[My] Life in Wisconsin

Exclusive: RNC document mocks donors, plays on 'fear'

Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

I was heading offline, and will be shortly... But I wanted to make you aware of this.

I was directed to this link by way of our "Intelligent Debate" site.
Thank you TroyJ!


By BEN SMITH | 3/3/10 4:23 PM EST

The Republican National Committee plans to raise money this election cycle through an aggressive campaign capitalizing on “fear” of President Barack Obama and a promise to "save the country from trending toward socialism."

The strategy was detailed in a confidential party fundraising presentation, obtained by POLITICO, which also outlines how “ego-driven” wealthy donors can be tapped with offers of access and “tchochkes.”

The presentation was delivered by RNC Finance Director Rob Bickhart to top donors and fundraisers at a party retreat in Boca Grande, Florida on February 18, a source at the gathering said.

In neat PowerPoint pages, it lifts the curtain on the often-cynical terms of political marketing, displaying an air of disdain for the party’s donors that is usually confined to the barroom conversations of political operatives.

The presentation explains the Republican fundraising in simple terms.

"What can you sell when you do not have the White House, the House, or the Senate...?" it asks.

The answer: "Save the country from trending toward Socialism!”

Manipulating donors with crude caricatures and playing on their fears is hardly unique to Republicans or to the RNC – Democrats raised millions off George W. Bush in similar terms – but rarely is it practiced in such cartoonish terms.

One page, headed “The Evil Empire,” pictures Obama as the Joker from Batman, while House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leaders Harry Reid are depicted as Cruella DeVille and Scooby Doo, respectively.

The document, which two Republican sources said was prepared by the party’s finance staff, comes as Chairman Michael Steele struggles to retain the trust and allegiance of major donors, who can give as much as $30,400 a year to the party.

Under Steele, the RNC has shifted toward a reliance on small donors, but the document reveals extensive, confidential details of the strategy for luring wealthy checkwriters, which range from luxury retreats in California wine country to tickets to a professional fight in Las Vegas.

The 72-page document was provided to POLITICO by a Democrat, who said a hard copy had been left in the hotel hosting the $2,500-a-head retreat, the Gasparilla Inn & Club. Sources at the event said the presentation was delivered by Bickhart and by the RNC Finance Chairman, Peter Terpeluk, a former ambassador to Luxembourg under President George W. Bush. 

The RNC reacted with alarm to a question about it Wednesday, emailing major donors to warn them of a reporter’s question, and distancing Steele from its contents.

“The document was used for a fundraising presentation Chairman Steele did not attend, nor had he seen the document,” RNC Communications Director Doug Heye said in an email. “Fundraising documents are often controversial.

“Obviously, the Chairman disagrees with the language and finds the use of such imagery to be unacceptable. It will not be used by the Republican National Committee – in any capacity – in the future,” Heye said.

The most unusual section of the presentation is a set of six slides headed “RNC Marketing 101.” The presentation divides fundraising into two traditional categories, direct marketing and major donors, and lays out the details of how to approach each group.

The small donors who are the targets of direct marketing are described under the heading “Visceral Giving.” Their motivations are listed as “fear;” “Extreme negative feelings toward existing Administration;” and “Reactionary.”

Major donors, by contrast, are treated in a column headed “Calculated Giving.”

Their motivations include: “Peer to Peer Pressure”; “access”; and “Ego-Driven.”

The slide also allows that donors may have more honorable motives, including “Patriotic Duty.”

A major Republican donor described the state of the RNC’s relationship with major donors as “disastrous,” with veteran givers beginning to abandon the committee, which is becoming increasingly reliant on small donors.

The party’s average contribution in 2009, according to the document, was just $40, and the shift toward a financial reliance on the grassroots may help explain Steele’s increasingly strident tone toward the Obama Administration.

While the crude portrayal of Obama may be - as Steele ‘s spokesman put it - “unacceptable,” other elements of the presentation may be of equal interest to close political observers. 

The RNC plans to raise $8.6 million from major donors alone in 2010, less than 10% of its total 2009 fundraising take, which was primarily from small donors."

The center of that plan is an extensive, and colorful, schedule of events. Along with traditional fundraisers with conservative luminaries including Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kristol and former presidential candidate Steve Forbes, the party plans to raise $80,000 for a trip to London to meet David Cameron, the British Conservative Party leader, on September 17.

The RNC’s “Young Eagles” – younger major donors and the only group, according to a major donor, continuing to pull its weight financially – are invited to a “professional bull riding event” in October, expected to raise $50,000, and to a no-holds-barred Ultimate Fighting Championship fight in Las Vegas the same month, expected to raise $60,000.

The RNC’s aim, according to one section of the document: “Putting the Fun Back in FUNdraising.”

CORRECTION: The RNC raised a total of $81 million in 2009. An earlier version of this story understated that figure.

"It's Time to Act"

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Good Morning Everyone;
I have been silent on the HealthCare issue for quite some time. It became almost a non~issue for me with the deletion of The Public Option.

BUT... Since there is still minor hope for The Public Option, of course I have much to say about it all.

Casey and I did watch that Health Care summit last Thursday. We were very proud when President Obama (found his gonads and) finally stood up to the blatant disrespect; even while keeping the agenda on Health Care.

