- .
Good Morning Everyone;
At least it was for me until someone questioned my veracity...
Earlier this morning, I read an email from a group I once belonged to. The writer was not vague about WHO she spoke of; (actually she named me specifically).
Not only was this sentence there, " I can understand that, as it takes a certain strength of character to remain... [positive, compassionate, warmhearted when dealing with sick people every day]..." etc etc etc... blah blah blah.
Be that as it may, she not only questioned my inner strength, she twisted many of my words- Some (using my words as her own)- to pat herself on the back with- Others being blatant lies.
Perhaps too, being more than a little sleep deprived, I have made a mountain out of a molehill.
But when someone basically calls me a liar, it hurts my heart.
- Do I embellish a bit on describing a photo or two? Yes. I do. But otherwise my content is true.
- Did this happen on my blogs? No. It did not.
I have worn MANY hats, in my adult life, (and probably an equal number of "labels"); but at no point has anyone rightfully called me a liar. There have been those who have tried. None of them were ever right.
I have basically come to terms with all the lies told about me during childhood and teenage years- - All that growing up BS that should have been outgrown long ago by my sister, but sadly was not. (In the end this is Mary's problem, not mine).
Oh we all have stories to tell about being on the wrong side of the accusation...
My apologies, I have digressed. Mary is NOT what my feelings are of today. (But I do believe that is where my sensitivity to lies came from).
Nor have I forgotten what it feels like to have someone be untruthful.
Having been made to "prove" myself, time and time, (and time again), I learned very early on to save, file, and document things that got said and/or written about/to me.
(I still have all of my ex-husbands letters to me, as he wrote each and every time to apologize for beating the crap out of me. And we were divorced in 1980)!
Again I have digressed.
And so it goes in this wonderful computer age as well?
I still have the first real email letter I have ever received from anyone. All the way up to the present.
Lots of files there too that could blow a few fish out of the water!
Mostly though, they really are "happy" files.(No I do not save jokes and fwd's).
Save for the "little white lies" I believe it IS the principle of the matter; and that there is never an excuse for lying.
Am I wrong?
Is it too much to ask for black and white?
Or are there truly shades of gray?
What is the worst lie anyone told about/to you?
You know, the one you won't forget it ever because of how much it hurt. Please know that this is certainly NOT the worst anyone has done. In fact, ignorance can be even laughable most days.
Still, it sent me way back...
My apologies for the rant. Please let me know.
Love to all.
Spin City. (Can of Worms).
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Hiya Rock!
ReplyDeleteIt does always hurt when someone tells lies about you.. (thats an in general you and not you persay)..
The biggest lie that has hurt me.. and it still comes back at me occasionally..
My mother saying that during the divorce between my mother and father that I used that and tried to pit one against the other.
During that time, when my dad would call me up and want to go have coffee or just have a talk.. I would go. If that was wrong so be it! I would not undo that.
I was 18, not living at home which I have also never been forgiven for.. I guess I was supposed to stay in the house forever. But I digress..
I guess thats the way she saw it.. I was supposed to take her side and not speak or communicate with him at all. I couldnt do that.
Thats just one.. I could go on and on and on. Sometimes she really has a skewwed perspective of how things happened or what was going on. Most of the time my mouth just drops open and I am stunned .. sometimes I agrue with her.. sometimes I just let it go and cry myself to sleep that night.
What do you do .. when its your mother who pulls this crap on you????
In the manner of white lies.. and lies.. for the most part I agree it is black and white.. but life in general I do believe there are shades of gray in everything.
ReplyDeleteWhat you see as the truth, to another may seem as a twist on the truth. Those are the things that turn the b/w to gray.
Sweet Beep!
ReplyDeleteI don't know what to say about this all?
My own ex always said that "I" would never let the kids go for visitation.
What a bunch of garbage! Am I stupid? I would have welcomed the break!
My 1st husband ever came around either after leaving for Germany with his girlfriend to escape child support payments. (Wait. He never came around before that either. Maybe three times in all for visitation). I have that all documented too!
Why would she disallow you any contact?
Jenne asked when she was 16 to be able to contact the beater. I gave her all the info I had.
Zoe is the one that wanted no part of him. Odd now that she and he are close, and she refuses to even speak to me. (Again, in the end, that is not my problem).
