[My] Life in Wisconsin

FAILURE! ...NeedaGeek...

I've seen better days...   And quite frankly, so has Casey! (The picture above indicative of what she would like to be doing to her computer)...

In my own humble opinion, her laptop is ready to be shot... 

So,  in an attempt to keep me from doing so, she will be bringing it down to Appleton today...  I have run every test known to mankind on the freakin' thing, to no avail... But I have isolated two error codes that may/may not be her problem- (or may just be the beginning of the diagnosis for her)... She has a Dell Laptop, and the two error codes are OFOO:0244, and OFOO:1344- oops, make that three- there is also an OOFO:1A44...  





She was attempting to read her blog comments yesterday, and to even write a blog- and to also try to set up her classes for January. (She has so little time to do all this)...  In the meantime, a friend had called, and the call had knocked KC's computer offline... After this, it never did start up again... (wtf?)...   Oh well,  I tried to save her a dollar or two...   My friend Kelli said that her geek friend doesn't work there anymore, so off to the Dell Store in Appleton she goes...




She had dropped the computer off here before going to work.  She was so very excited to finally be back at work and all- (Even though she could have returned 2 weeks ago with her Dr.s blessings, the gal that manages Suamico Citgo said she didn't want to take a chance on having Casey have a relapse or something)...      ...And so,  Casey patiently had waited out the entire month of October, listening to her "Dr." Manager)...   

SO anyway, back to work, finally, for CaseyAnne!    YAY!!!    When she got there, the manager told her that she was "letting her go because 'things were not working out'" ...


Casey returned here in quite a panic, and so full of tears too.... All the real important things to her,  lost to her within the last few weeks, (including part of her damned lung)!   How much can a kid take anyway?  (And this is WAY past 'things that make one stronger' so please do not even go there with either of us)...    Kind of a frustrating way for her to be quickly approaching her 2nd decade of life...   She'll be 20 in January.

About that job now, she has filled in on the schedule countless times- she has worked many, many times to help everyone out.  NONE of her customers EVER had a problem with her either. She has had NO complaints of any kind- She is always smiling and cheerful.  She has worked through this latest pneumothorax, (an entire shift)! She has worked through much of her other pain as well.  (AND she levelled with this gal during her interview too, about all of her medical problems and all)...   Oh, I am so upset with this wench for doing this to her... For making her wait to return, through the whole month, (while KC could have been looking for something better)- and then telling her to go home?!?!?!?  After just having given her a substantial raise???

Wow-  Much less than a 'class act', wouldn't you agree?   I just feel so damned bad for Casey...  Her rent was due...  How nasty... I will help, but she hasn't asked... yet...

Now, in response to my defective, possessed vehicle...  (I DO believe now that this Buick Rendezvous will be the death of me)... I have just spoken to the service guy from Gustmans- HE says there is nothing wrong with my car!  A wrong comment to make, but certainly NO big surprise there... 

I have already been told there is no way this could have happened either...  Cars simply do not go reverse when they are in drive... 

(Duh, well--   They're not supposed to anyway)...  

He said they put it on the little handheld computer thingamabob and there was nothing wrong- That they did a physical inspection of the transmission linkages, (is this even possible to do without taking anything apart)?, and they 'saw' nothing wrong with that either....   He also told me, when pressed that  they have done nothing to it.  Great!   I am having as good of luck with this car as I had with my brand new cub cadet.

150 thumbs DOWN to both of these things...

My last 3 vehicles have been buicks, and I never had a problem with ANY of these cars.  I actually have driven them into the ground so to speak, (and even $old them afterwards)...   Built like tanks and ready to give their own lives before they will ever take yours...  One was a 1986 Buick Electra Estate Wagon (and on a comfort level alone,I could have put those 200,000+ miles on it all at once and never suffered any back pain)...  The other was a Roadmaster. It currently has 230,000+ miles on it and still runs beautifully...   So what the heck is up with this unsafe Buick Rendezvous???

I have ranted long enough here... My apologies for that.

Nasty.   Two days in a row that literally and figuratively knock the wind out of a person... (Hey, I had a husband like that too, but that's a whole 'nother blog)!

Hope your days are going much much better in your own little corner of the world!!!! 




I shall promise to try to return tomorrow in a better frame of mind!

(and if by some chance I do not ever return, please make sure that it will be in my obituary that my car killed me)!

hehehe ?

"Unca BoBBie" Speaks!

All this, and after I told him it wasn't MY Fault!!!

Here is part of a note I had in my inbox this morning-

Lordy he has been so busy (HVAC), with service calls that he hasn't written in more than a few days...  (And I don't mind telling you I was getting a little worried)...

His subject line:  "I don't have enough adjectives to describe you"... 

Uh oh...    (So then I worried just a little bit more)-     Image


Here's the note...

Good Morning Anne;

     What can I say to you that doesn't bring tears to my eyes---You don't know just how much I appreciate you and your friends sending me all the greetings. Believe it or not I finally did read all of them finally today. Almost a week late. Just so busy, I just couldn't find time to read them all the same day. So many.

     Sure wish you would thank all your friends for the greetings. It was so kind of them to take their time to make me (big) happy. Makes me feel so good inside, but brings tears in my eyes. A million thanks to you.

     Sorry I didn't get back to you yesterday and maybe the day before. Just busy bigtime.


..(he then wrote about his work- and his (soon-to-be ex) wife,

and then, he finishes his letter THIS way)...


Want to thank you a zillion times for being so thoughtful in having your "Blog" friends send me all the greetings.

I will never forget it.

In the next election have you thought of running for "Angel"?       


I would vote for you twice!





This is one of the nicest, kindest men in the whole world!  And you have given him a birthday to remember!!!

And since he has asked me,   I will thank everybody on here for him.

Thank you SO much- (not only from him, but from me as well)!

The above picture is Unca BoBBie and Casey-  last year at his sisters home.   A grand memory that was too!

For those who took the time to send my octegenarian uncle a few breaths of fresh air on his birthday, I thank you again... 

Know this too,   If it was within my power to hand out 'wings' to you all, I would do so in a heartbeat!

You have certainly earned them, and more!

I love you guys!!!!

