He who teaches children learns more than they do.
German Proverb
They only look quiet. hehehe
From left to right-
Back row:
Reianna M., 12
Jennifer H., 13
Zoé C., 14
Front Row:
CaseyAnne L., 4
Daniel B., 10
Roberta M., 11
* Not pictured: "I dunno", and "Not Me" (and "Sweet Pea") hehehe
"Growing up is never easy. You hold on to things that were. You wonder what's to come. But that night, I think we knew it was time to let go of what had been, and look ahead to what would be. Other days. New days. Days to come. The thing is, we didn't have to hate each other for getting older. We just had to forgive ourselves... for growing up."
The Wonder Years
Happy Mothers Day to all.
Whether a gift of God, a gift of nature, or a gift of your society; if you've loved the child you've become its mother.
Children are not casual guests in our home. They have been loaned to us temporarily for the purpose of loving them and instilling a foundation of values on which their future lives will be built.
Dr. James C. Dobson
I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance.
I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision.
I've learned that every day, you should reach out and touch someone. People love that human touch - holding hands, a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back.
I've learned that no matter what happens or how bad it seems today, life goes on, and it will be better tomorrow.
I've learned that, regardless of your relationship with your parents, you will miss them when they are gone from your life.
I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and a late friend.
I've learned that making a living is not the same thing as making a life.
I've learned that if you pursue happiness, it will elude you. But, if you focus on your family, your friends, the needs of others, your work, and doing the very best you can, happiness will find you.
I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back.
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn.
aka Mom, Mommy, MA!, "MUH~THER!", Mama D.
Kokopelli/OLOLOWISHKYA image/legend from here