the 1st of May... ... and you know the 'rest of the story'!
Pups have all received their 1st vaccinations. All were very accepting of this, except the biggest one! (What a wimp). To have had so very much help with the dewormer, weighing and injections I am so grateful- Mary, Michael and his girl, Laura, came up from Appleton just in time to help out. Casey was out running errands for me, with Jenne and Isaiah, and also pulled in the yard within a few moments of my sister.
We had all the pups inside while they got their shots and meds; bringing them back out to the kennel as soon as they were done being treated. We also had absolutely NO little accidents either. (How rare would that be)? Happy for that too... The picture above shows a few of the little ones trying to get up the front entrance stairs... Some even made it. Miss Milly, and even Amos, get treated as a precaution too. Amos was not at all thrilled by this. And Milly didn't bat an eye.
Mary has her CAT Scan today, so I will be going down there to go with her. Please keep her in your hearts, thoughts and prayers.
Have a good one...
Monday May 1, 2006 - 04:17am (CDT)