Casey's window at St. Marys;
taken from the sidewalk below.
Good Morning All;
What a nasty time for all with Casey still being in the hospital.
Her doctors visit yesterday brought up that although she feels better, her lipase count is still almost double from where it should be. It has been there for the past 4 or 5 days now.
Maybe today she can come home today?
This sure has been a long (and painful) haul for her.
Nothing new around here- Just lots of air traffic-
And all we have to do is look up!
I have already told you how Punk will "chase" the airplanes that fly over the house.
But she had a HUGE shock to see this overhead...
The Met Life Blimp.
In town for the Packers Game on Sunday.
I actually had to pull over ...
I swear she would have jumped through the windshield!
She was SO very upset!
(And I was so very entertained)!
I picked up Master Gabriel on my way to the hospital too.
He woke Casey with two kisses; one on the forehead and one on the cheek.
(Lucky, LUCKY, Casey)!
He sat very patiently,
waiting for her to get up and around...
Watching her quite intently.
But once she had been up a while he stole her balloon,
and crawled right into bed with her!
Beating her mercilessly with that same balloon.
She started it.
His giggling at his own mischief
brought in two nurses and the housekeeper!
So wonderful to hear him laughing though!
As we look out her window, to see the planes close by.
Gabriel also had to take his Auntie Casey for a walk...
WITHOUT her wheelchair!
As I said above, she is getting better-
But it was time for her to push that pain button too shortly after we returned to the room.
We got home about 4- Seeing this about 1/2 mile from home.
(Just to upset Punk a bit more)!hehehe
I will go back up to the hospital later this morning.
For now though, (and since I have been up since about midnight), I am going to try to get a few extra winks. I am fine, but just haven't been sleeping too well, so am tired tired, tired... I do need to go back in for my ear. I will call when I wake.
I'd better close for now. Hoping you all have a wunnaful weekend!
Love to all,