[My] Life in Wisconsin

One Thought. Two Questions...

And a One~Track Mind... (mine)...

Truly, this is really getting MORE than ridiculous...

Going out to the (attached) garage yesterday, and starting the Cub Cadet, I chanced to see a little parade of "meeces" scuttle along the back wall... Am thinking that BIG noise must have startled them most completely. hehehe (Yes, two mice can make their own parade)...

So, (brain that I am), I go off to locate the only mousetrap that I actually KNOW where it is. My thought process being that maybe I could get them before they actually found their way INside the house...

I go down to the basement, and find the trap right where I had left it last Winter...

...atop the crawlspace.

To my simple, complete and utter amazement, it is quite occupied.












Yes. That is a teeny tiny skeleton...
(And I couldn't help but laugh my freakin' butt off either).
My dehumidifier works just great too...



And I was left thinking that maybe $120.00 isn't THAT bad of a price to pay. (See prior blog)...

First question...

"Moose~Da~Kitty", WHERE ARE YOU now???

For those of you that might not have been around when my little kitty was, this is a picture of our Amos, (aka "The Moose"), in his heyday...



21+ pounds of "Grace" personified... ...




...And I am thinkin' I sure miss him right about now...



That is all.

Have a mice day.




Oh wait, yes, there are supposed to be TWO questions...



What's in YOUR mousetrap???




