" We must close union offices, confiscate their money, and put their leaders in prison. We must reduce workers salaries, and take away their right to strike."
It is a grievous day for Wisconsin...
This link will take you to Wisconsin's LAW on this type of "government"
This is not just a rule. IT IS LAW!
In honor of the disrespectful, maladjusted, and disobedient GOP's in my beloved state of Wisconsin; my own guess is that since these people have obviously broken the law that there should be ramifications of such.
If not, then what the hell are we teaching our children?!?
AFSCME Members File Unfair Labor Practice Complaint Against Walker
by James Parks, Feb 28, 2011
Wisconsin public employees who are members of AFSCME Council 24 have filed an unfair labor practice complaint with the state labor board against Gov. Scott Walker.
The complaint alleges that since he took office, Walker has violated his legal duty to bargain in good faith. The workers have agreed to all of Walker’s concessions on wages, benefits and pensions, but he is refusing to sit down to bargain a compromise to get Wisconsin moving forward again and creating jobs.
In a press release, Council 24 Executive Director Marty Beil said:
"This governor has never made any attempt to contact the unions he is attacking, much less negotiate in good faith as required by law.
Instead of trying to find real solutions to the challenges facing the state, the governor is attempting to dictate terms. This not only is ineffective, it’s against the law."
“It is time for the governor to be held accountable.
He is ignoring the court of public opinion, with hundreds of thousands of peaceful protesters and 74 percent of Wisconsin voters opposing his attacks on bargaining rights. If he continues to ignore the public, we have no choice but to turn to the courts,” Beil said.
For a full copy of the complaint, click here.
Note the date of that article.
Methinks (hopes) that the AFSCME will be filing even more complaints today.
The "title" above is taken from NPR,
Wisconsin GOP Bypasses Democrats On Vote
by NPR Staff and Wires, March 9, 2011
Also from our Press Gazette comes this article,
Written by Scott Bauer 9:58 PM, Mar. 9, 2011
Wisconsin Republicans approve separate bill curtailing union rights
http://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/article/20110309/GPG0101/110309152/Wisconsin-Republicans-approve-separate-bill-curtailing-union-rights?odyssey=mod|mostview“In 30 minutes, 18 state senators undid 50 years of civil rights in Wisconsin.
Their disrespect for the people of Wisconsin and their rights is an outrage that will never be forgotten,” said Democratic Senate Minority Leader Mark Miller.
“Tonight, 18 Senate Republicans conspired to take government away from the people.”
I am more angry than sad- yet...
If I were to say more on any of these points right now, many of you would drop me, -or your browser would not accept my emailed blog.
<img src="http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/102.gif"></p>
To my friends in Wisconsin, and for all the ruthless and barbaric states that may try to replicate this ugly idea, my heart goes out to ALL of you.
Let's not forget that this trash applies to more hardworking people than our teachers-

My friend Laurie made a wise decision to retire very early.
She has been a guard at GBCI for many many moons.
There are bus drivers, prison guards, snowplow operators, nurses, firefighters, county and state clerks, PLUS our police officers, etc etc etc
My friend Laurie made a wise decision to retire very early.
She has been a guard at GBCI for many many moons.
There are bus drivers, prison guards, snowplow operators, nurses, firefighters, county and state clerks, PLUS our police officers, etc etc etc
For all the people on my email list who sent me your <blatantly untrue> emails of what Wisconsin's teachers supposedly make, here is the link for your verification purposes.
Now you see what happens when you spread your malicious lies?!?
The quote I began this entry with came from here.
It is a quote from Adolph Hitler, 1933.
A few saved comments from a few sites above
ReplyDeleteLa Bamba (PUnkasaurus) wrote:
This act by Walker was the Pearl Harbor for the middle class. The middle class has allowed the wealthy to rape the national treasury in the form of taxpayer bailouts, now they are taking away worker rights. These acts by the Republicans were acts of tyrants. It is time to for massive protests, like the civil rights movement. Yes, thats right, people at one time, had to protest against the grandfathers of these same wealthy @#%^*& so African Americans could drink from a public water fountain and sit in front of a bus. These Republicans are no better than Egypt's Mubarak or Libya's Khadafi, A line has been drawn in the sand, this is a country divided. And don't think for a minute that these Republicans would not have the National Guard mow you down like a Libyan protestor. Remember, Walker already called for the National Guard. I can not believe that this is happening in the same country I grew up in.
