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Good Morning Everyone;
At least it was for me until someone questioned my veracity...
Earlier this morning, I read an email from a group I once belonged to. The writer was not vague about WHO she spoke of; (actually she named me specifically).
Not only was this sentence there, " I can understand that, as it takes a certain strength of character to remain... [positive, compassionate, warmhearted when dealing with sick people every day]..." etc etc etc... blah blah blah.
Be that as it may, she not only questioned my inner strength, she twisted many of my words- Some (using my words as her own)- to pat herself on the back with- Others being blatant lies.
Perhaps too, being more than a little sleep deprived, I have made a mountain out of a molehill.
But when someone basically calls me a liar, it hurts my heart.
- Do I embellish a bit on describing a photo or two? Yes. I do. But otherwise my content is true.
- Did this happen on my blogs? No. It did not.
I have worn MANY hats, in my adult life, (and probably an equal number of "labels"); but at no point has anyone rightfully called me a liar. There have been those who have tried. None of them were ever right.
I have basically come to terms with all the lies told about me during childhood and teenage years- - All that growing up BS that should have been outgrown long ago by my sister, but sadly was not. (In the end this is Mary's problem, not mine).
Oh we all have stories to tell about being on the wrong side of the accusation...
My apologies, I have digressed. Mary is NOT what my feelings are of today. (But I do believe that is where my sensitivity to lies came from).
Nor have I forgotten what it feels like to have someone be untruthful.
Having been made to "prove" myself, time and time, (and time again), I learned very early on to save, file, and document things that got said and/or written about/to me.
(I still have all of my ex-husbands letters to me, as he wrote each and every time to apologize for beating the crap out of me. And we were divorced in 1980)!
Again I have digressed.
And so it goes in this wonderful computer age as well?
I still have the first real email letter I have ever received from anyone. All the way up to the present.
Lots of files there too that could blow a few fish out of the water!
Mostly though, they really are "happy" files.(No I do not save jokes and fwd's).
Save for the "little white lies" I believe it IS the principle of the matter; and that there is never an excuse for lying.
Am I wrong?
Is it too much to ask for black and white?
Or are there truly shades of gray?
What is the worst lie anyone told about/to you?
You know, the one you won't forget it ever because of how much it hurt. Please know that this is certainly NOT the worst anyone has done. In fact, ignorance can be even laughable most days.
Still, it sent me way back...
My apologies for the rant. Please let me know.
Love to all.
Spin City. (Can of Worms).
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