I Lived Through It...
A little bit of fog...
...over the marsh by I-43
Good Morning All;
I have been having a few problems tonight with my danged computersaurus.
Bear with me here... At least my email has been working.
I had my MRI Friday morning...
I woke about 1AM after about 3 hours (+/-) of sleep. I decided to stay up, so there would be a good possibility that I might sleep a bit (or rest?) during my stay in that noisy MRI machine.
Casey had spent the night on Thursday; admittedly so I could wake her up to bring me.
I had planned on taking a diazepam before I went in (no driving with that).
7:30 found us at St. Marys.
It was not as bad as I had been led to believe.
Not that I had a good time... The worst of it was having to lie on a hard plastic bed, ON MY BACK.
Not good. Deep breathing helped. (Lamaze by any other name)... hehehe
It did take over an hour and a half, but that passed by quickly enough. I do not have the results of course, but every little 'thing' brings me closer to relief.
Next up? Tuesday I receive those shots in my back.
I had NO anxiety attack either.
It has been brought to my attention that panic/anxiety attacks all follow one order of events. ie, hyperventilating. That if a patient is not hyperventilating, he/she does not have anxiety disorder.
Such is not the case. And could not be further from the truth.
If you missed my link this morning to ANXIETY, please click here.
(Conversely, not all hyperventilation is a sign of anxiety either).
Physical symptoms of anxiety
Anxiety is more than just a feeling. As a product of the body’s fight-or-flight response, anxiety involves a wide range of physical symptoms. Because of the numerous physical symptoms, anxiety sufferers often mistake their disorder for a medical illness. They may visit many doctors and make numerous trips to the hospital before their anxiety disorder is discovered.
Common physical symptoms of anxiety include:
Hyperventilation is not even on the list. Shortness of breath is. "SOB" is defined as follows... "Dyspnea, or shortness of breath (SOB) is a debilitating symptom that is the experience of unpleasant or uncomfortable respiratory sensations.
It is a common symptom of numerous medical disorders, particularly those involving the cardiovascular and respiratory systems; dyspnea on exertion is the most common presenting complaint for people with respiratory impairment.
So much for higher intelligence/ignorance.
The new drug that I am taking FOR pain, honestly IS a royal pain, with its side effects. (I swear it not only gives me A.D.D., but renders my fingers very uncooperative with my keyboard).
Knowing how bad my back hurt before I took it too, I will put up and shut up (for now). Am hoping those shots may enable me to be off of everything then?
Speaking of my keyboard... (Was too).
One of the little height adjusters broke off yesterday. To simply adjust the other side did not work, as it still tipped and rattled with each keystroke. So I "fixed" it right. I just broke the right side to match the left. (Whatever works, right)? hehehe
Another shot of the fog.
Over Duck Creek.
.Over Duck Creek.
Casey has been coming out almost every day- And doing for me little things that are hard for me.
She came out Thursday, bringing a new bone for Miss Punk...
Punk has not had a new bone in a while, and was appropriately grateful.
Which we ALL know means, "Thank You Casey!"
.Which we ALL know means, "Thank You Casey!"
As I was mowing lawn... "Bravo Me!" ~I did it all in one afternoon! Though I might have had one little accident; (driving right into a dang apple tree).
In a split second, either to keep me humble, (or maybe just to add insult to injury); the tree dropped a nice hard Macintosh apple on my head!
So much for my pride...
But that sassy tree did break the light cover panel off, from the front of the Cub Cadet.
Casey fixed it for me!
"ARF?" (or better, "Thank You Casey!")!!!
."ARF?" (or better, "Thank You Casey!")!!!
Punk is always outside when I mow the lawns. She always lays in the garage... Recently though she has decided that it is much more comfy inside the car.
...Or maybe she just wants to go for a ride?!
Casey and I sorted out a few things from the garage... She found a few really decent pairs of pants that we had gotten on one of our shopping trips to resale stores around town.
Unloading a few bags, she also found a new Sponge~Bob for Miss Punk...
Punk with her concerned look...
