[My] Life in Wisconsin

Please Pass the Coma. (You Have NO Idea)...

Blaming KelliBaby...

I spent about an hour down at Kelli's being the first company in her new house.
(We are easy to get along with, and so what if it isn't finished)?!?

It was warm, overcast, and muggy... Late afternoon as well.
Kelli and I sat out there -completely enjoying watching the dogs as they jumped in the pond- swimming; then running, chasing each other! (The dogs, not me and Kelli)!

I was unaware that ANYthing untoward was going on. (But know if there was negative stars, this would be a negative infinity)!

I am in SO much pain right now, (and will be taking something shortly).

But I wanted to say "Nighty-Night" before I lay down.
That is, if I *can* lie down (and actually fall asleep)...

My back you ask? No.

My head perhaps? No again.

You can go down the list of the most awful maladies and bizarre affectations, but until you reach all the way down to "No-See-Ums", you will be wrong.

They are basty little nastards. (And very aptly named).
My skin is broken and welted in places even the 'skeeters' dare not go!

Methinks death would be preferable.
(Or how about a nice coma, with mittens)?

Love to all- Time for some Benadryl perhaps?


Pic above stolen from Sweet Pea's comment below.


  1. So sorry they got you Annie, like you needed anything else, LOL. HUGS Dear.


  2. Ohhhh they would be looking for me for weeks if something that looked like that made an
    appearance around me!!!!!! No Kidding!

    Hope your back gets better real soon, Rest it more and ice, ice and ice some more.

    Love u

  3. No likey.

    Get you the benedryl cream and slather at will....

  4. eeewwww! I remember my ex-in-laws backyard had those nasty things! they are itty bitty teeny weeny little red bugs that bite!

  5. If they are no-see-ums how do you have a picture? ;) Sorry you got bitten

  6. oh my goodness Sweet Annie, I hope that cream works, what is that bug anyways???

  7. Skeeters, huh?!?

    Well...what can I say other than....been there done that.

    Now, I'm itching just thinking of your itching! Talk about suggestive thoughts!! Scratch!Scratch!Scratch!

  8. And may I say....if it was skeeters that gotcha, they are highly attracted to the O blood types. I'm O- and they will pass up every individual and head for a meal feast on little ole me even when I'm wearing mosquito repellent. And yes...they have managed to get me through my clothing, smack dab on my bum!

    It is also possible you had a flea or some "ants in your pants." LOL! Sorry...I just had to say that.

  9. yep...dang things are a pain in the a**...something gets me every time I bbq out..and I itch for days.
    I blame "no see ums' too! A good hot bath..and Benedryl (oral and cream) are in order.
    Good luck!

  10. oh its also so hot you can't breathe here(humidity) ...Gulf Power is gonna love me!

  11. Thank you ALL!
    Know that no-see-ums are NOT mosquitoes. (You really can't see them). DeeAnne's picture in the comments is really grotesque, but that is a much better picture! I believe I will change my picture to hers.

    I was in much finer shape when I woke this morning- They don't last too long (for me), but while the bites are welted they truly hurt like hell.
    I was in agony.


    Deer fly bites are much worse- (The ones I got last week while mowing are still red and welted).

  12. Mine is a dust mite... just fyi....

  13. "Comment deleted at the request of the author."
