"He is a hard man who is only just, and a sad one who is only wise."
Sometimes these little quotes make me stop and think...
Good Afternoon;
Casey is trying to sleep and I have a few moments.
Me. + My camera. + a computer. (At times a downright dangerous combination).
It is freezing cold out today. 8 above. A fresh layer of snow (and under that about 1/4 inch of ice). I am more than tired of winter. Took me the better part of half an hour just to leave the parking lot at the hotel earlier. Scrape and grunt. And FREEZE!
My own fault; as I disremembered about the freezing rain that came down before the snows last night. It is warm and comfy in the room at the hotel, and I have a way of thinking "if it's nice INside..."
It looks so gorgeous today too. Sun is shining so bright- hardly a cloud anywhere. But the wind leaves a LOT to be desired.
Green Bay (read "Flintville"), got the same darn stuff. I read that some churches had even canceled services because the roads were so treacherous.
I started the car (still thankful for that new Sears DieHard battery), and turned the seat heat on too. When The Punk is with me, she is still not too sure why her backside gets toasty warm. (Funny, that).
Casey's PICC Line is out.
But now she is having a hard time keeping anything solid down. She drinks lots of liquid though. Water. G2. A bit of broth. They gave her some pills to put under her tongue now to keep the icky~barfies away. (They don't seem to work too well).
But I did find some Vitamin Water for her too.
Speaking of products...
On one of the sites on Yahoo I had read that there is an increased risk of septic when one is given TPN through a PICC Line. Am wondering if any of you have heard of that?
Here is what one lady had written;
(She was talking about "Benecalorie", which I still have to check into). But her reference to the septic PICC Line is what I zeroed in on...
Her words...
"I am a Type I diabetic as a result of a TP/ICT. Where it gets its calories from, I have no idea. It's expensive though.
But TPN through a PICC is kinda risky. I went septic a number of times because of the PICC.
Basically, Benecalorie is Boost without all the extra stuff, like the chocolate flavoring, etc compacted to 1.5 ounce. It's not prescription. I recommend it over TPN mainly because of the septic risk"...
Caseys temp is at 99.2. She normally has a body temp of 97.2, so this is a bit high.
(Maybe I should just drag her outside for a little while)? hehehe
No holding her back from exploring the rest of the hospital then; although that IV Pole is a little hard to maneuver over the cracks where the elevator opens. It didn't take her long to have that down to a science; getting her wheels lined up, and giving it a good shove. Whatever works...
No PICC Line also means that she can throw on a t-shirt too. (Maybe I should have gotten her matching pants too, but she was happy to have it anyway).

We visited another TP/AIT Transplant patient.
I'd better close- Oh she is up and SO sick to her tummy...
Love to all
Sometimes these little quotes make me stop and think...
Good Afternoon;
Casey is trying to sleep and I have a few moments.
Me. + My camera. + a computer. (At times a downright dangerous combination).
It is freezing cold out today. 8 above. A fresh layer of snow (and under that about 1/4 inch of ice). I am more than tired of winter. Took me the better part of half an hour just to leave the parking lot at the hotel earlier. Scrape and grunt. And FREEZE!
My own fault; as I disremembered about the freezing rain that came down before the snows last night. It is warm and comfy in the room at the hotel, and I have a way of thinking "if it's nice INside..."
It looks so gorgeous today too. Sun is shining so bright- hardly a cloud anywhere. But the wind leaves a LOT to be desired.
Green Bay (read "Flintville"), got the same darn stuff. I read that some churches had even canceled services because the roads were so treacherous.
I started the car (still thankful for that new Sears DieHard battery), and turned the seat heat on too. When The Punk is with me, she is still not too sure why her backside gets toasty warm. (Funny, that).
Casey's PICC Line is out.
But now she is having a hard time keeping anything solid down. She drinks lots of liquid though. Water. G2. A bit of broth. They gave her some pills to put under her tongue now to keep the icky~barfies away. (They don't seem to work too well).
But I did find some Vitamin Water for her too.
Speaking of products...
On one of the sites on Yahoo I had read that there is an increased risk of septic when one is given TPN through a PICC Line. Am wondering if any of you have heard of that?
Here is what one lady had written;
(She was talking about "Benecalorie", which I still have to check into). But her reference to the septic PICC Line is what I zeroed in on...
Her words...
"I am a Type I diabetic as a result of a TP/ICT. Where it gets its calories from, I have no idea. It's expensive though.
But TPN through a PICC is kinda risky. I went septic a number of times because of the PICC.
Basically, Benecalorie is Boost without all the extra stuff, like the chocolate flavoring, etc compacted to 1.5 ounce. It's not prescription. I recommend it over TPN mainly because of the septic risk"...
Caseys temp is at 99.2. She normally has a body temp of 97.2, so this is a bit high.
(Maybe I should just drag her outside for a little while)? hehehe
Two days ago she was told she could leave the Transplant floor.
Casey, with one of the residents on staff.
No holding her back from exploring the rest of the hospital then; although that IV Pole is a little hard to maneuver over the cracks where the elevator opens. It didn't take her long to have that down to a science; getting her wheels lined up, and giving it a good shove. Whatever works...
She took this picture down in the lobby..
And I took this next one...
And I took this next one...
No PICC Line also means that she can throw on a t-shirt too. (Maybe I should have gotten her matching pants too, but she was happy to have it anyway).
We visited another TP/AIT Transplant patient.
That is Miss Theresa in the background. She has had many surgeries after her initial one- (So I am thinking that perhaps I shouldn't have been so freaked out last Sunday when Casey had to go back in for a 2nd one).
That's her mom (Denise), in the picture, along with her two sisters, (Jamie and Shannon). They all flew out all the way from New Jersey on Christmas. And are leaving today. What a beautiful family she has!
And Theresa is pretty darned beautiful too.
That's her mom (Denise), in the picture, along with her two sisters, (Jamie and Shannon). They all flew out all the way from New Jersey on Christmas. And are leaving today. What a beautiful family she has!
And Theresa is pretty darned beautiful too.
You can tell how pretty they both are, even though they're in pain.
I'd better close- Oh she is up and SO sick to her tummy...
Love to all