But finding those pants was perfect timing for Casey's 1st day of school too!
I giggled as she'd packed up her car...
I giggled as she'd packed up her car...
And who would have thought this, even a year ago, given what she was dealing with being so sick?
When I think of all the stuff she had taken for so long, it amazes me that she still is here!
Things that for me would have knocked anyone over in a heartbeat. the body is amazing though, and even though she took a lot of prescriptions, her body dealt with it well.
She is almost off everything- Another amazing feat.
That is not to say that she does not have pain.
She is a real trooper.
The White House on Friday dismissed as pointless the furor over President Barack Obama's plan to deliver a televised back-to-school speech to the nation's students.
"I think we've reached a little bit of the silly season when the president of the United States can't tell kids in school to study hard and stay in school," presidential spokesman Robert Gibbs told reporters. "I think both political parties agree that the dropout rate is something that threatens our long-term economic success."
.Why? So that they can spew more lies? More fear for the uninformed who drag behind them, nodding like little puppets?
But I say go ahead anyway. Like Pa used to say, "Those of you who think you know everything must be very annoying to those who do..." hehehe
I believe I told you all that I had made some Italian Spaghetti the other day.
Casey didn't want linguine or spaghetti in it, and chose the rigatoni instead.
She was hysterical at the picture on the box...
Now who puts such a little dab of sauce on their pasta?
Not us, that's for sure.
.Not us, that's for sure.
I'd better close for this morning- Have much to do today. Since the diazepam has surely worn off by now, I need to get to the store and get food etc for our Labor Day Picnic on Monday.
If you live near enough please come!
Have a "wunnaful" weekend!
I'd better contend to my computersaurus too.
Am thinking this guy has the right idea, don't you agree?
Anxiety & Panic Attacks Symptoms
Good Morning,
I must begin with a few words to someone who believes they know everything.
know that your words have cut deep.
Although I realize the following options might not fit with your ego, please try them anyway.
Either let me know when you become a "doctor"
after you have walked that proverbial mile in my shoes.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From the above link now...
It is not important to try and understand the physiology of the human body but it IS important to remember that each of the anxiety symptoms you experience can be explained.
Do not dwell on what you are feeling, instead, project yourself into more useful subjects, do something constructive, exercise, learn a skill or craft and escape the body trap.
The following list of anxiety symptoms includes the most common ones reported by actual anxiety sufferers. Whilst the list is fairly comprehensive, there may be symptoms that you experience that are not listed; this does not mean that you are more ill or suffering from something else, we are all biologically different in many ways and some people simply react differently during anxiety.
Anxiety Symptoms
* Smothering sensations and Shortness of breath
* Racing heart, slow heart beat, palpitations
* Chest Pain
* Lump in throat & Difficulty swallowing
* Skin losing color (blanching)
* Sweating
* Shaking or shivering (Visibly or internally)
* Neck & shoulder pain & numbness in face or head
* Rapid gastric emptying
* Indigestion, heartburn, constipation and diarrhea
* Symptoms of urinary tract infection
* Skin rashes
* Weakness in arms & tingling in the hands or feet
* Electric shock feeling anywhere in the body
* Dry mouth
* Insomnia
* Nightmares
* Fears of going mad or losing control
* Increased depression & suicidal feelings
* Aggression
* Symptoms like 'flu'
* Distorted vision
* Disturbed hearing
* Hormone problems
* Headaches & feelings of having a tight band around head
* Sore eyes
* Agoraphobia
* Hallucinations
* Creeping or pins and needles sensations in the skin
* Increased sensitivity to light, sound, touch, and smell
* Hyperactivity
* Dramatic increase in sexual feelings
* Pain in the face or jaw that resembles a toothache
* Derealization and depersonalization
Smothering sensations and Shortness of breath
These sensations are amongst the more distressing anxiety symptoms. Sometimes it feels as if your chest will not expand to accommodate the air your body needs, other times it feels as if someone is pushing a pillow into your face. The one thing to remember should you experience this is that it is only a sensation caused by exaggerated nerve impulses. These symptoms will not and cannot harm you; you will not stop breathing, pass out or suffocate.
