[My] Life in Wisconsin

Crisis Averted- Another pup goes home!

Crisis Averted- And another pup goes home!

   Although I do definitely have those times where I am a complete idiot, I am trying to remember that everything happens for a reason...  Puppy found a great new home, with patient, kind and loving people.

   The dad came to check everything out, sending the daughter and friends to come pick up the 'leftover' girl puppies.  All were gone then about 4 hours- and upon their return, they said they had a hard time deciding; yet all in all seemed very happy with their new choice too!   The little pup will be named "Maddie"  (short for Madeline?).  Cute and very soft, she is the 2nd smallest of the crew; and the very most unassuming pup.

   The "kids" are finally getting to where some are bigger and some are a bit smaller- Not by much though. Weird that they all turned out such little matches as far as weight, colors etc...    My cousin wrote that I shouldn't get so upset with myself with this latest screw up- that this kind of fiasco, (the mix-up), happens even to human babies. (She is right of course, but it still remains a bit unsettling for me).  

   Lots of running to do yesterday- and stopped at an out-of-the-way rummage sale on the way home...  Found a cage for Mary-  (tee-hee-hee)- (actually for her new little pup), and very reasonable too- She will be picking her new little guy up this afternoon; having already scheduled a vet appointment for Wednesday, and buying a ton of chewie things for him too!  (Hopefully this will keep him from eating her furniture-  But they do have sprays for that now too). I am very excited for her to have him. She has never been able to have a pup/dog/pet, except for when we were young-(er)!  She has even registered him for puppy classes! How very cool!

   Went to the animal clinic yesterday morning to pick up Amos' special food-  While there, of course we chatted about the pups too.  The doctor indicated that at this point in time I am only 'babysitting' these pups- That they are more than ready to be adopted and sent home.  He said as long as they are on solid food (puppy chow since 2 and 1/2 weeks), and that Miss Milly is trying to wean them, it is time that they go.  I figured that, but am glad to hear it straight from him too!  Now everyone can take their bundles home.  Hopefully, can and will.  This last week has been a huge strain on Milly; and ultimately she comes first.

   KC left last night to visit her friend Rachel down at college- Nice that they are almost as sisters- and nice to have that shared closeness between them. Good kids-  And I have always been proud of the friends she has chosen. Not a deadbeat in the bunch!

   I'd better close for this morning- (The dryer is insistent that I remove my laundry)...

   Have a great weekend!


Saturday May 6, 2006 - 05:52am (CDT)