- Another Doctor Visit...
Just WAY cute....
Good Evening All;
I have been having those major brain farts- where I cannot even think long enough to put out an intelligent sentence, let alone blog...
I know too that I have MUCH catching up to do on everyones blogs. (Please let me know where to begin with that)?
Of course, reading the news first has not been conducive to wanting to blog afterward either.
The link to the little boy curdled my blood and probably wrecked my blood pressure; coupled with the new link this morning- the story of the deer that were so brutalized did much the same thing.
I cannot stand such useless people that do such awful things>
And hope they throw the damned books at them all.
Casey had a doctor appointment this morning- On the way there she'd asked if I had heard about that all. She does the wise thing and shuts off the television when she is subjected to stuff like that.
But out to the clinic.
Kind of like a "well baby" checkup, her first post surgery.
Her doctor was absolutely thrilled to see her and to hear all about what had happened in Minnesota. (Maybe I should link him to my blog)? hehehe
He would like to get all of her records etc, to be able to use them to teach the others at the clinic about this all. Casey will call Anne Marie and ask for all that.
In the meantime, Dr. Szabo ordered blood tests, and kidney and liver panels. All of which came back fine. He did write a script for some iron, but we must check with Dr. Sutherland before she takes it too.
Dr. Szabo showed us the "poor mans blood test" by checking the inside of the lower eyelids. Casey's were red/pink by the lash, yet much paler inward a bit. This is significant of a bit of anemia-
Although Casey's blood tests were good, they could also be a bit misleading because of all the transfusions she had while in Minnesota. He said it takes about a month since the last transfusion to have all the results be all about her own blood. (I believe Casey's last transfusion was on the 1st, but will recheck my own records to be sure).
Casey and Dr. Sutherland- January 2009.
She goes back to clinic here in a month; and we go back to visit Dr. Sutherland in March.
She has also gone down on her Lantis, her diabetes medicine; as her (4 times/day) self~checks have been consistently in the low 80's. YAY!
Jenny Mella's Birthday is today!- .
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- ???
- hehehe
Jenny and Casey!
I sure wish it was nice enough out to 'play' now... - ..
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- .
Jenny will be coming to Green Bay to visit and to celebrate Casey's birthday the weekend of the 24th and 25th.
I am excited to see her as she has been through ALL of this with Casey; her friendship means the world.
*** We have set Casey's birthday party at The Olive Garden for the 24th.
Anyone wishing to come and celebrate with us, please do!
Dutch treat...
Not too much other news. I am still a bit under the weather? from the trip.
(I do have an appointment tomorrow just to make sure I have no pneumonia).
I don't get sick much, but usually when I do, I do a very good job of it.
And I cannot stand the fact that I have been unable to go visit Gabriel and Sam. I won't take the chance of bringing this (whatever it is) to them.
Canada has found me once again, and we are in for Minnesota type weather- I am getting a kick out of the weatherman saying it is the first subzero blast of the year. Maybe of the "year" (2009), but surely not of the season? Our high tomorrow going to be 5 degrees. But that is on the PLUS side of zero...
The lows to be something ungodly, which when figuring in the windchill will make it dangerous to be out and about. On the news this evening they were already talking about closing the schools. Too many kids that either walk, or wait for their buses, and are inappropriately dressed for the weather conditions.
The list below was taken from this mornings forecasts. The winds here will create the worst problems for us. - I'd better close for now.
But I am wondering how many of you actually got up and checked the inside of your lower eyelids?
Hope it is warmer where YOU are!
Are you in/close to any of these towns on my list?
I do have fun sometimes checking YOUR weather too!
Green Bay, WI 3...20 F
Montgomery, AL 34...58 F
Sault Ste Marie, MI 0...21 F
Temple, TX 31...64 F
Lomita, CA 52...82 F
Springboro, OH 29...32 F
Seattle, WA 41...53 F
- Minneapolis, MN -13...18 FHmm....
Methinks Alabama would feel just perfect right about now...
Maybe next month!?!
Doctor Appointments and Birthday Parties
What in the Hell is Wrong with People? Part Two?
DNR says deer rundown by snowmobilers
Last Edited: Monday, 12 Jan 2009, 7:27 AM CST
Created On: Sunday, 11 Jan 2009, 11:36 AM CST
* Robert Hornacek
TOWN OF LIND - A farm field in the town of Lind in Waupaca County turned into a killing field.
