" We must close union offices, confiscate their money, and put their leaders in prison. We must reduce workers salaries, and take away their right to strike."
It is a grievous day for Wisconsin...
This link will take you to Wisconsin's LAW on this type of "government"
This is not just a rule. IT IS LAW!
In honor of the disrespectful, maladjusted, and disobedient GOP's in my beloved state of Wisconsin; my own guess is that since these people have obviously broken the law that there should be ramifications of such.
If not, then what the hell are we teaching our children?!?
AFSCME Members File Unfair Labor Practice Complaint Against Walker
by James Parks, Feb 28, 2011
Wisconsin public employees who are members of AFSCME Council 24 have filed an unfair labor practice complaint with the state labor board against Gov. Scott Walker.
The complaint alleges that since he took office, Walker has violated his legal duty to bargain in good faith. The workers have agreed to all of Walker’s concessions on wages, benefits and pensions, but he is refusing to sit down to bargain a compromise to get Wisconsin moving forward again and creating jobs.
In a press release, Council 24 Executive Director Marty Beil said:
"This governor has never made any attempt to contact the unions he is attacking, much less negotiate in good faith as required by law.
Instead of trying to find real solutions to the challenges facing the state, the governor is attempting to dictate terms. This not only is ineffective, it’s against the law."
“It is time for the governor to be held accountable.
He is ignoring the court of public opinion, with hundreds of thousands of peaceful protesters and 74 percent of Wisconsin voters opposing his attacks on bargaining rights. If he continues to ignore the public, we have no choice but to turn to the courts,” Beil said.
For a full copy of the complaint, click here.
Note the date of that article.
Methinks (hopes) that the AFSCME will be filing even more complaints today.
The "title" above is taken from NPR,
Wisconsin GOP Bypasses Democrats On Vote
by NPR Staff and Wires, March 9, 2011
Also from our Press Gazette comes this article,
Written by Scott Bauer 9:58 PM, Mar. 9, 2011
Wisconsin Republicans approve separate bill curtailing union rights
http://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/article/20110309/GPG0101/110309152/Wisconsin-Republicans-approve-separate-bill-curtailing-union-rights?odyssey=mod|mostview“In 30 minutes, 18 state senators undid 50 years of civil rights in Wisconsin.
Their disrespect for the people of Wisconsin and their rights is an outrage that will never be forgotten,” said Democratic Senate Minority Leader Mark Miller.
“Tonight, 18 Senate Republicans conspired to take government away from the people.”
I am more angry than sad- yet...
If I were to say more on any of these points right now, many of you would drop me, -or your browser would not accept my emailed blog.
<img src="http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/102.gif"></p>
To my friends in Wisconsin, and for all the ruthless and barbaric states that may try to replicate this ugly idea, my heart goes out to ALL of you.
Let's not forget that this trash applies to more hardworking people than our teachers-

My friend Laurie made a wise decision to retire very early.
She has been a guard at GBCI for many many moons.
There are bus drivers, prison guards, snowplow operators, nurses, firefighters, county and state clerks, PLUS our police officers, etc etc etc
My friend Laurie made a wise decision to retire very early.
She has been a guard at GBCI for many many moons.
There are bus drivers, prison guards, snowplow operators, nurses, firefighters, county and state clerks, PLUS our police officers, etc etc etc
For all the people on my email list who sent me your <blatantly untrue> emails of what Wisconsin's teachers supposedly make, here is the link for your verification purposes.
Now you see what happens when you spread your malicious lies?!?
The quote I began this entry with came from here.
It is a quote from Adolph Hitler, 1933.