Racing heart, slow heart beat, palpitations
Anxiety releases adrenaline into the blood stream making the heart race and feel as if it is missing beats, (palpitations). This is perfectly natural and will not and cannot harm you in any way. Later I will discuss methods you can use to help stop these feelings. A slow heart beat is also a common feature of anxiety, again it does not mean that your heart will stop beating, it may feel odd and alarming but again do not give it any credibility and it will go away.
Chest Pain
Caused by muscle tension, chest pains can make you feel very scared. The initial reaction of anyone with anxiety who gets pains in their chest is that they are dying of a heart attack. This is not true. Heart pain is very different to this pain and very often does not start in the chest. Deep breathing and relaxation exercises are a very effective way of diminishing these unpleasant symptoms. If you can get somebody to massage your upper back, shoulders and chest, it will help to relax tired and achy muscles.
Lump in throat & Difficulty swallowing
Globus Hystericus is the correct term for this symptom. It is caused by the muscles in the throat contracting due to anxiety or stress. Sometimes it feels like you cannot swallow anything and trying to makes it worse. This is another example of a symptom, which will improve if you give it no credibility. It is totally harmless and will not cause you to stop breathing, eating or drinking, it is just very unpleasant.
Skin losing color (blanching)
As blood is diverted to the muscles during the 'fight or flight' response, the fine blood vessels in your skin that gives the skin that pink, healthy color receive reduced blood flow and the skin loses some of its colour. It is not dangerous and will return to normal as the body starts to normalize after an attack. Some people with generalized anxiety can look a little pale most of the time, again this is quite normal and will return to normal.
Sweating is a normal bodily reaction and is designed to reduce the body temperature. As the body heats up sweat is released onto it through sweat glands. As the sweat evaporates it takes heat with it, cooling the body. During periods of anxiety the body is preparing itself for either flight or fight and releases sweat to cool the impending exertions. As the anxiety subsides sweat levels return to normal.
Shaking or shivering (Visibly or internally)
We all shake or shiver when we are nervous or cold. Shaking is a normal reaction to fear and/or a drop in body temperature. Shaking occurs when the muscles spasmodically contract creating friction between muscles and other body tissues. This friction creates heat which raises body temperature. During anxiety it is quite normal to experience shaking or shivering. It will pass.
Neck & shoulder pain & numbness in face or head
The blood vessels and nerves, which supply the face and head, originate in the neck and shoulders. Many of these nerves and blood vessels are routed across the head to the face. When the body is under stress these areas of the body are usually the first to become tense. Facial numbness can be very disturbing but is usually nothing to worry about and is usually the result of this tension.
Rapid gastric emptying
This can be a very unpleasant side effect of both anxiety and tranquillizer use. This condition causes the sufferer to feel full very early on in a meal, sometimes making them feel as if they cannot breathe. Then soon after eating they can experience diarrhea and feel as if their whole digestive system is emptying very quickly indeed.
Indigestion, heartburn, constipation and diarrhea
During periods of anxiety the body diverts blood from various parts of the body to the muscle tissues in order to supply them with the oxygen needed by them during the flight or fight response. One of the main areas where blood is used most is around the digestive tract. Blood is sent there to absorb nutrients from the food we eat. As blood is diverted away from the stomach during anxiety, the digestion slows and the muscles around the stomach can become knotted. This can cause indigestion, heartburn and diarrhea or constipation.
Sexual Dysfunction
Impotency, or failure to achieve or maintain an erection, effects many men for many reasons, sometimes there is a physical reason for this but more often than not there is a psychological element.
Symptoms of urinary tract infection
Medication can have many and some times quite obscure side effects including the symptoms of a urinary tract infections. It is always advisable to get these things checked out by your doctor but even if you do have an infection it can be easily treated. Drinking plenty of water is always advisable to maintain good, general health but even more so when the body is under stress.