I even did my adoption search and could handle all parties involved, including my mom.
Where are people so shortsighted as to not allow for their own children to have contact?
I gladly gave the contact info to Jenne. She was old enough to handle all that.
Apparently Zoe still isn't.
But yes, sometimes I cry too.
And this, from my inbox...
ReplyDeleteSubject: your recent blog
To: "Anna-Anna MamaD. Me ANNE"
Date: Saturday, January 31, 2009, 10:55 AM
Dearest Sweet Anne~
I just read your blog and without a doubt, made my stomach twist in knots. You have to be one of the most honest people that I have ever met in my life. You are honest with your feelings, fears and most important, how your treat others.
Now~for the worse lie ever told about me. Actually, I have NEVER told anyone this. It made me so sick and ill that I threw up for DAYS! My ex-best friend confided in her then husband (he is now one of my closest friends) that my oldest son did not belong to his father, but rather my cousin.
She told him that Maynard and I were always a little 'too close' and since George doesn't really look like his father (yeah, right...he looks much more like my side of the family, but trust me, there are traits in that boy that are UNDOUBTABLY his father...Maynard and I still argue over certain pictures as to which son it actually is in the photo!)
Anyhoo...my cousin and I were extremely close (being born only a few months apart we were often mistaken as twins and trust me, we could have passed for twins without a problem).
I did not know about her statement until a few years ago and it STILL just sickens me that someone that I thought loved and cared for me would actually stoop so low as to defame my character and disgrace my son and his father...
WHEW!! that felt good to get off my chest!!
I don't know who said what about you~...rat bastards anyway.
True friends love you darlin~and I am one of those.
You are amazing!!!
You are a wonderful wonderful mother, caring, generous...oh, I can go on and on for hours and hours...but you know how I feel about you!!
Lots of love to you all~and tell Casey I have NOT forgotten about her. Been reading everything...just time has not been my friend lately.
You can most definitely use this...for some reason I am having beyond a difficult time posting comments (my desktop crashed and I am using the laptop and we all know that I am NOT very computer savvy!!)
~~~~~~~~~~~ And my reply.....
I never doubted your friendship for a minute!
About that lie!?
Have you cornered her on it?
Where the hell does anyone get off saying something so ugly, let alone your "friend"?
I would have told her off- Every which way.
But you my friend are not as raunchy as I am. Yes, I can be a b*tch...
Love to you always.
ReplyDeleteOh and thank you for all the compliments too!
You are very dear to my heart you know.
ReplyDeleteYou meant that somewhere between his story and her story lies the truth?
3 sides to every story.
You are right. It can be about perspective. But in the written word, (mine, to be exact in this instance), to twist my words sure made me upset...
And I told my girls 100's of times...
ReplyDelete"You can never make yourself look better by trying to make someone else look worse."
(You may quote me on that).
Rants are always fun and relieving. Cut these people out of you life. I've learned a long time ago (from my Mother) that friends are not friends who choose to betray you for the sake of raising themselves up. Do not cry, do not be angry. You have lost nothing more than your percieved idea of what you had...I know I'm confusing. I also know how family can be a little er....frustrating. I think they always deserve another chance. "Therefore, if you are offering your gift a the alter and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to you broher; then come and offer your gift" -Matthew 5:23-24 There will always be something you disagree with them on and will be the ones that hurt you the most. They are your greatest ties to your past, and in the end, the people that know you best. I love you. Much much.
ReplyDeleteWow, and Woo! BTDT in so many ways. I was wisked away from childhood to just a few years ago, I mean last weekend (about 10 days or so ago). I'm a black and white kind of thinking gal. Apparently there is some grey around there. But lying is uncalled for. If you can't be truthful tactfully, then keep silent.
ReplyDeleteYes Sweetie, I know you are confusing too.
ReplyDeleteYou make a good argument for family.
I reconciled with my brother in Minnesota last month. Kinda cool that!
What happens when the door is open, the phone number has never been changed, and that "chance" is never taken?
How long does one wait before the dead horse shows signs of life?
And so you know, there was never any disagreeing. I couldn't even GET a response.
So I waited to hear a heartbeat.
There was none.
Like I said, her problem, not mine.