"It was obvious snowmobilers were running them down from behind," said Randal Yorkson, who farms the property along a snowmobile trail in Waupaca County, near County Highway EE. On Saturday morning, his son found several dead deer.
"One, after it was on the ground, looked like snowmobilers parked on top of it and just gunned the snowmobile and tore the stomach right open of the deer," Yorkson said.
The Department of Natural Resources is investigating the case.
"It appears to me they were going around and rounding them up and trying to push them toward the center to make it easier," said warden Ted Dremel.
"Many of them had broken legs, hair and what not was missing off the deer. You could see where snowmobile tracks drove right over the top of them," Dremel said.
The warden said three deer were dead in the field, a fourth was alive but had broken legs so he euthanized it. A fifth deer was found several hours later dead, tied to tree. Dremel said the deer was likely tied to the tree while it was still alive.
"We believe they dragged it from that field and tied it to this tree," Dremel said. "Absolutely needless."
The woman who owns the property is so upset about what happened that has temporarily shut down the snowmobile trail.
"I really couldn't believe that someone could be so malicious to animals," said Virginia Niemuth. "They were maliciously run over and dragged by the snowmobiles. They were skinned alive you might say."
Niemuth said she will re-open the trail, but only after the people responsible for this are captured. "They need a trail but when things like this happen you can't keep it open," Niemuth said.
The president of the County Line Trail Blazers snowmobile club is also angry about what happened. Stuart McIntyre said about five miles of a major trail are now closed. "Unfortunately it just takes a couple individuals to ruin it for everybody," McIntyre said.
Snowmobilers are not blaming the property owner, they blame whoever used the trail to slaughter five deer.
If you have any information about the incident you're urged to call the Department of Natural Resources at 1-800-TIP-WDNR. Callers can remain anonymous.
The County Line Trail Blazers (715-258-8472) and Waupaca County Snowmobile Association (920-596-2379) are both offering rewards in the case. Right now the reward totals $3,000.
Click on the link at the top if you would rather watch the video.
What in Gods good name is this world coming to?
After yesterday I don't think I have too many words of disgust left, but this is almost equally heinous, is it not?
DNR says deer rundown by snowmobilers
Last Edited: Monday, 12 Jan 2009, 7:27 AM CST
Created On: Sunday, 11 Jan 2009, 11:36 AM CST
* Robert Hornacek
TOWN OF LIND - A farm field in the town of Lind in Waupaca County turned into a killing field.
"It was obvious snowmobilers were running them down from behind," said Randal Yorkson, who farms the property along a snowmobile trail in Waupaca County, near County Highway EE. On Saturday morning, his son found several dead deer.
"One, after it was on the ground, looked like snowmobilers parked on top of it and just gunned the snowmobile and tore the stomach right open of the deer," Yorkson said.
The Department of Natural Resources is investigating the case.
"It appears to me they were going around and rounding them up and trying to push them toward the center to make it easier," said warden Ted Dremel.
"Many of them had broken legs, hair and what not was missing off the deer. You could see where snowmobile tracks drove right over the top of them," Dremel said.
The warden said three deer were dead in the field, a fourth was alive but had broken legs so he euthanized it. A fifth deer was found several hours later dead, tied to tree. Dremel said the deer was likely tied to the tree while it was still alive.
"We believe they dragged it from that field and tied it to this tree," Dremel said. "Absolutely needless."
The woman who owns the property is so upset about what happened that has temporarily shut down the snowmobile trail.
"I really couldn't believe that someone could be so malicious to animals," said Virginia Niemuth. "They were maliciously run over and dragged by the snowmobiles. They were skinned alive you might say."
Niemuth said she will re-open the trail, but only after the people responsible for this are captured. "They need a trail but when things like this happen you can't keep it open," Niemuth said.
The president of the County Line Trail Blazers snowmobile club is also angry about what happened. Stuart McIntyre said about five miles of a major trail are now closed. "Unfortunately it just takes a couple individuals to ruin it for everybody," McIntyre said.
Snowmobilers are not blaming the property owner, they blame whoever used the trail to slaughter five deer.
If you have any information about the incident you're urged to call the Department of Natural Resources at 1-800-TIP-WDNR. Callers can remain anonymous.
The County Line Trail Blazers (715-258-8472) and Waupaca County Snowmobile Association (920-596-2379) are both offering rewards in the case. Right now the reward totals $3,000.
Click on the link at the top if you would rather watch the video.
What in Gods good name is this world coming to?
After yesterday I don't think I have too many words of disgust left, but this is almost equally heinous, is it not?
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