Good Morning Everyone!
Time for a "cuppa"! hehehe
I hope you all had a very Happy Thanksgiving!
We sure did.
That is, if you don't count the fact that dinner was supposed to be at 2PM- But that interfered with the Packer Game so no way for that time.
I rescheduled for 3- No wait, I wasn't ready at 3...
Also, don't count the burnt (adds flavor, right?) stuffing, the concrete mashed potatoes that I made after the first 'real' potatoes smelled funny to me. Sorry Greg, I am not used to making my taters out of a box, being in a hurry, and misreading the directions all at once.
I should have taken Greg up on his offers when he asked 1., If I needed any help; and 2., If I wanted him to make those taters.
While doing 'stuff', there came a ruckus from the living room...
Just moments before there was sweet music coming from that old Hamilton piano...
Bring it on "Chopped Liver"
(Oh wait, that's Kelli's nickname for Greg)...
That's either an orb, or a target, on her backside...
After she was done beating Greg up they smooched and hugged. hehehe
Then we ate "yummo" turkey, potatoes and gravy, and stuffing too!
Greg had doctored the concrete taters- And I still poured a wealth of gravy over mine. He even had 2nds-
(Wonder if he is well, or if those taters have since solidified in his stomach)?
I spent a ton of money yesterday!
Imagine that, me $pending money on Black Friday?!
But I just HAD TO!
AND, I spent it in record time too! And we were home by about 9:30.
See, Sputty has been sneezing (gross), and wheezing, (scary). I called Dr. Spires on Wednesday and made that appointment...
Kelli stopped by really early yesterday- At one point she had my cat carrier, but one of her cats sorta destroyed it. She has bought a new one; and had dropped it off about 5:30. (Not sure, but it was still dark, and Punk was still sleeping).
Sputnik in the carrier...
He did not mind being in there at all. Matter of fact since it is still here, he has slept in it twice already!
Not sure if he minded Doc Spires though...
Even after he was given that treat- (which of course he didn't eat because he cannot even smell it). But he kept an eye on the rear door to the room...
Waiting to make his escape.
After the "temp" was taken... hehehe
No fever- But an upper respiratory infection...
AND he has Rhinotracheitis.
This is the medical term for herpes. wth?
From "cat world"
"Most cats are infected with rhinotracheitis (feline herpes virus 1). Estimates vary from 70% to 95% of cats being chronically infected but it is likely that it is closer to 90% than to 70%. Cats are usually infected when they are young but because the virus is a herpesvirus it can live in the body long term and surface at times of stress or immune compromise."
Now the dang cat has pills too. (And oh what a wrestling match I had last night getting that pill down his throat).
He has the Clavamox pills for the respiratory infection, (and some homeopathic goo for the other).
I'd better close for now... Maybe nap before Kelli gets here to run the dogs for a bit. (Been up since 11:30).
Oh but I wasn't done...
On Thanksgiving, my desktop computer took a doo~doo and died. Dr. Greg took it all apart, and in moments had it dx'ed- A few moments later, after hooking up my laptop, he also had the part ordered for it.
Not sure how long it will take, given that it is formally holiday season now, what with shipping and all. In the meantime, know that my pictures are wacky...
Again, I hope your Thanksgiving was grand! I look forward to reading all of your stories and such.
...And full steam ahead to Christmas! My tree will be set up soon.
I missed out on that last year, so I can set it up really early this year, right?
Love to all.
Am I the only one who thinks that Martha Stewart needs a good swift kick in the @ss?
What a witch she is! CLICK