(And without digging up dead horses, that problem is huge).
Sweet Athena!
ReplyDeleteYou are so right about lying being uncalled for.
And O do LOVE your sense of "tact" too.
I understand. Some horses need a little mouth to snout/cpr. Some horses need to be hit by lightning. Horses are suprisingly resiliant creatures. All things in time. :)
ReplyDelete...winny winny neigh neigh.
ReplyDeleteTime for a little bap...
See what I mean???
ReplyDeleteread "NAP"
"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't force it... to have a lobotomy"
If this was something that was said about you to a group of your friends, then the person speaking badly about you was thought badly of by your friends. If not, then none of them were your friends to begin with. (Talk about confusing!)
ReplyDeleteHoney, you've got nothing to worry about because you have many, many friends who think very highly of you. You're the best! And if someone is trying to make it seem otherwise then it made them look bad.
"You can never make yourself look better by trying to make someone else look worse." This is so true - I love it!!
Go take a nap. Have sweet dreams about all the friends you have who really love you.
Since I wear my faith like a favorite pair of underwear, I've had the "when is it OK to lie" discussion many times. I'd say the least amount of times the better. There is the commission lie outright telling falsehoods and the omission lies of not telling the whole truth. I would never say anything about someone to hurt them intentionally and I try to sugarcoat a hurtful truth in Love.
ReplyDeleteI can't stop what a person says about me and I don't often feel the need to defend myself. I confront in a loving (mostly) way if someone is in error about something concerning me and hope that my life as a testimony would speak much louder than anyone's words.
My days in the Christian bookstore were ripe for gossip and hurtful information. When someone started a story about someone else I'd say "Do I really need to know this and will what you're telling be fruitful?" I still use this. This stopped me from hearing things about people I didn't need to know.
I hope your BAP was fun - and I don't need to know what a bap is. ; )
Honestly I dont know what she is talking about.. thats the only thing I can think of.. I didnt pit the two of them.. but she thinks that I did, and Yes I have asked for examples and she immediately changes the subject. Or discusses something else totally off what she is saying.. drives me batty!
ReplyDeleteMostly I just let it go.. ya know sometimes that is the best answer. But she sure can stun me with a well placed dig here and there.
I have made it my mantra to not lie. Truth to me is one of the most important things there is. And I'm in sales...heaven forbid I should tell you this product doesnt really work...but I have done that. And will again.
ReplyDeleteThere is never a good excuse for lying. I'm trying to teach that to my 5 yr old Granddaughter.
Yes, for me life is black & white. It makes people around me crazy...but too bad!
And to anyone who defames my Annie.....come see me f! You may be walking a little crooked when i'm done with you for I will show you where you can put that lie!
Love ya Lady oxoxox
ugh. Sorry to hear all this crapola has come out with the worms....
ReplyDeleteThe worst lie anyone ever told me? "I love you"
I can't even begin to imagine the worst ever told about me...
I think it is a toss up among the multitude told by my sister in her lifelong quest to get me in trouble with my parents and the one told by my father when he told me I was not his child.
The first worse lie ever told was during a arbitration hearing, when a forman who I looked up with the up most respect sat there and said that I was not even working that day. I couldn't believe it. The second was right after my father died who my wife & I took care of, and it was said that I took all his money and was buying dope and living it up. I don't know who started it but it got back to me through an old school friend and was spreading all through the family. Yep, Lies do hurt.
ReplyDeleteworse lie ever told about me was I sexually harrassed someone at my job, a court hearing proved my innocence , worse lie ever told to me was "I love you" months later I was beaten and robbed blind by this person.
ReplyDeleteI would much rather hear the truth about something and deal with how that hurts and move on from it. But lies, while they may serve only as a temporary reprieve to some, the lies only allow one to dig a deeper hole and make it harder for them to climb to the surface when the truth does come out.
ReplyDeleteMy own kids get upset with me when I tell people things. They think I should be "fudging" on the facts to protect their privacy. And that is just the things I talk to other family members about! If you can't be honest and up front with family then you can't be truthful in other things either. And I am always stressing the TRUTH with them and they can either like it or be angry with me about it.I will not sugar coat anything for a grown up child who insists on being treated as an adult. They have to learn to toughen their own exterior at some point in time.
