Casey came out late last night,
about 9:30...
A new T~Shirt!
Sassy, but cute as always!
Good Morning All;
Yesterday was quite a day around here-
Lots of bright sunshine, (just not so bright in other respects).
My back was trying to kill me, I swear! So I just took it as easy as I could.
The obvious first order of business was to get out of bed and to let The~Punkster outside after a long evening of being "in".
She waited so patiently for me to get out of bed. Trust me, that was not happening fast at all.
Thankfully, neither her bladder, nor her patience, wore out. (Nor did mine).
After that, the poor little pup also had to wait for her breakfast...
Her food is kept under where those dishes are. All neat and tidy, and dry. I have more food in the back entrance for her. Just that I could not get to either supply without severe pain.
She patiently waited a bit longer...
Randy came out yesterday and set up a supply for her on the kitchen table. A very good thing!
He also pulled many many noxious weeds, greased the zerts on the rider, AND even mowed the lawns!
Thank God for minor miracles!
As most of you are aware, I made 2 trips to the E.R. this past week.
Unable to move in any way shape or form without severe pain, I thought it high time to be getting another opinion.
On Monday, I was given an IV with some toradol, morphine, zofran for barfing, and something else.
More importantly I was given a referral to a pain specialist. (Dr. Mario is the same one that Casey has).
I cannot get in until the 26th. (Which is better than the 27th I suppose)! ?
On Wednesday, repeating the nightmare of my inability to move, Casey took me back to the E.R.
They gave me that dilauded- which left me able to move enough to get back home.
Again, and infinitely more important, I have a referral to a spine doctor! I was not able to get all the paperwork by close of business on Friday, so I will make that call as early as possible tomorrow morning.
I am now taking the oxycodone, along with diazepam. The diazepam [Valium] will negate any of the bad effects that I was so afraid of. So far so good.
We have gotten our very much needed rains... And they keep on coming!
It is even possible for more rain today.
The rains have also brought up a few flowers on the west side of the old garage
It is a mess of weeds and flowers, but at least there is a bit of color!
And another shot of a few cosmos...
Looks like the top one is morphing into a butterfly!
It also looks like this Black~Eyed~Susan has drowned!
Kinda sad, that...
But at least the duck hasn't drowned!
(He holds all the chemicals for the pool)...
And I have had no further problems with thirsty venison either!
Knock on wood...
.And I have had no further problems with thirsty venison either!
Knock on wood...
A few more little blooms that have really enjoyed the soaking rains...
Casey, peeking through a few flowers!
She found these itty bitty flowers too!
I do not know what they are...
.I do not know what they are...
And I haven't quite figured out the attraction to the grasses for this Monarch.
It's been real muggy too...
It wasn't raining when I took this,
even though everything looks wet-
See the blue in the far background by the woods?
That is all humidity!
.even though everything looks wet-
See the blue in the far background by the woods?
That is all humidity!
Today is already like that- No sunshine at all, so maybe the rains will come earlier than predicted for late this afternoon!
Hope all is well in your little corner of the world!
Have a "wunnaful" Sunday!
Love to all