Good Wednesday Morning to All!
I know I have been unreachable for a time, and I apologize for my stupid head. (This freakin' heat and humidity really do not help either).
I am finding it odd, (as I am sure most of YOU are too), that there is no happy medium for our weather. It is either too chilly to do anything that matters, or too danged hot to even breathe. The land around, either being completely waterlogged, or sandblasting dry. Mayhaps THIS is that "Greenhouse Effect" we have all heard about... But then, is it only affecting Flintville?
We can at the very least get back to the woods... And I choose to drive back there now, so as not be all hot and sweaty by the time I get back there... That seems to be a natural attraction for all types of bugs; and so gives me a few extra moments to climb around on the hills and by the campsite. (That, which is finally mowed, or at least cut back to a more reasonable height).
My furkids DO love it back there... As would any creature, (on 2 legs or 4).
But still, when Miss Punk finds a new 'thing', she cannot be moved until she is quite satisfied that her new 'find' is NOT dangerous in any way...
And also the terrible, awful, horrible "THING" that I had to physically remove her from standing over and yapping furiously...
Later, I did not know what 'set her off', but of a sudden she cringed, shrieked, (as puppies do when you accidentally step on their tails)...
And then, she ran away... very F~A~S~T! I tried to catch a picture of her as she took off, but wasn't quick enough... I did, however, get this in the photo I did take...
Miss Punk has no qualms about staying inside, for the most part; and when she does go out, makes it a point to return quite quickly... hehehe My spoiled dog doesn't seem to care for the high~80's either! Yesterday morning I had turned the hose on for her little pool; she has so much fun chasing that around, but every now and then just needs a drink of it too.
Speaking of chasing...
...Miss Milly has no problem chasing Punkin around when she steals her squeak ball either. Especially when the shadows get long in the evenings, and the heat of the day is fading as fast as the sun...
And I am thinking that Miss Connie may have been right in one of her recent comments about Punkie's diet leading her to a life of crime...
You have all been day~brighteners for me, and yes, even attitude~adjusters!!! hehehe Yet, in all seriousness, I have a friend here who is having a bit of touchy surgery tomorrow... Would you all take a moment to visit Miss Barbaras page and to wish her well, and to maybe offer her a prayer and a kind word? CLICK HERE FOR HER PAGE.
I have no further updates with respect to our mediation, except I have received a list of questions from the mediators that I need to fill out and return... They are questions about my concerns for my safety, (WHAT??), and for Little Miss Valerie's as well; emotionally, physically and psychologically... I shall address those, (adding a few of my own), then mail it today.
I hope you all are having a WUNNAFUL week!
Stay __________ !!!! hehehe
(YOU fill in the blank as to how it applies to you)!
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