Anne I have sat here and thought and thought. I cannot recall any lies told about "me." I can honestly say I have led a very boring life and no one thought I mattered enough to create a lie about me. I was lied to plenty of times. And I will confront the lies with many questions to put the liar in the hot seat. I love to watch them squirm while I figure out their body language! LOL!
In all the time that I have known you, I have NEVER known you to be a liar. You speak from your heart, openly, about everything! For someone to twist your words and make it seem that way only means that she didn't know you that well in the first place...
ReplyDeleteAs for lying... I don't lie... But I do think there is a difference between a bold faced hurtful lie and a little white lie... But I think also that it all depends on a person's perception of the information and what THEY consider a lie and a 'white lie' to be...
ReplyDeleteSweet RT;
I know now that if you ever get up this way that Breezie and May are going to have to watch themselves around you!
Know that I almost spit out my Wild Cherry Pepsi.
...still recovering from your last reply...
ReplyDeleteYou are right, to do this would definitely show that there was no friendship to begin with.
(And it really isn't confusing when it is put into its place).
I took quite an extended nap... But remember none of my dreams, if indeed there were any.
I do know that I have many friends on here, and in my life around Flintville too!
For all of you, I thank my lucky stars.
hehehe Mr. KhoolMan,
ReplyDeleteI never thought I would live to see the day that "underwear" and "Faith" would go in the same sentence (AND make sense)!
Sugarcoating the white lies? Yes, I do believe that is why they are around.
"Honey, I love you- Just know that your news jeans really are ugly." (Something like that)?
I cannot imagine working in a Christian bookstore. It is bad enough to see the guys and girls that cheat on their spouses every week in church. Methinks just to give off the impression that they are Godfearing Christians. (It didn't help that I worked at the little store right down the road. That store being part and parcel of a bar and a restaurant).
Did I tell? Absolutely not. Like yourself, I hadn't wanted to "know" in the first place.
Sweet Beep...
ReplyDeleteI guess I would pin her down to a story, or just tell her she is crazy to feel you did anything wrong.
Sometimes those little "digs" hurt the worst, don't they?
And I have been guilty of those same 'digs' every now and then. But they generally open a door to conversation too. Then, and only then, can anything ever get settled.
I am sorry you are living with this on your heart.
Sweet Bug;
ReplyDeleteI know exactly what you are talking about when you say it drives people crazy. It truly does.
(Sad, that).
I remember way back, even in my teens, my own mother accused me of being brutally honest.
To this day, it remains both a compliment and an insult.
Yet, to this day, I would have it no other way either.
Love your 'come and get it' at the end. (No pun intended). hehehe
Nah.. its not worth the upset to her or to me. and it was a long time ago! I know the truth.. and well sometimes thats all that really matters.
ReplyDeleteI feel like... Life is like that too.. Sometimes what we know in our heart and soul is the key to sanity. To argue with an idiot .. is a vexation to the spirit. I dont argue with children either.. that will surely make you crazy!
ReplyDeleteSweet Pea;
Yours is the worst lie ever. I am sorry too. Reading your words breaks my heart .
Your sister and mine could be twins. Except it seems that the only thing mine is addicted to is ripping lives apart.
Love to you always.
OMG Mr Prevnut!
ReplyDeleteI cannot imagine your foreman doing that, and probably being sworn to tell the truth beforehand too.
So much for your respect then.
As far as what your own kin say about you- It is the people that are supposed to love us with all their hearts that hurt the worst when one is betrayed.
Another thing I always said is that "You know and God knows"
Nothing else should matter. But yes, it does still hurt.
Sweet Pamela;
ReplyDeletePeople do many things in their pursuit of the almighty dollar. To slander someone is nothing new. Know that I cannot begin to understand why they always want to take someone else down with them too?
I am so happy that it all worked out for you though.
Beaten and robbed. Great.
I was beaten by my 1st husband. And he robbed me of all my little girl dreams after only 2 months of being married.
Dirty b'tard.
But life has gone on wonderfully after I quit being his scapegoat/doormat.
Just too bad HOW some of us have to learn it all.
Sweet PeachieBaby!
ReplyDeleteLove your opening sentence.
I would rather have it that way too. Because without the damned truth, nothing can even begin to be settled.
