Good Morning Everyone, and Happy Sunday!
I have no idea where this picture came from; nor what it could possibly be of? It was in my camera when I had downloaded some other pictures of the dogs yesterday... Go figure... Weird, but pretty too!
Currently at a whole 13 degrees, I have been up since a little after midnight... Not being able to fall back to sleep either. I shall try again later. Have a bit of a cold, and an upset tummy from taking some maxalt yesterday for my goofy head...
So Friday I go with Roberta for her hipa scan; (still not sure of the spelling there). A shot of radioactive crap in her IV, and a huge scan machine. (Wish I knew all the correct medical terminology, but I do not, so this is as technical as my language will get today)!... I left before it was all over, having to pick up a few things before she came out here later. Still, she got here before I did. Nice to pull in the yard, and have herself and Gabriel waiting for me!
And THE Man came to install my new dish~thingie too! At least NOW I can finally SEE my television picture when it is on. No blizzard effects and no double~imaging going on, on any of the stations!!! (YAY)!!!
...the only problem is, I shut it off Friday afternoon, and have NO idea how to turn it back on! (ok so I am kidding). But honestly I have never seen such a fangled remote. I have what is called a dish500, or some darned thing... Punk ate the darned invoice and I do not recall anything off the top of my head here. (And I shall not be checking her doo~doo for the fine print either)!!! ...hehehe
For the very first time in my life, I have non~local television programming. (Seriously, I have never even had Cable~TV in my life). Cheapskate that I can be, I opted for the most reasonably priced package that they offer, and to include all of my local channels also. I see that I can even watch some old Gunsmokes too! (Ya gotta LOVE Festus)!
Roberta and I had a bit of fun with this installer man while he was here... Asking him how would I know if there was a problem that the actual dish outside would need cleaning off, he casually replied that if the grey dish out there was 'white' in color that it would then be a good idea to sweep the snow off of it! OK, a little good humor at my expense!
I like the fact that I can toggle back and forth between the dish receiver and the regular "air" antennae too. And the way he has it hooked up, even the regular channels here are coming in quite well, without the satellite receiver on. Happy for that. I do not watch that much TV, just that I do like to be able to see it when I do happen to turn it on! ...And I do like to have it on, in the background for noise most days.
Included with this rental is a DVR- I figure it will take me about a year and a half to be knowing how to operate this and in the meanwhile will probably miss all of my favorite shows! (That's OK I am a self~proclaimed addict here anyway; and would MUCH rather be addicted to my friends and family than the 'boob tube' anyway)!
Not too much other news that is fit to print. We will not have the results of Berta's scans til at earliest tomorrow. (In the meanwhile she has pain and grins and bears it). And I never did get down to Appleton that day either. I will go later this morning to pick those things up.
Had more than a bit of fun out in the snow yesterday.... made my 1st snow~angel of the year too...
These two girls have been doing this for as long as I can remember! Too much fun, and yet, it curdles my blood to have to look at this picture for very long either! Yes, they are barefoot... and on the front lawn. Casey is in her bikini and since Jenny could not find her own, she has on an old pair of boxers! This was last years photo, as there was little/no snow this year to be doing it... YET!
Oh heck, it has never killed anyone...
So back to yesterday... The dogs and I did not go back to the woods for their exercise. Rather we stayed up top here and made tracks in the snow. (In my opinion, this is a very easy way to tell if kids are stuck inside all the time... If there are NO footprints in the snow; little AND big, then there is definitely a problem with the adults in their lives)! I used to drive by a friend of mines home... I swear her children were NEVER outside, and that is SO sad. There were entire snowy winters, and NEVER was their yard tracked up. She has three children too, you would think someone would have gone out to play at one point or another... To me, that amounts to some weird kind of abuse. It is just not fair to anyone.
I'd better close- maybe try to lie down so I can be a bit more rested to drive down to Appleton later... It is to be below zero tonight, and then we go into the 'deep~freeze' for a while...
Nasty that. Just that I would rather be warm... inside AND out!
Enjoy what is left of your "weeks~end"!!!