Good Morning , and "Happy Dads" to ya'll!
Even for those who are female among us, and have filled those shoes; or buried them.
It is a beeeeee-you-tee-filled day here! And perfect for trimming my furry lawns.
I will be out there shortly, so have to type fast. (Not that I can, just that it sounds good)! hehehe
With the threat of some really bad weather, I spent some time cleaning the basement.
I won't sweep down there because sweeping only disturbs the dust- and it winds up all over the house then. (Know that I have enough dust around to worry about the way it is, I do not need to move the basement dust upstairs)!
I also know that even the vacuum exhaust blows dust, so I just covered my nose and hair, and was off being busy...
Punk didn't like looking at me like that, and she ran to get Casey, (who in turn ran to get the camera).
At least now I do not have to breathe in all of the cat/dog fur while I am sequestered in my basement should a bad storm come along.
We lucked out with those storms. Too many have not been as fortunate.
I swear this country/world is going to hell in a hand~basket, due to not only Mother Nature, but BP as well. From earthquakes, storms, to their respective by-products of floods and fires...
Oh, I hope everyone is safe- and stays that way too.
Speaking of going to hell, what are your thoughts on the death penalty?
I am just curious- (From Astra's blog). Someone put a flea in my ear as I stated that I'd favored it for cases like Jeffrey Dahmer. They were still very upset. I was thinking of the families of the victims...
Oh well. I realize that this, me, is just one persons opinion too.
Time's a-ticking, as I am still trying to type fast- (which is counterproductive at best)- hehehe
I am sure you remember this photo?
I had written "Casey will speak to this picture!"
And she has! (I repost this here because I do not know if any of you do go back and read the comments afterward)?
Her story, her words: (From here).
"HA! That lovely picture?? Quite the story to go along with that one....
Randy had been outside for a few hours at that point... He came in to ask Mom if he could take one of the weed whackers home with him, as he couldn't get it started. I told him it better not be the one that I use, because that's the only one I can start.
When we went to the front door, he pointed at the one that I usually use and said it wouldn't start. I told him that I could always get that one started...
He replied with, "Go ahead, be my guest... Prove me wrong..."
Oh, don't dare me to do something that you think I can't! I will usually accomplish it then, just because I was told I couldn't do it.
So I meandered outside and made my way over to the said weed-whacker. I primed it and put the choke in the right position... And after a few minutes, had it started!
Mom had followed outside after hearing Randy's dare for me, and decided she'd come and see what was going on... She had the camera ready, and captured me starting the thing that "wouldn't start"... :D
Well, in that specific picture I was actually turning to yell at the cat, who had gotten a wee bit too close to the weedwhacker, and I didn't want him to get hurt, which is why you see me "talking" and the cat running off the right side of the screen...
I just thought it was more than hilarious that he was so sure that I wouldn't be able to get it started...
By the way, not only did it start, but he was able to use it for a few hours of weed~eating after I got it started... :D Hee hee hee...
Never send a MAN to do a WOMAN'S job!!! LOL!!!"
(Ya gotta love her)!
I awoke yesterday at 10:35pm the evening before. So technically that is Friday night?
My back was paining me something fierce and there was no going back to sleep. I did go back to sleep about 9:30 last night-
Sheesh, a 23 hour day for me. I haven't done that since... Oh, never mind...
But at least I was busy. I got almost all of the wash done- The carburetor and the exhaust cleaned on the rider- I made a shrimp salad with boiled eggs- Got my floors scrubbed- rearranged a bit of dirt- cleaned a few windows- and a few other things too- I even put up the new shades in my bedroom.
If my back wasn't hurting before all that it sure was after! At least I knew I couldn't make it any worse than it was before. hehehe
Such is Life in Flintville today- Now I shall get outside and mow my mess.
I hope all is well with everybody, and that your Fathers Day is especially perfect!
My love to all.