One of the greatest lines I ever heard (and I cannot recall from where), is that if you don't lie you never have to remember your story.
That is such an wakening for some.
As far as your kids go...
Tell them to think about their actions before they do something questionable, and they will never have to worry about what gets told.
Now THAT takes me back to another one I would tell my kids...
Knowing that most kids prefer not to listen to their mamas, I simply told them that when they are questioning what to do in the 1st place to ask themselves "What would Grandma do in that same situation?"
And "HOW would Grandma feel if she had to hear about it afterward?"
They did love Mama- Even though they all felt the sting of her "long arm of law" too.
I wonder now if I posed those same questions to them about their own adult years, if they could so casually dismiss it?
I put a few of them- (no, all of them at one point or another) in that "hot seat" too.
Sweet SlurkieBaby!
ReplyDeleteI am honest.
I know that there are plenty of people that would never even admit they have a dead mowiss somewhere in their homes! (Like THEY never have)? Gimme a break.
But anyway...
The woman involved does NOT know "me". Nor has she worn my shoes. So I should just laugh at her. Still bugs me though.
And yes, I will get over it and get on with it.
But "why" she did it is nonsense. Again, to make her own self look better.
(I know and God knows).
You are right about the perception of lies too. There is a huge difference between hurting someone with a lie, and sparing their feelings with a little white lie.
The big ones always hurt someone.
You are right about not being worth it.
ReplyDeleteBut even between Mom and I, I generally would not argue with her once I was out and living life on my own. But when it all became too much then there were a few times that I thought, "Geez, if she can still dish it out, then she'd better be able to take it too."
We would argue fiercely at times. But we never DIDN'T settle these things either.
I did argue with my girls. It wouldn't have been "normal" enough NOT to hear a few doors slam.
So I guess I really AM crazy.
(Thanks a lot).
OMG! Look at the time!
ReplyDeleteIt's February already!
*dances because February is a short month*
ReplyDeleteMarch is better! hehehe
You are right about the questions.
ReplyDeleteThose that have not fessed up absolutely hate the questions ~and whomever is doing the asking.
Those that have come clean, at least verbally, can understand that lack of trust.
Some get the trust back.
Some never do.
Their own crosses to bear.
Funny about your mama.
My own mother "knew" when my 2nd husband was cheating. And she told me so.
Said she could hear it in my voice. (Note that I didn't even know that yet). But she did.
Mamas can be very wise.
Self absorbed? I think we all do that from time to time.
Not because we are selfish. Just because we are human and need to heal.
Hang in there Sweetie!
Well now...
ReplyDeleteAs I scroll up and quickly reread the above comment, I realize that was to be copied and pasted on a private note!
But no names have been written so I shall leave it on here as well.
I learned something already in February.
Be very very careful about where you transfer things from notepad to "..."
Must go copy/paste to the right place now...
Go ahead, do your dance silly girl.
ReplyDeleteI am happy because February is a short month too, and because I have just booboo~ed on my page.
(First boo~boo of the month. And if it's short then there can't be so many, right)?
Hope so anyway.
I am saddened to read of yet another can of worms and I am sure I have input, but I havent the time and need to get ready for church. (oh what a week it has been, will have to share soon.)
ReplyDeleteKnow that I care, and I do love you....and I aint Lying!!!
Who needs Jesus less? Who needs to listen to the message more?
ReplyDeleteThis is essentially Jesus' work during His earthly ministry. He makes people whole.
He takes a brash, boisterous braggart named Peter who is spiritually as shifty as sand, and fashions him into a solid rock, so that thousands will hear the gospel through him.
He takes a John of boiling temperament and fiery disposition and channels that fire into love and gives gentleness in place of harshness.
He takes a sinful woman twisted in all her thoughts, torn apart in her conscience, tormented by seven demons, and releases Mary of Magdala from her captivity, even gives her the honor of being the first to see Him risen from the dead.
He takes a greedy, selfish, despicable tax collector and transforms Zacchaeus into a person of Christian charity and benevolence who in turn makes a deep committal: "Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold." (Luke 19:8)
He transforms [men and women] by the power of His love. A group of very ordinary people are forgiven for their sins, changed in their goals, given a vision, empowered with His Holy Spirit, and these Christians turn the world upside down, or shall we say, right-side up?
