Good Morning Everyone;
I will be blogging shortly, but wanted to call your attention to this quiz.
Are you feeling like a slug?
Especially this time of year, (and for the past few months), many of us do not get our requisite 'sunshine'.
Many suffer from "Seasonal Affective Disorder", or SAD. (More commonly known as "the winter blahs").
Hypothyroidism is something to really consider, (even IF you suffer from SAD).
Undiagnosed hypothyroidism is responsible for a great many medical maladies, including, but not limited to, cancer and Alzheimers.
My own thyroid levels change with the seasons, so even if you have had yours checked in the past 6 months, you may be surprised to learn that things have deinitely changed.
I was to return to my doctor in January. Will have to reset that appointment as time permits. (Mental note made).
Could your thyroid (the master gland of metabolism and energy) be underactive?
As of 2006, experts estimate that as many as 59 million Americans have a thyroid condition, and the vast majority are hypothyroid, and have an under~functioning, slow or sluggish thyroid.
Most people with hypothyroidism aren't even diagnosed- Instead, they suffer various symptoms without themselves realizing that they are thyroid-related, or going to doctors who then explain away or misdiagnose symptoms.
This quiz walks you through some of the most common hypothyroidism risk factors and the frequently seen signs and symptoms of an underactive or sluggish thyroid.
After you've answered the questions, you'll get a rating, which will evaluate how many of your responses fit with the characteristics of someone who is at risk for hypothyroidism.
This helpful tool can be the starting point for your efforts to get properly diagnosed and treated for an underactive thyroid!
QUIZ STARTS HERE - http://thyroid.about.com/library/hypoquiz/blhypoquiz.htm