[My] Life in Wisconsin

Vets, Food, and Sick Dogs-

She smiles!

Good Morning All;
Casey brought Punk back to the vet yesterday-
She has an infection in her ear- (Punk, not Casey) 
... Just not of the bacterial variety- She is now being treated for a yeasty infection in her ear.
Gentocin and Miconazole Drops- 5 or 6,
twice a day. 
Go figure- Only Punk.
This was brought on by the antibiotics she is on for her sebaceous cyst. 
Dare I ask "what next?!?"
No. I'd better not. hehehe

Love a dog- he loves you always
Ain't it the truth!
And the quote:
Until one has loved an animal a part of one's soul remains unawakened.
A. France
Honestly I have problems with those who do not love animals; even if they are allergic.

I have the TV on the background-
And now have to ask, "What recession?" !?!?
Yesterday, someone paid nearly 120 Million dollars for Munch's "Scream"
Methinks I should now put all of CaseyAnne's signed first grade artwork up for sale.  

Last week, Casey and I were very curious about what was down the lane by the woods-


I took the picture from up by the house- (Whatever it was, it only appeared in the afternoons)?
Finally we took a drive back there.
Turns out it was a lump of ground, turned over by the plow- and only showed up when the sun hit it right. (No wonder I never saw "it" coming or going)!! hehehe

I do see these guys coming and going all the time!  

Breakfast for the birds!

Yes that is my driveway- I had Randy scatter the old seeds out there so I could watch what might come and eat them.

trotting turkeys
2 more walking through the west field!

Still another around the back of the garage too.

Besides those, I have only seen a few sparrows pigging out. And they barely even move when I am out there with them! Even Punk gets real close before they fly off.
No fear.
The crows actually show more fear than the sparrows cardinals, chickadees, robins -or the other birds. No wonder crows prefer dead meat, they are lazy cowards.
(Hey, I know people like that)!  hehehe

 - - - Punk had to hold her 'potty' until the wild turkeys were out of sight too. She wasn't too happy about that.
She did look kinda funny with her legs all crossed up behind her though--- hehehe

Now about that mini chicken casserole I wound up making the other day.
Was hungry for lunch and pulled out a 'new' (to me) variety of mac and cheese. 

Kraft Mac and Cheese/Broccoli  ??????????  Broccoli???

Rotini and Cheese with Broccoli- But I had to laugh when I pulled out the 'broccoli'.

No, really?
the broccoli?!?   (& Yes, that is my thumb holding onto the little package)!

So after I got through laughing at it, and while I boiled the rotini, I defrosted and cut up a big chicken breast, and added some frozen peas. Then cut up an onion, and also added a few pimentos. A bit of cream, a little leftover corn; and then the cheese packet.
While it wasn't half bad, I would not recommend making a casserole from this.
Truth be told I would not even recommend buying the package in the 1st place.
But yes, I am still laughing at those "little troll broccoli's"!  

Tons of water outside with the storms we got yesterday, and this morning too.
And lots of noise that accompanied the rainfalls too.
Punk had been lying at my feet earlier while I read... One particularly LOUD thunderclap woke her up fast! She sighed and just looked at me as it rolled on and on...
She had been laying with her bad ear down. (That must have sounded awful on the linoleum).
She is asleep on the couch now.

Time for me to close and to begin with my day. After all I have to get Casey's artwork for sale. hehehe

I hope all is well with everyone!

Have a 'wunnaful' day! (Even if it hurts)!   


Yes the pic of Punk is an old(er) one-
But yes too, she WAS smilin' already by yesterday afternoon!!!

Trip to the vet
From an email (I think)-
Punk really is almost this bad!!!   hehehe    

Coffee- Hot Dreamsicles for Breakfast

Good Morning!
Before I blog...

Regular or decaf?

This is for everyone who might think that decaf coffee is better for you?

No reason to make that switch...
or is there?

Read on...

Caffeine is the most widely consumed drug in the world. 
Coffee addicts who switch to decaf for health reasons may not be as free from caffeine's clutches as they think.

Coffee addicts who switch to decaf for health reasons may not be as free from caffeine's clutches as they think. A study conducted by the researchers of University of Florida put forth that decaffeinated coffee is not entirely caffeine-free. Also, it is important to understand that there are a number of significant chemical compounds present in coffee, other than caffeine, which also have strong effects on the body. ">The common active constituents include chlorogenic acid, caffeol and diterpenes. Many health disorders that are aggravated by coffee are still affected by decaffeinated coffee, despite the lowered level of caffeine, due to these other phytochemicals that remain in decaf coffee even after the decaffeination process.

