As she did it again, and recalling the stick, (among other 'mishaps' she has had), my next thought was "What next?"
I can see in these shots that her almond 'lump' was getting bigger and bigger...
And her smile was getting rarer and rarer.
So tired she seemed-
But she has been getting a workout too as the weather has been so much nicer.
I just thought my [sort of] fat dog was pooped out...
Nice to sleep alone-
But sometimes you just want to have a friend nearby...

These twists, jerks and 'sighs' continued...
Good grief, was she epileptic?
Or did she just keep reacting to me saying something to her with a smile on my face about her strange calisthenics?
By Thursday, her jerking around alerted me as I finally realized that the lump on her back had opened up...
I used a warm wet washcloth to clean it up the best I could, and it began to open up even more!
That warm washcloth drew out some pretty funky crap, and her fur came right off!
1. Blood.
2. Water-Ooze? (Not like pus though, real runny).
3. And little bitty white circles. They didn't seem to move of their own accord, or I would have been forced to barf.
4. I trimmed the hair from around it; then used the Hexaseptic Flush Plus I have for her.
I repeated this every few hours throughout the night-
I even called Casey about 10:30- (Hey, she's the one with the veterinary background- much more than I have).
I called Dr. Spires early Friday morning.
hehehe She was not at all thrilled when I asked her if she wanted to go see Doc Spires.
Just one more shot- I should have noticed that swelling...
As he thought, it is a sebaceous cyst. Rare for them to open up too.
He shaved it better- finding two more little cysts near to it...
I should have put a nickel up there so you could see how big it is. (About the same size as that nickel)...
The little pinhead size white balls were fat! hehehehehehe
And it is still a bit swollen, but looking better after 4 days on the antibiotics; and I am to continue using the Hexa stuff a few times each day-
She didn't even beg for the chicken from the mini-casserole I'd made yesterday.Still catching up on that sleep. (Damned antibiotics). hehehe
With our weird weather last month- (In the 80's mid-March), then back to below freezing again for the past few weeks- (at night), my tree blossoms have been as weird as the weather...
Only half of my flowering crab has blossomed out. Blossoms are on the north side, and the south sides. But NONE on the East or the West?
My daffodils are turning up pretty- and I have had a few vasefuls in the house already!
This is the little patch out in the west lawn. More behind the house and out by where my garden... was.
Miss Polly called yesterday afternoon, and even got to speak to Casey!
Casey with a Wink, and the Sput!
* Polly and Rich are dealing with his ALS diagnosis as well as can be expected.I cannot imagine what they must be going through, even after speaking to Polly
Those are not shoes I would care to walk in.
My heart, my love, goes out to both of them.
As soon as Casey leaves the chair, Sputty immediately decides it is time for his bath.
My own bath will be postponed a while today, as I have to get outside and mow again. Last week, I did not even do the west lawn- and barely even finished behind the house by the clothesline.
Hope all is well in your little corner of the world!
Love to all.
As I write, I am also thinking some very good and positive thoughts- burning sage, and saying prayers for my friend Jerri...
Some of you may know her as "CubbieFan"
Jerri is at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, this morning, receiving results of yet another 'opinion' as to whether she will lose her leg. Her knee has been infected for 3+ months now-
Like me, she did not do her homework ahead of time; and like me also, she is paying an awful price for drugs that do not work.
Please, won't you keep her in your hearts today, and do the click (on her name), to leave her a message in her guestbook on here?