new gym!
Nancy C , aka a "pself~proclaimed" psycho sales bitch ... (ya gotta love 'retail' to understand that one)... Most recently has written about alzheimers disease, as her grandmother suffers; and brings to mind my won memories of what Mamas cousin went through. She has kissed many frogs, and finally one turned into her prince charming. Loves her husband perfectly!
Cris is kind of an 'adopted' daughter of mine. She is married to Russ, who she met while serving our country in the US Marine Corps. She is currently also attending school at NWTC. They have 3 beautiful children; 2 girls and a boy, and she is a wonderful mother. I have known Crystal since she was about 11 or so. I worked with her stepmother, Cris herself and her sisters for many years. She is full of life. Kind. And is always proud of her family and friends. Not a blogger, for there isn't much time for it after her day is done! (Three kids, Crystal, is it ever really done)?
Brandy is Cris' big sister. Another 'adopted' daughter of mine, and of course I have known Miss Brandy for the same length of time. She is vivacious, friendly and a very hard worker too. She manages her time on the farm, along with her job and her lovely daughter too! Not a blogger, but keeps in touch through my 360 pages; IF she has any few minutes leftover at the end of the day!
Doubtfire, aka Pam, is very very dedicated to both her page and to each of her friends. (We went to the same college together). She writes a bit in the morning, and always says goodnight too. Lets her rip on Friday and Saturday nights, with dance partys for all! She loves her 'youngens' too! Passionate, with a spark for life that we all should have! Always has the coffee on for a friend.
Cindy Y is also pretty new to my page... Mama. Grandmama. And is earning her wings by working in a child care facility. (God would have to increase my patience level 100~Fold if I were ever to work in a day care)!!! hehehe Cindy lives and loves in sunny Arizona! Her husband Dave also has his own website; he is a musician.
Bren, a displaced Hoosier, a mom and a grandmother now, she writes of His Love in all the little things that happen each day. A heartwarming way to start my days... And one peek at her page can transform the ugly beast in me to more acceptable levels!
Lone Rider loves his Harley and his family. He raised those kids on his own after his wife absconded to points unknown. Another one who works entirely too hard, and yet has time to care for others. At the moment he is still taking donations for June 23, 07 Poker Run for Abused Children. Anyone wanting to make a donation to the Child Abuse Prevention Fund may contact Duane. He has a heart of gold. Down to earth and practical too. My VERY FIRST 360~Land Friend!
Craftmaker is also an East~Coaster... and she has the gall to think she is over the hill at 40!!! Guess I am a dinosaur then... In chemo, and has maintained a grand sense of humor thorugh it all! An inspiration and a role model for all of us to live by. Please check out her pictures, what she did to her bald head on her April 9th blog! Too CUTE!!!
*** OOPS I am an idiot! (I have been trying to tell people this all the while, and you folks refuse to believe me)! hehehe It is not Lisa that is in chemo; it is her cousin... (& Yes, like I have already told her, I would definitely fail 3rd grade comprehension)!
Rochelle loves to lay her dulcimer, and like me, LOVES to shop rummage sales and flea markets! YAY! She is sweet and loves her hubby and her children. Only an hours drive away right now I hope to be able to meet her at some point, and maybe even make it a day of flea shopping! She will be relocating back to Michigan soon. She is plain fun on here! We also share a hatred of anxiety attacks, so our little outing will be a very interesting one! hehehe
What can I say??? She always makes me laugh! She is too cute and ever so funny! (And I love her blast now too)! hehehe Lately she has been raising fowl birds, losing watches and and sharing a recipe for Hostess Cupckaes! hehehe See what I mean about smiling and being funny? Yup and recently has had her meds changed... (Could account for the watch in the toilet)?
Reconstituted Teenager
Most exactly and aptly named! There is nothing this lady cannot blog about and make it interesting to me! She comes from a long line of horse thieves and malt liquor! (Haven't heard of the real Ninky~Nana~Momo Gang? Right up there with Dillinger and Capone if you ask me)... But you didn't ask, so you will just have to go read, sit back and ENJOY each word! I did it for the postcard! (haven't seen it yet, but my own is absolutely the very best answer, wouldn't you agree)? hehehe
aka Michele My little Army Brat... No longer writes, and has not been around for a very long time. Hope all is well. I miss peeking in on her.