We were just 2 of the following people.
Some had the audacity to hope that the Republicans would come to the table to work with the President to solve problems like health care. Now, it’s clear they are putting insurance industry profits above the health of America’s families."

D. Bhargava, from "The GOP Health Plan: A Cruel Joke"

We found it odd that "the leading Republican spokesperson for their new plan, Congressman John Boehner has pocketed nearly a million dollars from the insurance special interests." (Cited above).

Perhaps "odd" isn't the correct word.
"Par for the course" would be more fitting.

Read on- As always, I have cited my sources.


Anthony Mason, CBS News, quoted below

"As Washington tries to write a new prescription for HealthCare, American business says it can't afford to be left in the waiting room"

  • Some of you are getting by.
    • somehow.

  • Some have lost their jobs already.

  • Still others do not have the money for food.

  • Some are working- having their hours and wages cut.
    • "Benefits" is a gold mine to an employee
    • And an obscene word to an employer

  • Some are working two jobs
    • and still trying to raise their children.

  • Some still believe they can sit on a pedestal and literally or figuratively, denigrate those that cannot even 'see' the pedestal.
    • Those pedestals will crack!
      • If they haven't begun to crumble already

  • Many of us (on my pages) are ill or incapacitated in some manner. 
    • (Through no fault of our own).

  • Some even are fortunate enough to know what they need,
    • but lack the funds necessary to have their medicines,
      • or the surgeries that would save them.

To those that are still working...
  • Does your job offer security?
  • Do you really feel safe?
  • Should you?

"Every 10% rise in HealthCare costs the economy 120,000 jobs." Source: Rand

  • How much has your health insurance gone up?
  • Do you even have your employer based insurance anymore?
I wonder now, how many people [that were originally so against this plan[ have since lost their jobs? (IMHO, knowing one of these people, I have to say that even their arrogance couldn't save them).
* Pea, I am not talking about you- You are not arrogant. You are kind. You are wise.

Some grand companies are even dropping health insurance and not telling their employees. Click for that story.
Talk about deception!

What one angry commenter said: "
The American People have NOT said they do not want this Health Care Bill, it is the biased media in certain large cities and states reporting that the people don't want it, NOT the people saying they don't want it, some group has taken over and is trying to convince people that they don't want it.
STOP and think, who was it at the Tea Bag Parties, and at the town hall meetings that were on the news networks???
90% of those that spoke out against it are retired and already on medicare!!! They were convinced to assemble and speak out against an issue that did not even concern them. Did they ask the currently employed people that DO NOT have health care? NO..... Did they ask the unemployed? NO. Who did they ask?
As many people as they could that the health care bill would not affect whether it passed or not.
End quote

While I may disagree about this mans comment about the Tea Baggers, this article did make me wince- First from it's obvious language, then from the fact that he may possibly be correct.

Still, reeking of Nixon's Silent majority is not what my blog is about.

This is: "
Most Americans would like to see a "public option" in health insurance reform but doubt anything Congress does will lower costs or improve care " end quote.
Thomson Reuters PULSE Healthcare Survey

There are questions still.
Like, has your senator taken a stand on the public option?  Click.

120 House members signed their support also. Click.
Note: "Statements are only counted if they make clear that the senator will vote yes if the House version of the public option (or stronger) is brought up for a vote in reconciliation."

Also quoted, "If 100 senators are not on board for a public option and true reform, then NONE of them is listening to the American people." end quote

"Capitalism, when you're shopping for a TV or a car, is fine; [but] when necessities are involved, capitalism is pure evil. We should aspire to something better. If you want to call that socialism, which I define as caring about people, that's fine with me."  end quote
I could not agree more!

"This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today. This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself"

If you, for any reason, are not hearing these truths, may you be safe and secure in the knowledge that you did nothing to help while the deaths and lives of many fellow Americans are summarily hanging in the balance.

What do these words mean to you? As taken from The Preamble to the US Constitution at the top, "promote the general welfare"

Here are your options...
  1. Please define "security" for me.
  2. Then define "health" for me.
  3. How is YOUR health?
  4. More importantly, how will your health be tomorrow?

Sleep well my friends.


"It's time to act" from President Obama's most recent health care speech

Also (ALL from whitehouse.gov).

Glenn Beck and California Cows

Good Morning Everyone!
Just a wee bit of commentary here...


-It's about all I can say to the disinformation- (which is NOT to be confused with misinformation).   -Definitions below

While watching the TV last night, Glenn Beck was on the Fox news channel.
Yes, I was trying to garner an image, (better than the negative one I have), of him.

He was 'trying' to make a point, and I don't even recall about what.

He had $7.00 in one hand and a gallon of milk in the other.

And his line of thought(?), went something like this...

What will you pay for this milk when the truck drivers have to pay $7.00 for a gallon of diesel, and the farmers pay $7.00 for the gallon of fuel.
How much do you think they will charge us for the milk?

Mr. Beck, I have never known any farmer that could set his own price.
I changed the channel shortly after I realized my mouth was hanging open.

Me,  aka "The Flintville Farmers Daughter"

California cows?  Those commercials are funny.
No offense, but dairy cows actually produce more milk in cooler climates.

Talk about a bum steer! HAHAHA! ...

Click on the words below:

* disinformation 
* misinformation

The difference clearly lies with intent.