Skin rashes
Skin rashes, spots or dryness are all very common symptoms of anxiety and stress. It is quite common to get an eczema like rash around the nose, cheeks and forehead. They are nothing to worry about and usually disappear when you start to feel better.
Weakness in arms & tingling in the hands or feet
The flight or fight response is an intense reaction and causes many systems of the body to react. Circulation, blood oxygen and blood carbon dioxide levels change and muscle tension is altered in preparation for action. All of these bodily changes have a profound effect on bodily sensations, feeling week in the extremities, (arms, hands, legs or feet) is one of these sensations.
Tingling is usually caused by the pooling of blood carbon dioxide in the limbs, shaking the hands, arms, legs and feet can help increase circulation to these areas. These symptoms are not harmful and will return to normal. Light exercise is very helpful in reversing these sensations. THEY DO NOT MEAN YOU ARE EXPERIENCING A STROKE OR ANY OTHER NEUROLOGICAL CONDITION!
Electric shock feeling anywhere in the body
The nervous system is a very complex network of electrically charged nerves which are found in every square centimeter of your body, around every organ, muscle and across your skin, the largest organ in the body. Abnormal nerve impulses due to anxiety can cause a vast array of strange sensations; although quite harmless these can be very disturbing.
Dry mouth
As fluids are diverted for use in other parts of the body during anxiety, the mouth becomes dry. Sip water or suck sweets to lubricate your mouth. In extreme cases your doctor can prescribe a liquid to do this but it is expensive. It cannot harm you and will go away after the anxiety subsides.
One of the more distressing effects of anxiety, insomnia is the inability to fall asleep or to remain asleep. It is important to regain regular sleep patterns as lack of sleep can lead to disturbing symptoms. Follow this link to The Linden Method cure for insomnia
Dreams and nightmares tend to mimic what is going on in our daily lives. If we are relaxed and contented we have pleasant dreams and usually do not remember them. If we are disturbed or confused our dreams are more likely to be too. Nightmares are unpleasant but harmless, the more you master good sleep and practice breathing and relaxation exercises the better your dreams will become.
Fears of going mad or losing control
We all have a fear of going mad or losing control but rest assured you are not going mad. Going mad is not a conscious act; those who are suffering from severe mental illness are unaware of their journey into it. You are not going mad. Confused nervous messages to the brain along tired nerves in a tired body do not constitute madness.
Thoughts are an unconscious product of brain activity. If you are anxious, angry, sad or stressed your thoughts are affected, not only by mood, but also by your physical body chemistry. Blood oxygen levels can affect brain activity and the central nervous system, as can many other bodily chemicals like adrenaline, hormones and even vitamins. These un-pleasant thoughts, emotions and totally irrational fears are not harmful to yourself or others. Any thoughts of harming yourself or other people are perceived only. As you body becomes more relaxed and less anxious your thought processes will return to normal.
Increased depression & suicidal feelings
Depression is a word that is commonly misused to describe a variety of conditions. I hear many people in every day life who say, "I am depressed, I feel terrible, I am so fed up". This is, in most cases, not depression. Depression is a series of chemical imbalances that create a clinical illness that has strong links with anxiety disorders and can be a side effect of them. Anxiety has many features of depression and can mimic it quite strongly. When someone goes to the doctor complaining of feeling run down and fed up, it is all too easy to write a prescription for Prozac, Seroxat or another anti-depressant. I wonder how many people are on anti-depressants who just needed to reassess and restructure their lives.
When you feel tired, ill, fed up and held back by your condition you are bound to feel angry. One of the main causes of true anger is actually sadness. Think back to a situation that has made you feel anger, if you dissect that event you might find that the true reason for feeling so angry was a feeling of sadness. Aggression is a normal reaction to fear also, the fight or flight response prepares us to either run or fight, sometimes to fight may seem to be the best response.
Symptoms like 'flu'
Influenza causes the body to release anti-bodies into the blood stream to attack the virus. This combination of anti-bodies and infection makes the body feel weak, sweaty and painful. Anxiety can have a similar effect, weakening the muscles, making you clammy and achy. Believe it or not the more you do physically the better this will become.
