[My] Life in Wisconsin


Good Evening to You All...

I have spent the better part of the day at the hospital with Casey. She has so much pain. They have done many tests, CT Scans etc etc etc... And while she has managed to stump every doctor thus far, I have much faith that she will be pain free.

So... On that "note", allow me to blow off some steam here...

For KC's surgery on Monday, we had quite the support group going. Cheerleaders all! Jenny Mella! Roberta and Master Gabriel. And of course, yours truly. (Um, that's me)... hehehe

At one point, it was time for a break, we went outside for a while. (One can only stand so much antiseptic assailing the nostrils before one needs to assuage it with a bit of the white mans tobacco)...

Meanwhile, Master Gabriel (oh he, of many hidden talents), transformed the lawns at the hospital into his private orchestra....



While Mama looked on...







"I really need a bit of quiet now!"







And so we were quiet, as he found his wand... and waited for everyone in the orchestra to take their places...




"I am trying to be patient here."







And a 1 (uh) and a 2 (uh) and a 3 (uh) and, (uh) PLAY!




And so it went.

They played and played and played; while this dynamic conductor waved his baton,








urging them onward, more and more~ louder and LOUDER...


UNTIL... a bit of pizzicato might have burst a string on the double bass?...






The Conductor, so upset by the missed rhythm, also broke his baton in half. And had to look away, (just before the tears came), and end our little concert...







I hope all are well, and that you have enjoyed the concert as much as we did!

Have a wunnaful evening...

Oh and if you are wondering what happens to such a young man after such a grand (but grueling) performance...



Here y'all go...









Happy Friday!!!




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