Coffee is highly acidic and it can stimulate the hyper-secretion of gastric acids. Coffee creates more reflux than caffeine added to water, suggesting that other components of coffee contribute to its aggravating effect. Decaf coffee has been shown to increase acidity to a greater degree than either regular coffee or caffeine alone due to the fact that decaffeinated coffee is made from Robusta beans.

This in result aggravates health problems such as acid reflux, GERDS and ulcers making people susceptible to the detrimental effects of high levels of acidity. Decaf coffee consumption has also been associated with a greater incidence of heartburn than drinking any other fluids. Therefore, quitting coffee may reduce stomach problems that are associated with the high acidity of decaf coffee.

Decaf coffee increases cholesterol and heart attack risk

Several studies have shown that decaffeinated coffee raises the risk for heart attacks similar to regular coffee in spite of the lowered levels of caffeine. A U.S. National Institutes of Health study suggested that drinking decaffeinated coffee increased the risk of heart disease. This study showed that the group drinking decaffeinated coffee experienced an 18% rise in non-essential fatty acids in the blood, which can drive the production of LDL cholesterol and an 8% rise in apolipoprotein B - a protein associated with cholesterol linked to cardiovascular disease.

Levels of LDL cholesterol, a strong predictor for heart attacks, increase after coffee drinkers switch from regular coffee to decaf coffee. These finding suggests that a phytochemical present in coffee other than caffeine is responsible for the subsequent LDL cholesterol and apolipoprotein B activity.

The fact is that caffeinated and decaf coffees are known to be made from different beans. Decaf coffee is often made from Robusta beans, which contain a much higher content of fats called diterpenes. Diterpenes are known to stimulate fatty acid production in the body. Thus, decaf coffee has proved more harmful effects on the heart as compared to regular coffee. Coffee oils other than caffeine have also been demonstrated to elevate liver enzyme levels, further inhibiting the liver’s ability to effectively regulate serum cholesterol.

Also, chlorogenic acid is found in both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee. It is believed to raise plasma levels of homocysteine, which is associated with increased susceptibility of developing cardiovascular disease. Reducing intake of both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee may be important in controlling plasma homocysteine levels.

Decaf coffee may lead to osteoporosis

According to an osteoporosis expert of Creighton University in Omaha, there occurs a loss up to 5 milligrams of calcium for every six ounces of regular coffee that you drink. As little as 300 to 400 mg of caffeine a day doubles the risk of hip fracture.

Low bone density increases chances for developing osteoporosis. Metabolic acidity contributes to demineralization of the bones. The high acidity of decaf coffee increases the risk for developing osteoporosis. It alters bone cell function, increasing osteoclastic bone resorption and decreasing osteoblastic bone formation. Avoiding regular and decaf coffee and including 3-4 servings of calcium rich foods a day can reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis.

Decaf coffee leads to increased incidence of rheumatoid arthritis

Decaffeinated coffee intake is independently and positively associated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) onset. According to researchers from the American College of Rheumatology, older women who drink four or more cups of decaffeinated coffee a day are more than twice as likely to develop RA as regular coffee drinkers. Moreover, drinking more than 3 cups of tea per day is actually associated with decreased risk of developing RA. 

Decaf coffee increases risk of glaucoma

Caffeine consumption may be harmful to people with glaucoma because it increases pressure within the eyeball. While caffeinated coffee more significantly increases intraocular pressure, decaffeinated coffee also causes a rise in levels of pressure within the eye. People at risk for developing glaucoma and those who already suffer from glaucoma should avoid anything that further increases intraocular pressure to avoid damaging their eyes.

Link to cancer and organ damage 

The decaffeinated coffee is likely to contain the solvent methylene chloride that is used to remove caffeine from coffee. This process leaves small amounts of this chemical in the beans. Methylene chloride is a proven carcinogenic that is toxic to lungs, the nervous system, liver, mucous membranes, and central nervous system (CNS). Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage.  Ethyl acetate is an alternate solvent used to extract caffeine. As this chemical is in low quantities found naturally in fruit, companies often market coffee decaffeinated using this process as naturally decaffeinated. However, this is a chemical with serious health consequences. 
From here.

When I have it, I'll have mine, regular, with cream and sugar please.
My Dreamsicle in a mug!


Another good one here:

There’s nothing like cup of hot steaming coffee to rejuvenate you after a long tiring day at work. Scientists have always known about the property of caffeine to stimulate the central nervous system.

Increased Coffee Consumption is Associated with a Reduction in the Risk of Depression

Very few studies have been carried out to establish any relationship between coffee and caffeine consumption and relief from depression. 
A new research, which has been published... CLICK