[My] Life in Wisconsin

April 16, 2006 Happy Easter

Entry for April 16, 2006 Happy Easter
   Again I have been up since one o'clock in the A.M. -  Still tired, but haven't a clue how to fall back to sleep either. I did try...
   The CAT Scan that Casey had revealed nothing, and so she will be having an MRI today-  She still hasn't eaten, and the broth they gave her last night left her in terrible pain once again- She now has a specialist doctor- He said she couldn't have picked something easy to diagnose- but that they are going to get her well and capable of eating too.
   I went up to the hospital early yesterday- Home by about 11 then- and to cut the lawns- (or shall I say at least to make the weeds and the grass all the same height)!?!  I did not do west of the old shed- That will keep; (and besides, I do not think that anyone will be playing volleyball this Easter anyway).
   My sister Mary will be coming up to visit Casey today, along with Rita and Michael. I think that Mikey has recovered from his own little bout of the flu- and what an awful ordeal for him. (If you ask me, I think it's not the best way to be getting a few days off before Easter Vacation)!
   One of the tires was flat on my rider, and I broke the little bicycle pump I use to inflate them-  I called over to Kelli and Tims'- thankfully they had one I could borrow.  (I honestly think if I do not work all this off I will go crazy just thinking about everything... And so I worked-  and it even felt good to sweat a bit).
   In the shower; and got some laundry done too- And then back up to the hospital about 6-ish. Jenny Mella and Zach were visiting with Casey- they were all playing a board game. Zach said he would sleep in the chair, and his friend Joe will be picking him up in the morning. I don't know if Jenny stayed too.   I fell asleep about 9:30, and slept til about 1 or so.
   The puppy is still "hanging in there"- And this little pup even had a visitor yesterday- Nancy stopped by just to see how she was- I stopped at Fleet Farm then for a bottle and a little bit of milk replacer- This little pup has little use of her hind legs, and cannot fight well enough to keep her place when Miss Milly nurses them.   I restrung Millys tie-out too- Over the beams in the garage- She cannot get to the soil now to dig, or to destroy any plants. It also leaves her able to care for 'the kids' -
   I am such an idiot sometimes--- Do you think that while I was at FF that I remembered to buy a little air pump???   Duh!   Oh well.
   So much for yesterday.
   If you would, would you please say another little prayer for Casey- One for the pup too.
   They are truly BOTH "fighters"-
   Have a nice one,

Sunday April 16, 2006 - 04:21am (CDT)