Patricia G.
has family in Maine and lives in Florida. Her son is getting married in August and she is hard at work to make sure everything is perfect for that. She always writes informative and happy blogs! One of the few people that actually LOVE their jobs; even if she doesn't always want to go! She is kind and life~loving, and a trip to her page is just fun!
has just been through the awful surgery of having her leg removed; and is surrently battling an infection throughout. She is lucky to have her life, and her attitude is absolutely wonderful. She shows more courage in one day than many of us show in an entire life time! Proud to have her around this wonderful 360 BlogLand of mine!
CareBear Chrissy
lives all the way in South Africa. She doesn't blog too much but is a newlywed, (3 years this August), and has a beautiful 2 year old daughter too! She loves them both and includes pictures too! Always interesting and very passionate about her thoughts and ideals!
Tattoed and True (s
peaking of surgery... I was too), is Aggie, who is yet another of my friends who has recently underwent surgery. She is regaining the full use of her hand through physical therapy; (and with the spunk one needs to endure it all). She has a highly scientific brain, and has already answered many of my little science questions. She can also tell you how to make a snowflake fossil. (Hopefully this is something to do next year with the kids and grandchildren because we just want the danged cold~n~snow weather to go away til then)!
Wise Sweet And always an offer of friendship and love. What more is there?
Miss Cherokee Donna another 'sister' found through our 360 world; and we share so very much... From our passionate love of children and grandchildren, to all the little things that make up our days. She has most recently lived through a tornado that pretty much left her yard reduced to next winters firewood. Like me she has Raynauds Disease, only it has affected her much worse than myself. She is a pistol, and takes no crap from anybody. A trait to be envied, and yet has the ability to love fiercely and forever.
(guess where he is from)? Sweet but taking time off from his 360. Learning English, and tough to understand, but once you know what he is saying he is charming and kind.
is still another East Coast friend. She has the happiest feet here of anyone on my page. She teaches dance at the high school level, and loves every moment of it too! (and yes, she can still teach dance with a fractured leg, and on crutches)! God Bless her!!!
A gaffe of my fingers called her Rose"BUG" and so since that time she has been my little bug! hehehe She is a wonderful and spirited lady; and is currently taking a break from her 360 to attend to family.
Humble 1
is capable of going through the motions, and yet possesses such a spirit. She is entertaining, and honest about everything. Too cute for words.
Duane E
. is also quite new to my page. He spends his time working with people with disabilities and loves to chat too. He is always busy, and a proud man from Shreveport Louisiana.
Goin Slightly Mad
Like me she has lived in the same place for just about the same amount of time. (But we are not really sure of that because she has conveniently misplaced her birth certificate)! hehehe She lives in Edinburgh in the UK, loves her family and has very recently lost her Dear Friend Weebs.
A lover of God. people, and a sharer of prose. No further explanation needed.
Munna Bhai Thought provoking and deep. Busy and kind.
JoAnne E.
New. But has already touched my spirit with her christian blogs.
page is absolutely witty and fun! She claims tro be sarcastic, but I don't know about that, (I "get" all of her thoughts)! hehehe You will HAVE TO read her latest entry- 50 questions she did about herself. Too freakin' hilarious!!! Like Christian, she is also sporting a new tattoo!
Like her profile says, she is a bubble! Sweet, and always sharing in her blogs... and aside from our Amos, she has the cutest cat in the whole world!
Fay H
She loves it all! One of my oldest friends on here, and she has brightened many days for me! She is a proud mother, and grandmother, and simply loves life; although she would rather get back to the country. Interesting and sweet. (Like me, she is also addicted to FreeCell and Spider Solitaire)!
Tamara H
(I LOVE HER QUOTE)! Loves to cook! Artistic and soulful with her art too. How beautiful. Worth a look~see just to say hello and to see her horses!
Polly Not a blogger, yet one of my dearest friends. Has her page to keep in touch... Polly and her husband used to live next door to us out in Pulaski, and I could never have asked for better neighbors if I had bought them! (For a while I think Miss Casey actually thought that Polly was her second mom)! Will have to share some pictures... soon as I unearth them. hehehe A geologist, and always on the go. Lives in Wyoming and is restoring a family farmhouse in Rockford. Busy busy lady!
Hope you enjoyed!!! (And I do hope I have everyones links correct too)! hehehe
ReplyDeleteI mainly comment on people stupid comments about things and let them know what I and others think of them hahahaha
I love it
some one has to do it hey