Just a note to let you all know I am still alive- Just got in from playing with the dogs. (They have not harmed themselves, or me, lately). They did however make me throw around a busted frisbee, and a couple of squeak balls for a long time.
"Long" in this weather is how long it takes me to get freezie fingers. (About half an hour tonight).
It is 29° right now.
Snow/Ice in the forecast for the game tomorrow. But the worst of that storm is going to be way south of us here. (Sure hope they're right about that).
I am still giggling, having gotten to my little horoscopes a bit late today.
Here is the first one...
Dear Anne,
Here is your Daily Cancer GreenScope for
Saturday, November 29:
Saturday, November 29:
A lie or honesty?
Skirt the issue, but always write a thank-you note. That's where your creativity comes in really handy.
Acknowledge the good intentions.
Remember: it's the thought that counts: 'Thanks for the lovely rug. It'll look great in my basement!
So I wait-
Ever so cautiously, I checked the mailbox for anything "grim".
Maybe bills are "grim" ?
And then this one too...
Dear Anne,
Here is your horoscope
for Saturday, November 29:
You may be somewhat overcommitted today or it could just be that your schedule doesn't allow for enough private time. Try to grab a few moments here and there to re-center yourself.
A "few moments" ?
So I "centered" myself on the couch, and took a nap.
Hope your Saturday was better than "grim" !
Silly question here.
Why does frisbee always come up under spell check as wrong?