[My] Life in Wisconsin

Got a question for you... (Scroll on down to comments section).

I Have No Excuse. ;-)

Wild Turkeys back by the campsite-
Anyone hungry? hehehe

Good Morning Everyone!
Oh my goodness I have not blogged in so very long- - - again.
My apologies.
I have not been too busy.
I have not gone on vacation.
I have not croaked... (yet).
*sigh*  I see I have no excuse whatsoever. Methinks it's called laziness.
Oh well.

Lots to catch up on.  
(Or is that "ketchup")?
This is...


Heck, I never even wrote of Master Gabriel s new quilt- (Christmastime). Oops.

Here it is!

Gabriel, Alexis and Kaylee
Methinks he likes it too!
It is so way big! Made me laugh as he carried it up to his room.

Casey, Gabriel and "The Pack in the Hat" hat

Kristin later sent me pictures of his 'new' room. And now that I want to post them I cannot find where I downloaded them!

But I did find this one...

Gabriel 2-9-12
How beautiful! -
(The dolphin is too)!!
He made this- "with help" as Kristin wrote.
No worries Gabriel, I would need help too. hehehe

Cousin Buttercup came with her friend Dean- 

Notice the aura that is around him-
Oh! We had such a nice visit too! 

On one of Punk's visit to the vet I was early and had stopped over to Sue and Glenn's.
They rescue animals- - - - Cats, greyhounds, and deer anyway. 
(At least I haven't seen any gators in their pond)... hehehe

Sue carrying her cat down!

She carries one of them down, and they have 2 cats like this.

At The Gritters!

The other, basking in the sunshine on his favorite chair.
And yes, I have forgotten what breed they are. 
Imported- from Florida

CaseyAnne- MidWinter Dress
Casey's mid-winter dress.

 *** Forgive my mess.  I assure you that it is no longer like that-
Friend Christy- and her crew!, came over and cleaned one day last month!
What a day that was- And I think they might have had fun too.
The 4 boys even moved the piano 29 feet across the living room! OMG!

Christy is gone for now- 
Her and her hubby are off to Ethiopia to adopt 2 little girls- special needs.
She will have her hands full now. 
(What? As if she didn't before)?! hehehe

Back to Casey-
She may end up back here-

Fairview Medical Center
Fairview Medical, U of Minneapolis.

She still has much pain- And is very, very, tired; perhaps depressed, about being sick for so very long.
But like many who have suffered as she does, she is much like that Energizer Bunny- 
Keeps going and going and going and...
She also had to have a colposcopy- Her paps came back questionable. 
The results on the colposcopy were good though. She does this again come August.

What a MILD Winter we have had! As I think most of you have also?

Matter of fact, once, when it began to snow, the damn birds were so shocked that one even had heart failure...

Dead bird? WTH?

I really have NO idea, but there he was out my door. 
(I know this portends something, but I don't remember what)?

I had better close for now- Already it is quite warm out- And Miss Kelli will be bringing Miss Coco and Mr. Miller too. (I haven't told Miss Punk yet because she would give me no peace if she knew).
For now she sleeps.

As does this man.

Greg and CaseyFace

Happy 30th Birthday Mr. Greg!
And many many happy returns!

I hope all is well with everyone! 
