Good Morning All;
First things first.
Having had Miss Thers come through her surgery yesterday with great relief from her pain, is such a good thing.
Please >CLICK HERE< to wish her a speedy recovery.
And now ~about the topmost picture...
As I rolled the dumpster to the end of the driveway early this morning, I had to chuckle to myself. Dressed in my silk pajamas, tennis shoes, and a jacket, I suddenly knew how Mom felt when she had to take the little bucket to the outhouse each morning. No matter how she varied her schedule, someone always seemed to drive by and see her making her way to the outhouse.
This, back when our road was NOT a county road, nor was there blacktop on it either.
This, back when a body "knew" every car that went by.
I used to laugh at her embarassment at getting caught.
After all, wasn't she doing exactly what every other family had to do every morning???
Or was her slop 'special' somehow?
I never did get those answers.
But I do know that this is one of the reasons all those trees were planted across the front of the property. She called them a "windbreak", (and they are excellent at being defined as such), but they were also meant to be grand at hiding her little walk to the outhouse every morning.
...That is, if Pa hadn't put in an indoor bathroom before those trees offered any protection. hehehe
And so, many times prior to the upscale (mid~1950's), indoor plumbing we had, Mama would get caught with her little pail...
This picture stolen from here though....
And I am thinking that in those days there was much less of the 'Gee, I can't pee if you are within earshot'... Or, 'I can't use public restrooms'
(Or any other of those excuses that we hear so often today).
I am also thinking that the only thing missing from this picture is the Sears and Roebuck catalog!!!
That same 2~Seater was exactly what the Northeastern Wisconsin Beagle Club was looking for when they came one day and made an offer to buy the old outhouse from my dad. Not too far away, the Northeast Kennel Club wanted a 'double' (just in case)...
Pa agreed to sell our outhouse. (I think Mama was happiest to see it go)!
I can actually remember sneaking in there when I was either too lazy, or too dirty, to "go" inside! We had to take off our shoes/boots (whatever) whenever we went inside. (Pa didn't have to though... just us kids)...
Wheeling my little dumpster down the gravel driveway this morning, and making enough noise to wake the dead, I had this odd feeling of being watched.
That feeling made me think of Mama and her little pot... I set the dumpster as close to the road as possible, saw headlights, and hid in the trees until it was 'safe' to gather yesterdays mail. I made the mad dash across the road when there were no vehicles coming from either direction.
Since it was still very dark, east there is a big curve, and west is Ryans Hill, I can easily see when/if there is anyone coming to catch me in my jammies.
...Then a "mad~dash" back up the driveway to the safety and warmth of the house...
(OK, so it is still a bit of a gimpy run, but it is getting much better).
And I wonder why I had felt so paranoid this morning?
Still do...
No frost this morning... It is 42 degrees but not to stay that 'warm' for long.
Casey and I did some major cleaning yesterday of the shed and garages to accomodate all the things that must be brought in for winter. Even my bike is stored for now. Ah well... My godmother stopped in for a while too. So good to see her! (And what a nice little break from our chores as well)... Always fun to get 'caught up' on each others children and grandchildren!
Winter is inevitable.
Quite like death and taxes... hehehe
Have a WUNNAFUL Wednesday!!!!
Love to all!