After the unions are broken, along with the recent Supreme Court decision favoring corporations in elections..there will only be one political party in the USA, the Republicans.
But yet the GOP has claimed they are "for the working people"....they are targeting those who can least afford it and who have little political power to stop it.
ReplyDeletethis just makes me want to puke --
ReplyDeleteNo, it will be the party of the Democrat/Republican, the power structure that has held power in the US since mid 1853 (yes, 1853). The Democrats are just as corrupted as the Republicans. Have you forgotten that the Democrats held control of Congress during Bush's regime? Have you forgotten that Obmam-man signed the tax cuts for the rich, claiming it was bipartisan victory? That was BS, the idea that a tax cut had to be given for the rich to keep unemployment going was just a sham. The Obama-man has signed back into policy almost all of the Bush's atrocities again the Constitution and the citizens of the US. No real change will happen until the power hold of the Democrat/Republican is broken.
ReplyDeletewow...got a link for that one?
ReplyDeletethey're screwing up bad :( no matter what side of the aisle you're on
the state will end up getting shut down if they don't straighten out in a hurry
ReplyDeletegood reporting from green bay
ReplyDeletethank you
may i post a link to this blog in my blog?
ReplyDeletei'd just posted a partial balancing argument on this situation and i think this blog would provide the remaining balance for those interested
i'm asking because you did a heck of alot of homework on this post,therefore i feel you own it ;)
ReplyDeleteExcellent research and posting Anne. Thanks so much for all the work you do, even though you are not feeling well at all.
ReplyDeletelove u, k
Yes you do a lot of work with all your searching and posts Anna and you do a good job I wish we had more like you here then people would have read the Political Parties Policies more before the last elections, I tried to warn as many as I could but my efforts were to no avail :-(
ReplyDeleteBut they ARE for the working people Sweetie-
(Oddly enough, even the Catholic priests wear one of those, eh)?
As for the rest of the working stiffs that live hand to mouth- and the lucky ones that live paycheck to paycheck... Reagan had it that even these low-middle class were only 2 paychecks away from being bankruptcy.
Reaganomics has changed- Now there is not even a middle class. There are only 2 choices now- worse off or better off.
Somehow that collar has turned to a noose for too many- Figuratively and literally.
Money is power.
So are brains though...
You are not alone Sweet Heidi-
ReplyDeleteYou care- We, (well people like us), have the audacity to care, and not the dollars to help.
Sad that. And so comes the nausea-
I saw that through your own blog on the matter too. http://starfishred.multiply.com/journal/item/3663
Oops I just got lost in the 2 political blogs elsewhere and almost forgot to come back.
Some of their blogs are open- some aren't- Check them out at any rate if you want to.
Sorry- but I agree with the author of that comment- It has been moving in that direction for quite some time now.
ReplyDeleteMine was not a blog about who is more corrupted- Correct me if I am wrong but I didn't use the word once. (And besides, that would greatly only become an argument about what everyone's definition of 'corruption' is).
Note that the words you highlighted, as stated by me when I left them as comment material, were comments from some of the articles I linked to within my post.
There is no power hold- only a power struggle.
I could also borrow a line for you, from my friend Will, (http://astranavigo08.multiply.com/), "Some of us actually stayed awake in class."
Oh heck, I could say a lot, but I do believe Hitler has already replied well enough to your comment...
I do believe the man's name that you are looking for is "President Barack H. Obama"
Furthermore, I will answer anything you can throw at me regarding The President of The United States when you are mature enough to even just get his name straight.
I don't know about the whole state, but I sure am wondering about teachers walking out- guards, etc etc etc...
ReplyDeleteAs I had written on Heidi's blog... (linked within my comment to 'starfish")...
