[My] Life in Wisconsin

Please Pass the Coma. (You Have NO Idea)...

Blaming KelliBaby...

I spent about an hour down at Kelli's being the first company in her new house.
(We are easy to get along with, and so what if it isn't finished)?!?

It was warm, overcast, and muggy... Late afternoon as well.
Kelli and I sat out there -completely enjoying watching the dogs as they jumped in the pond- swimming; then running, chasing each other! (The dogs, not me and Kelli)!

I was unaware that ANYthing untoward was going on. (But know if there was negative stars, this would be a negative infinity)!

I am in SO much pain right now, (and will be taking something shortly).

But I wanted to say "Nighty-Night" before I lay down.
That is, if I *can* lie down (and actually fall asleep)...

My back you ask? No.

My head perhaps? No again.

You can go down the list of the most awful maladies and bizarre affectations, but until you reach all the way down to "No-See-Ums", you will be wrong.

They are basty little nastards. (And very aptly named).
My skin is broken and welted in places even the 'skeeters' dare not go!

Methinks death would be preferable.
(Or how about a nice coma, with mittens)?

Love to all- Time for some Benadryl perhaps?


Pic above stolen from Sweet Pea's comment below.

Need Your Help. Obama... What?

Good Morning All;
I really need a bit (or a lot?) of help here.
Sadly too, I think I will need it explained on an 8 year old level...

For some odd reason, many people are up in arms about Obama not doing something about the Gulf Oil Disaster.
(First of all, this is NOT a "spill" people, this is a worldwide disaster).
IMHO, If it has not affected your water/wildlife yet, it will.

I cannot wrap my mind around a thought process that would condone pointing fingers at anyone, save for BP.

Why/How can ANY of this possibly be our presidents fault?
What angle am I missing here?
Explain? Please?

Me,  -feeling dense as the box of rocks above.

picture from CBS.com