'Man shot my mommy':
Ohio woman slain, son taken -
"...police arrested Charlie Myers, 22, of Columbus, who confessed to the crime."
Click the link above to read the whole story...
I (almost) did OK with this nauseating story; until I got to the following words:
"Myers had it rough from an early age, when his mother died of a drug-related heart attack when he was just 4. He lived in homeless shelters with his father, who beat him with a belt, and struggled with a hearing impairment that wasn't addressed until he was 6 years old. He spent most of his childhood being shuttled between more than 20 foster homes in the Columbus area..."
Do I really have to reiterate the question in my title? Spare me the BS please.
(As if there is ANY justification for rape, sodomy, brutalizing and terrorizing a 4 year old child? For arson)?
In my own little opinion, this man is 22 years old.
How old must one be to be responsible for what they do?
How old does anyone have to be before they quit blaming their parents, or their upbringing, for bad choices THEY make as an adult?
Any "perfect" parents out there? Cuz I SURE would like to hear how ya'all did it.
And no, I didn't beat my kids, (but they sure as heck got their backsides swatted if/when they earned it)...