• Legal challenges. There are going to be a number of legal challenges to this bill. It will not be implemented right away. There’s the near-term challenge of how the bill got passed tonight. It was done in a way that may have violated open meetings laws, by not allowing 24 hours notice for a public meeting of the conference committee. There are other statutes about collective bargaining that may be brought up in court and fought. And there’s the issue of the bill having a fiscal impact. Scott Walker spent three weeks claiming that collective bargaining was a fiscal issue, and then the legislature just passed the bill as “non-fiscal.” Courts will have to wade through a lot of this, and it’s sure to go up to the state Supreme Court. Which brings us to…
More here: http://news.firedoglake.com/2011/03/09/anti-public-employee-bill-passes-senate-in-wisconsin-only-the-beginning-of-the-fight/
ReplyDeleteThank so much for the compliment!
I shall send you my research (with links) if you are interested?
Anything that I have written may be linked to- (Check your guestbook, i tried to explain).
ReplyDeleteI shall be checking your posts shortly- some sound very fascinating- (others remind me of why you and Sweet Pea are friends)! hehehe Lots of "Greek" there for me anyway...
Thank you for asking!
Sweet SissyKrissiePoo;
ReplyDeleteI thank you too for your own compliments- What would I do without you?
You are welcome too- as many times you have steered me in the right directions for many of my posts- I thank you for that, always.
I never did post your own hard work- but will do that today.
AND it's not belated either my dear-
Read them again... They are very very prophetic and precognitive.
(Send them again). ;-)
As for me, I am hanging in there. As always, some worse days- and some better too.
Love right backatcha!
Mr. Lester;
ReplyDeleteYou are always so good to me, and I thank you for that!
I am also very happy that, for the most part, we speak the same language! hehehe
As for the people in Australia only reading a few choice words, they only need a reason to care. Most don't.
Before my Casey got sick, I like to think I did my homework, I can tell you *now* that my capabilities have all been tested thousands of times.
(And if I only had a nickel for every time I Googled something, I would be $TINKIN' rich).
At any rate, my own interest grew exponentially as my daughter was ill, then chronic; and now disabled.
As for me like I said before, I am hanging in- Though truth be told, I have cried more in the past 6 years than I ever did in my entire lifetime before.
Get your people motivated on a personal level- But know that those who are selfish or otherwise self-amused or self-absorbed, will not change; (Nor will they ever care about others anyway).
As for "not" voting in America, I always told people that if they didn't vote then they'd best shut the heck up. hehehe
This is a wonderful post, very resourceful and informative. ::thumbs up!:::
ReplyDeleteOh what a kind thing to say!
Thank you- I needed that!
And thank you too, for even stopping in!
Have a good weekend!
Still here Mr. Lurchie
But now I'm wondering if you're thinking good thoughts or bad thoughts???
Link link bad-
ReplyDeleteHere's the correct one:
I don't understand? I'm thinking such BAD thoughts about Walker and his co-conspirators, I wouldn't dare post them.
ReplyDeleteI just thought that if every County did the same, more and more pressure would be applied. This is something that shouldn't be allowed to take effect while its illegality is being fought~it must be stopped right here, right NOW.
Did you have any doubts?
ReplyDeleteQuote "Get your people motivated on a personal level - But know that those who are selfish or otherwise self-amused or self-absorbed, will not change; (Nor will they ever care about others anyway)"
It seems to me that the most important of all things in most free voting countries (The Majority of voters) seem not to be motivated to open their mouths or use their feet until after the power struggle is over, votes counted and the damage is well in progress, most could better understand the menu on a McDonalds Menu Board than a Political Party's Polices
THANK YOU! I've SO had enough of this~person.
ReplyDeleteRemember when you mentioned Tess? This is another one I named who hasn't a clue what she's talking about.
Only part of my quote from you was in my reply. Maybe this will do it, aye?
ReplyDeleteOK My turn-
ReplyDeleteI don't understand what you mean?
I abhor the Walker man.
I abhor that he cares only about his Koch-money.
I abhor that he said he would create jobs- and thus far he has eliminated 2000's of them- (And he has only been govr for 2+ months!
i believe that this has to be dealt with fast- and already things are moving along- Not all the counties can act as fast as Madison's .
