Paranormal tomorrow... And as you finish reading this, please keep the following in mind:
No Stephen Kings please.
I really DO want to emphasize that this is NOT a scare fest. (There is plenty of time for that kind of nonsense near All Hallows Eve).
This is only to have you realize that perhaps none of us are really alone with respect what we have seen, heard, felt, etc. To share how we have acted on all of it too.
Guess I am trying to REMOVE that silly fear. No one has truly gotten hurt by any of this; (unless you chose to go running out of the house and 'clothesline' yourself in the process).
I firmly believe that anything paranormal canNOT hurt you.
So really, no Hollywood stuff here... Just your own amazing experiences.
(But all of that is for later anyway)!!!
Good Morning Today!
Hope all is well with everyone, and that you are looking ahead to a very fine weekend.
Methinks our own weather~people are drunk because they said the "S" word again... I believe it is only to be flurries, but I don't even want that! Here I sit at 19 degrees, and all of you are talking about planting your gardens, flowers etc... (I guess I could always go play in the hard mud)?
Oh, but I am seeing now that Tonya's parents, and Christopher X, and all others along the NE Coast will be getting a nasty winter storm this weekend. (I shall not complain about our flurries then... Stay warm and safe).
*I have to write about nothing today cuz my danged head has been quite unruly... on again, and off again...
(Hmmm... Now THAT would sound very Mary Shelley~ish if y'all didn't know about my migraines)! hehehe
I want to thank those of you who have sent me pictures and stories of your own experiences too! Be sure to check the links at the bottom here... (after you comment).
And then perhaps a trip to Miss DeeAnnes page. She has had people sending her their own weird experiences, and has also related a few weird occurences of her own. (She has also assured me that her page is now open to all and sundry)!
I had brought Miss Milly out yesterday morning, and heard the familiar "rat~a~tat~tat" of a woodpecker! (yes, maybe spring IS coming)!?
Trying to get a better view, I slowly sneaked around the old crabapple tree... shhhh... And I couldn't see him anywhere. ?
As I began to move about, he would stop, and all would (wood) be quiet. ??? ...Then I would hear him again... I did this a whole bunch of times, unable to see the darned thing. (Ok so this got real weird, real fast). ...The little guy should have at least flown off, and I would have seen him then...
No such luck.
What the hey???
As I am standing directly below that tree, looking upwards, the old "rat~a~tat~tat" sounds right next to my ear~ (I quite nearly jumped out of my boots)!!! But here was THIS little guy less than a foot away from my ear...
CaseyAnne stopped out yesterday afternoon, before she had to run and help Derek with the apartments and then to play volleyball...
And she proceeded to steal every one of Punks toys that the young dog would bring to show her.
Poor abused DOG now? They always have so much fun together...
And funny how Punkie (mostly) knows her limits with other people... IE: What Casey will put up with; what Berta will put up with; (and even how much food she can get away with stealing from Master Gabriel)...
Berta has been working some overtime with people on 3rd shift calling in sick... keeps her up til almost 7AM too... Nasty hours, but Gabriel lets her sleep in most days... Always nice on the paycheck though; (as long as you're not stuck on salary)!
a nice little vacation of sorts for her!
They had been at Dereks the night before...
(Cute story time now)... and had some friends over, when the topic of marriage had come up...
Derek calmly replied that he needed to ask me first. (And then added that if "I" turned him down he would just have to ask Casey to marry him)! He is SO damned funny! So yes, when his house is finished, they shall be marrying!
Oh, and what a day that will be for me to be able to see my youngest 'baby' get married! (Yeah, now I understand even a bit more of what my own parents went through).
I believe that CaseyAnne has chosen very wisely most everything she has ever put her heart and soul into; and at times her wisdom has been well beyond her years. (How much more proud can one mama be)?!?
NOTE: added 11/09/07 Their engagement is off as Derek began to morph into a somewhat controlling person. ie: right down to telling her where she could go, when, and how to wear her eyeliner?
Like my quote used to say, "If this gets any better, I shall have to hire somebody to help me enjoy it!"
She called this morning on her way into town. Said they had spent last night until 1AM at the Animal Hospital for one of the dogs. The dogs had each gotten their brand new doggie beds... (And like the 'little embarassed children' that they can be at times, they had to find something to argue about... or they wouldn't have been happy)...
Derek is also watching his dads dog, Banshee, while his dad is on vacation.
So that makes 3 dogs in Dereks house... Mr. Dereks Great Dane, (sassy, young, and huge), decided that she was Alpha~Dog... and began to fight with Banshee. Banshee lost a bit of DNA in the fiasco, (but will be just fine after that dose of antibiotics runs its course).
Kinda nasty to have to bring a dog to the vet at night... (Gee, almost as bad as having to bring your kids in)!
And with that, I had better close and get this show on the road! I still have a 'kazillion' bags of donated rummage sale stuff to get through ...and for some reason that clothes will NOT hang itself up. (Sure am happy that I have a pricing gun though to handle all the clothing tags for me)!
Have a 'wunnaful' weekend!
(And STOP talking about your nice cozy "Spring" weather already)!
Free Web Site Counters
As I was 'surfing' this morning I came up with a very cool paranormal site for pictures... While some I have my suspicions on, there are more than a few that will pique your interest too. Enjoy!
CLICK HERE for that website.
More stories please, and as DeeAnne has done, I will link to your own blogs too... (Unless it is closed to the public, then just let me know... But I don't think I have that many of you that are closed off)... We got nothing to hide!!! hehehe
So many of you have written to say "thank you", that if you would talk about this all that NOBODY would believe you or whatever... I'll believe you, (and as my mailbox would suggest, many others will also)!