[My] Life in Wisconsin

A Labor "Day" of Love!

Good Tuesday Morning to All;

With this last breath of summer blowing our way, there are a few pics to share...

The one at the top, me, exhausted but 'done' with the outside preps for the most part. (I don't know what I would have done without Roberta and CaseyAnne who have been here at every spare moment to help me out)...



Taken the night before...
...As they BOTH are appreciating the end of a very long workday here.



And of course Master Gabriel was wondering WHEN the grilling would begin??



He was ever SO hungry; (even at 10 o'clock in the morning)!
Miss Brandy behind him, as she had stopped in on the way to get some of her own shopping done, and to pick up her cousin too... Maybe to return in the afternoon.



Pa taught me well, (as Labor Days go anyway), to light the fire. And so it was high time to be getting the meat on. Roberta was chief cook yesterday, making her way through 10 pounds of (REAL) weiners, two packages of bratwurst (that had been first boiled in beer). Mmmm... Then 20 pounds of burger, and a few little hot dogs that the littler kids all appreciated.



A hot job for Berta, sitting in front of the fire; 83 degrees, and barely a breeze...
(My kettle of beans on the fire now, as Caseys beer butt chicken needed the oven).



They looked perfect, (even if we DID forget about them in the oven)! hehehe
Soup to come later with the leftover 'bird'...



And that soup might be a good thing for Miss Casey. She had an awful start to her day. Much piercing pain, and vomiting too. Derek came out quickly, bringing her dilaudid for her pain. (While it helps more than even 2 vicoden, she still fought the pain and nausea all day). AND yes, she did eat a bit. (She especially loves my beans, (and ate many of those critters)! hehehe




Derek was HAPPILY the first to grab a plate!
Attracting a small following of beggars and not so subtle thieves too...
"Gimme Gimme" "Woof~Woof" "Gimme Gimme" "Woof~Woof"
DROOL !!!!



I promise to get everyones pics on here at some point. (But if I did that today, the blog would be much too long).




Taking it easy after Roberta, Randy and Derek had dug out an old stump...



I took it easy afterward too, Master Gabriel on my lap (after his nap);
...and with Miss Punk almost completely worn out too!



Later, Casey had left with Miss Kelli to collect the horses and to get a ride through the woods and back home here.



By this time, Punk was already inside taking her nap.
That nap, rudely interrupted by Mama Milly NOT appreciating the 2 horses.


Milly would NOT quiet down for love or money, but a bit of water sprayed on her kennel brought peace to the world... (for a while anyway).



Randy, Kelli and Casey; with May and Breeze
(Where are these horses when I need my lawn cut)????


More to come later Folks... I have a doctor appointment this morning to check my thyroid; maybe I shall find out why I am so bloody tired all the time. I am hoping my new glasses have come in too. ~~While at the dentists office last week, the frame had broken... I needed no dentist care that day. (Yay). But surely I needed a new frame for my lenses. Why does it seem that everything is always discontinued when I need replacement for something? Gee, just lucky like that I suppose. hehehe But I did order up the frames (pieces) that I could from the backstock, so when/IF this happens again, I will have my own inventory to pick from... hehehe

Hope you all had a grand Labor Day. And that you shall be enjoying this short week also. Good Luck to all the kids around here that finally go back to school today too!