(I shall post an example very shortly-
(As you know, I ABHOR lies, and the people that tell them)...
And on Multiply, those people are the ones that say something (quite like the old telephone game we played in a circle at the scout meetings), and then these 'bloggers' refuse to provide any link for proof of their spewing issues.
Hey like "death panels"?
The bill was signed this morning- This will make it that much harder.
But like Mama used to say, "Difficult, but not impossible"
Please see my link to Miss Heidi in my comment to her. Go to her site, my link is there in her own comment section.
Oh- I hope you didn't take this the wrong way- it was only to correct yours- (which for some reason came up only as a "404, not found")
ReplyDeleteNo offense intended Mr Lurchie.
ReplyDeleteYou should be thinking that way- and you should be able to say what you wish.
What am I missing?
ReplyDeleteGood Lord Lester, that is a horrid way to run an election- (If you can call it that).
Someone has to take a stand- (and a very firm and knowledgeable one too).
Someone has to begin. Maybe yourself?
You're not talking of Mr Will are you?
ReplyDeletehe is a very good friend to me.
1. As soon as I saw the blog about what Dane County had done, I thought of you~my only contact in Wisconsin.
ReplyDelete2. I posted quickly so I wouldn't 'lose' you.
3.~~Oh ye gads, can I just start over again?
However, in response to your last post here, no, I wasn't referring to Will. I said "~who hasn't a clue what SHE'S talking about." (The other references I'd made, as I recall, were also women. Jadedruid, and Adri something.)
wisdom so often falls when personal need prevails...
ReplyDeleteprimates :(
get a grip and find the best balance
or deal with the limitations you impose upon yourselves
*bows to anne for the sake of respect*
we will find the best available balance eh?
I'm trying to find that balance, Shane, I really am...
... trying to find that 'grip' too- and holding on real tight!
It was just a 'funny'- nothing more, nothing less.
ReplyDeleteI forgot the "hehehe" is all
ReplyDeleteI surely missed that point. My mistake.
Thank you again!
ReplyDeleteI have no idea where this person came from- Just that every now and then she shows up.
Sometimes warmongering and just looking for a fight from me (She won't win, ever)
And sometimes just as nice as can be.
Perhaps some form of psychosis? I have no idea, given the fact that I am not a psychiatrist.
ReplyDeleteI thought maybe you hadn't realized why I had reposted it in the 1st place.
ReplyDeleteApparently you missed the next entry I posted
Oh. wait, no you didn't. hehehe
So FIRE AWAY Mr Lurch!
I have no mind about expletives- I can cuss like a sailor any day of the week.
BUT, when they are used to take direct aim at another person I delete them.
That's just me- and my silly little blog.
Quit worrying silly Lurchie!
ReplyDeleteI embrace everyone's right to write what they wish- If I don't care for it, I might not reply at all.
Will knows i am a Native American and a Christian, but we never fight over that either.
Always ALWAYS be candid with me. If you are not, then what's the point of being friends? I do not work well with pretense anyway. AND PRETENSE ALWAYS CATCHES UP SOONER OR LATER.
-Oops sorry- I hit the caps lock and am too lazy to go back and repair. (Happens a lot when I begin a sentence with an "A").
Now like I said before, quit your worrying. hehehe
Hope you have no more doubts kind sir.
ReplyDeleteNow I await to hear your own comments. (Just don't call ME bad names) hehehe
We did have a few misunderstandings, didn't we? Isn't it better to address them right away?
ReplyDeleteAs far as being candid, obviously I am. I let Will know that I felt what he posted Christmas Day was highly inappropriate. It was full of insults, dirty words and stupid jokes about Christians~truth be told it damned well made fun of Christians. No skin off my Atheist nose? Hm. What he did was nasty, and highly inappropriate. Could he handle my criticism? Nope.
"Will knows i am a Native American and a Christian, but we never fight over that either."
That's different. This was mockery of all Christians. Not funny.
"I embrace everyone's right to write what they wish"
So do I, and everyone should embrace~and~respect everyone's right to respond.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this all
Hi, i find the idea of putting the troops on the street very worrying, even the threat is a form of suppression of free speech.