[My] Life in Wisconsin

Da Craziest Thing. (Arf)!

Off to da woods we went...

   ...   And we ALL know what THAT means...

Means?  Mean?  (Yeah, you know who I'm talkin' about)!

"She" is mean!  Just wait 'til ya hear this story...

"She" takes me back to the woods.

Oh! This is FUN!
I like da woods ya know.
So I smile.   BIG!

"She" knows I love playing fetch...
So I find a stick, an bring it to her.

She throws it real far. This is great fun. I always find it too!

I LOVE Playing Fetch

Well mostly always I find it.

Sometimes not...


As I am sniffin' around, lookin' for da right stick, wouldn't ya know I get snapped in my hinder?!  And by a tree!!!  (Is nothin' safe ennymore)?

My 'she' starts laughing and laughing and... LOUD too! (She's mean like that).

I gets really mad then, and am going to destroy that tree that paddled me!

Darn Tree hit me!?!?!

It doesn't move.
I did get kinda stuck- well, my teeth sorta did... This made my 'she' laugh even harder!
Keep in mind that "she" iz there, taking the pictures of my pain!
How humiliating for me!!!

So I turned 'round so she couldn't see.

Pokey Tree

She just moved a little... (I should know bedder by now).

I have heard them 2 legged people say, "if ya can't beat 'em, join 'em."  I am no dummy, and I know what it means.  So I gave her my best shot; even if she is still laughing hysterically AT me.
I don't know WHY she keeps laughing so hard, (or why her eyes are full of water either)?!?


I give up.
As she moves away, I get snapped, right in the backside. AGAIN!
This time I see that "she" is stepping on a dead tree, and it is really long.  Every time she moves her foot this dead tree moves. If she rolls her foot just right, it pops up and snaps my arse.
That's NOT funny,  (is it) ?!?
No it's not!  I tell ya, it's da craziest thing I ever seen!

So I grab that dead stick and drag it down the big hill...

Wrong Stick, Punk

It broke - and I bring it back to her then.

Then she throws it halfway down the big hill for me! 
(This IS fun)!
Almost as fun to play fetch too, as it is for me to go paddlin' down the river!

The River- south view

"She" tells me I have had enough 'paddles' for one day, and then really loud again she says "Do NOT go in the river."
   - Mean she is! Just plain mean!!!

Since we are back in the woods, and I am having lots of fun, I listen to her.
(I really am a good Punkin, ya know).

"Mama! I hear a fish!!!"
We get to walk the whole ridge that day! 
Whoo~Hoo! Er, I mean "ARF" of course.
I jumped over that dead tree this time, backed away, really safelike too; and watched her hafta step over it.

Then, I smelled something really good. (I don't know WHY "she" says 'pee-you' when she smells these kinda things too).  It sure was smellin' good to me!

I SMELL a fish too!


Toidy in the woods
Right she is. 
This wasn't a feast after all...

At least the leaves are covering it all up for now.
Good thing too, 'cuz I wouldn't want the poo in the hole to end up in my river.

Suamico River @ Flintville
It IS pretty, isn't it?
Would YOU go swimmin' with me some day?

"She" finds another stick for me...
I headed right on down to find it...

And I couldn't find it ennywhere!
But I could hear her again sayin' "Do NOT go in the river."

PLEEEEEZ Lemme go in the river?

And then the worst thing ever happened...


and  I fell in!

I told her I was sorry though and she wasn't too mad then. 

Yooz not mad about da fish, are ya?

Well 'cept for the dead fish I found on the way up. (Part of it is still stickin' out of my mouth).

I mean, c
ould YOU stay mad at me if I said it this nice?

But I'm SOOOOOO Cute!

So I was a 'lil stinky. Big deal.  (I like it just fine like that, but "she" doesn't).
"She" is a killjoy, ya know.

For my punishment, she makes me go fishin'.   (This is punishment)???
I don't think so!

I tell her I'll catch 'em, but she's gotta clean 'em...

It's a deal.



Male coho

Rubbed and Ready for oven and freezer

We work pretty well together, don'tcha think? 
And the house smelled really good after all that!
It woulda smelled even better if she'da cooked 'em all, but she didn't. A
fter wrappin' them all up, she puts them in the big cold box in the back.
Now I gotta wait for one more 'lil bite...

I'd better close before she catches me. Ya know how mean she can be.
A big old "ARF" to y'all.
May all of your own 4 legs be as good as I am, and may your bowls always be full.

Love, Punk