Good Frigid Morning All;
I have 2 driveways. For a while yesterday I had none.
Now, once again I have 2 driveways!
Jim came with the snowplow about 12:30 yesterday afternoon.
Yes, it was still blowing around something wild, but the snow had quit coming down, and the weather had settled down enough to move most of the snow. Not even sure how much we got- Probably not as much as was predicted, but enough to hide most everything left outside.
Waking up yesterday, Sunday, the first thing one does is check out the windows...
First to the kitchen window...
Yes. That is drifted up the side of the house.
Put there by the winds, as the snowfall was deep but certainly not that great. hehehe
Then to peek out the east windows...
No wonder there is snow everywhere! Still coming down.
I do hate when the snow flies across, instead of in a soft downward fashion...
OK. Now to the living room window to see if I can still see the yews.
I see them! Kinda. Sorta. hehehe
So out to the entrance...
The screen door was/IS frozen. I put silicone on it last night. It still frosted up the handle.
By this time, Miss Punk was begging to go out.
... A dog's gotta do what a dog's gotta doo~doo.
Off she goes, in search of her favorite place to poo...
She couldn't find it!
She looked to me to see if I knew something...
So she was off to find her 2nd favorite place...
"Well, where IS it, Mom?"
And then back again across the yard...
... A little faster this time-
She literally pranced through the drifts!
I have never laughed so hard at doggie doo~doo in my life... She finally gave up looking for someplace perfect, and found a place to squat.
It is cold, and very white, outside this morning.
Not as windy, so the only weather advisory today is the windchill warning.
School buses are running about 2 hours late- A few extra minutes for the plows to ensure the roads are (mostly) open, and the buses are all warmed up.
Yesterday, Governor Doyle issued some snow emergency for the entire state.
Well hell, it doesn't take an idiot to know you go nowhere when it's like this.
It does bother me that the news stations ALL say that the Sheriff's Deparments have warned everyone to stay off the roads. Then they proceed to tell you what a terrible drive it was as they drove from here to there to report that it is snowing and slippery and downright dangerous.
What the hell is up with that? St00pid people.
I sewed for a while yesterday...
But damn!, my back is awful, and my head kicked in.
(Must have something to do with the weather).
I napped a little too! hehehe
Apparently so did the Packers. Oh well.
I watched until the 4th quarter. Should have kept it on...
The news has just stated that we received about 11+" of snow. Seems like a lot.
They also said the windchill advisory will be canceled around 10AM, when the windchills will be above 10 below zero.
The weatherman also said that this blizzard came one year to the day after our first blizzard last year.
Weird that.
To see those pictures, please click here. (
I'd better close and get in the shower-
Am waiting to hear from Miss CaseyFace. Perhaps she will be coming out today.
I have some thick cut pork chops for our lunch if she does... Mmmm
Speaking of Casey, her new pictures are uploading as I type.
You can see them by clicking here. (
Great comments on there by the way! hehehe
Must fly for now, the dryer is buzzing...
Love to all