[My] Life in Wisconsin

Pets~Out of Harms Way... (Raisin Link Added)

Good Morning All!

First off, I am NOT going to be sifting through any doggie~doo~doo... If it passes, she will have no further problems; if it doesn't, then the vet must check out her insides. But I do not have to sort or sift or do anything yucky, other than having to go pick it up outside and move it out of any footpaths.

Which reminds me, bringing me to: "Once Upon a Time"...

...Late at night and after the girls had been put to bed for the night, I was writing in my little journals when, of a sudden, Roberta came downstairs...
Crying... ?
Putting my pen aside, and gathering this one and a half year old child in my arms, I asked her what was wrong?

(Now if you have ever held a gasping, hiccuping, crying, speaking toddler in your arms you know what I am talking about when I say she was a might difficult to understand).

Between her hiccups, I just kept asking her what was wrong.
Finally she said, "BUNNY!"
I said "What about the bunny?"
Off she went, crying again...
Quite literally, about 10 minutes later, (and after quite a lot of noise in the middle of a cold and previously quiet night), I finally learned that she had, indeed, swallowed a bunny.

A bunny???
Where did the damned bunny come from???
It wasn't even close to Easter?!?!

Not having been enlightened in the least, I still had to know what the heck had happened, so I asked her to show me.
With the innocence of a small child, she opened her mouth as far as she could... (Um, yeah, that's not going to help)...

So she took me upstairs to her room...
She did a bit of digging around... and came up with her little piggy bank!!!

WTH x 2 now
The danged bunny had been stuck in a piggy bank?!!? (What the ...)?
When I asked her how the bunny got in there, she only started sobbing and hiccuping all over again.

Not wanting to waken Zoe and Jenne to this midnight madness, we went back downstairs...
Someone had to have kicked me in the backside for this, but the translation came to me.
The 'bunny' she had swallowed was in all actuality a 'penny'.
A quick call to Dr. Shea was in order, and he gave me much the same advice that the vet had given me this past Thursday...

"Wait and see."
(Easy for him to say, right)?
He also said that in the meanwhile, I should put the child to bed and try to not worry! (Sure Dr. anything you say)!

The 'bunny' passed with no further ado... And most fortunately for me, I didn't even have to dig for it- It was sitting there, gleaming, in the little potty chair she had! (The 'bunny' got flushed)!

Now fast forward to 2006 here-

The poinsettia above was brought to me last weekend.

It is, without a doubt the most HUGE poinsettia I have ever seen in my life, as it stands at least 3 feet tall! When Greg had dropped it off, I started laughing a bit at the enormity of it... But it is simply gorgeous!!! (And yes, it "should" be far enough out of Punks reach)!

For an (almost) complete list of plants, shrubs bulbs etc that will injure/kill your dog, please CLICK HERE. Print it out, and keep it closeby for future reference. And yes, grapes and raisins will shut down a dogs kidneys in record time. Please be extra careful when putting your snacks and hors' d'ouvres out for your Holiday Company if you have a housedog or cat.

Click here for Raisin and Grape Toxicity in Dogs...

For specific Holiday Plants poisonous to your pup CLICK HERE.

Please know too, that DOGS and CATS are equally susceptible to these plants.

And then, there was the nice man that brought my Cub Cadet back with the little plow on it for me. Although I shall still call the snowplow for the major snows, (and still shovel the minor ones), I figured this would be excellent for clearing out the end of both driveways, and by the mailbox.

(The USPS gets so nasty if it is not cleaned out properlike). Grrr....

Get this... They will leave a notice in my box saying that I will not receive any mail until it is cleared out. How the heck does THAT work anyway??? Simple common sense would dictate that if they can leave the darned notice, then they could put my mail in the box too???

Speaking of the Postal Service, I did finally get to Suamico to collect my mail from the PO BX. Cards have arrived there also along with a nice surprise for me that wouldn't fit in the box! You kids are so cool; and now I am faced with the knowledge that I must really get my butt in gear and dive headlong into writing out my own cards!!! Yes, I will start that today!!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday!!!




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