-- H.S. Vigeveno in Jesus the Revolutionary
Joel, 2:25 "And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you."
Preach it Sister SD
ReplyDeleteMine is doing a good job of ripping lives apart herself...
ReplyDeleteI'm just happy that February is short because my birthday is in March... LOL...
ReplyDeleteAnd you're ALLOWED two boo~boo's a month... LOL
ReplyDeleteCome back anytime Sweet BethieBaby!
My page is always open!
Sweet Ms Anne I have found over the yrs that the people who hurt us the most are the ones who we care about and love and our own family members. Why? I have always thought to make themselves look and feel better for whatever reason they can think of.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to be some people some can't even tell anymore when they are lying or telling the truth...and any of us that knows you knows how strong and caring of a person you are. You don't get faith or strength like you have by being a wimp.
The worst lie every said....from my sister who said I didn't take care of my parents alone. Really??? Why then didn't I have a life then? I had family too two son's and one that really needed me more than anyone...but I took care of my mother....and just praying that all else would work out as this son was old enough to know better...my mother on the other hand was ill and dying...and needed me more than anyone at the time....would I do it again...you know I would.
Not sure what is about me, but many feel the need to lie to me, and often. Although, I do not even consider calling those people my friends, some are flesh and blood. I find it hurtful each and everytime.
ReplyDeleteThere are many lies that stick out recently, but I am gonna dig back a few years to one that still tugs on my heart.
While working, I had become really close friends with my then boss and his family. This man had believed in my abilities at work and helped to get me promoted when others did nothing but try to help promote people that were willing to pay in ways I refused.
It was because of him, my store manager started seeing my abilities, and even after this man had left our store, I continued to be promoted because of my capabilities.
While still at my store, I had noticed another employee very drawn to this man. She was going through a rough divorce and used this as a hook. I noticed he started become very protective of this woman. Being friends with him and his wife, I decided I need to speak up to him that things weren't looking right.
He told me to my face, looking in my eyes, there was nothing going on. He could never do anything like that. It was shortly after he was transferred to another store.
One night, I stopped by that store to pick up a Tupperware order (his wife was pretty sucessful at selling Tupperware). He couldn't get away from work, so he gave me his keys to the truck to get my order out. I get out to his truck, and the above mentioned woman was sitting in her car parked right next to his truck. Her look of shock as I approached his truck left many questions in my head. She quickly started up her car and took off. Keep in mind she still worked at my store, and had no reason as far as work was concerned to be at this store.
When I returned his keys, I mentioned her presence at her truck and he thanked me saying he'd mention it to security. Even asked for the discription of her car, claiming she had been stalking him.
I believed every word this man told me. We continued our friendship for sometime. Then about two years later, another employee (supposedly the stalkers best friend) starter rumors about their affair. I treid defending him at first, but the more info that came out, the more things he said didn't add up.
I confronted him once more. This time he admitted he had been having affair, that it was long over...blah blah blah. He couldn't understand why I was hurt. This did for the most part end our friendship. His wife and I exchange Christmas letters every year, but there is never any other communication.
Sweet Toni;
ReplyDeleteIt always hurts worse when the lie comes from family.
And yes, there will sadly always be the "habitual liars" too. I knew a gal once that lied so much she didn't even realize that the rest of us at work compared stories.
And yes, I believe we would ALL care for our parents, over and over again, if it meant we would and could still have them near to us and alive.
Your sister is a boob for saying crap like that. (You may tell her I said so too).
Sweet OKA,
ReplyDelete(It's about time we reconnected). hehehe
Anyway, I believe that the more integrity a person has, the more lying people will lie.
Not sure why this is, perhaps the need to try to put some kind of stranglehold on the truth.
That only works for a little while, if at all; because in the end, like oil, the truth will always rise to the surface.
Your boss was afraid of you relating the story to his wife, and then lied for years to cover it up.
(When will people realize that most cheaters NEVER leave their spouses)??? It is usually the spouse that initializes any divorce.
You were hurt simply because he didn't tell the truth. Which if he had been a cheater for all that time, it comes as NO surprise that he wouldn't be honest in conversation either.
So much for his definition of friendship.
LOL!! I will and I love ya lady...