Distorted vision
In order to prepare the body for impending danger, adrenaline release causes many physical changes. During the anxiety response the body prepares the eyes to notice any slight movements; it does this by dilating the pupils allowing more light to enter. This is why anxious people become more sensitive to bright light and often wear sunglasses to minimize the eyestrain it causes.
Disturbed hearing
This is called tinnitus and is usually experienced as whistling or screeching noises in either or both ears.
Hormone problems
Anxiety can affect various systems of the body, one of which is the endocrine system. This system is responsible for balancing the glands, which secrete hormones in the body. Although these glands secrete the hormones needed by the body, they do not control the levels of these chemicals, this is done by the brain. Disturbed messages in the brain and nervous system can cause slight irregularities in the secretion of these chemicals.
When anxiety levels return to normal so will the hormone levels. There are few examples where these hormones cause serious problems and if they do your doctor can correct them.
Women may find that their menstrual cycle is temporarily effected and men may find that they have mood swings whilst testosterone levels are affected.
Headaches & feelings of having a tight band around head
As discussed earlier, tension in the neck and shoulders can cause immense discomfort, migraine and numbness. The feeling of having a tight band around your head is caused by muscular tension in the sheath of muscles covering the skull. Restricted blood vessels and nerves within this tissue can cause very severe symptoms including pain in the eyes, face and teeth.
Sore eyes
Reduced lubrication in the eyes when body fluids are diverted elsewhere during anxiety causes the eyes to feel sore, dry and painful.
Agoraphobia is a natural response to anxiety and self-preservation. If we feel threatened we tend to retreat to somewhere safe, like a tortoise into its shell. In anxiety it is important to gain control of this response as soon as you feel it developing. Avoidance of situations is not an effective tool in the fight against agoraphobia.
Mostly experienced by people in withdrawal, hallucinations can be very frightening indeed if you do not understand what they are and where they come from. Hallucinations are another example of transient symptoms. If you are in withdrawal they will pass, if you are not in withdrawal consult your doctor, as they may be a side effect of the drugs that you have been prescribed.
Creeping or pins and needles sensations in the skin
The nerve endings in your skin are alive with electrical impulses, these can feel like creeping sensations, pins and needles or tickling, they are the result of confused nerve impulses and cannot harm you.
Increased sensitivity to light, sound, touch, and smell
All of these sensitivities are to prepare your senses to see, smell, hear and feel more when in impending danger during the fight or flight response. All of these feeling are unusual but not dangerous, they are temporary and will return to normal as your anxiety levels reduce.
Hyperactivity is a way of describing a range of symptoms that cause you to feel as if you need to talk faster and do things faster. It can make you feel confused and irrational and can make you do things that you would not usually do. This is a common feature of anxiety and drug withdrawal and will pass in time.
Dramatic increase in sexual feelings
As the brain copes with disturbed and confused messages from all around the body, some of the mind's thought processes can become a little distorted or exaggerated. Sexual thoughts and emotions are typically very strong even when in good health, they are what drive the attraction mechanism when we meet people we find attractive and create the sexual feelings we feel for some people.
Pain in the face or jaw that resembles a toothache
The term 'face ache' comes from this feature of anxiety. Most of this symptom is caused by tension, not only in the face, neck and shoulders, which can refer pain to the jaw and teeth, but also in the jaw itself.
Derealization and Depersonalization
These are both symptoms, which affect the way you experience yourself. Derealization is the sensation that you and everything around you is not real or dreamy, as if you are seeing everything through a fog or some kind of filter. It has been noticed that people experience both depersonalization and derealization during panic. It seems that some people dissociate first which then causes panic and derealization.
Fortunately for me I actually have a very few of those symptoms. (Fortunately for those around me too),
The information above is to offset any mis/disinformation you may have.
And, it will fit in with my upcoming blog...
Picture from here: http://www.truthism.com/
Also from that site...
"All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
—Arthur Schopenhauer (German philosopher, 1788-1860)
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