Behind the pond at Kelli's... A masterpiece.
Good Morning All-
As I look out the eastward window, the fields are blanketed with fog, and the sun peeks through them at various spots-
Ever so pretty, and reminds me of home. i (Oh wait)! hehehe
Been "squirrel~busy" these past few days- (trying to hang onto my last marble also).
But oh what fun we've had! Had the sale open Friday and Saturday- I will open it again around 8 or 9. (Maybe just get a few chuchgoers that want to throw a few quarter$ my way).
Tons of people, and to know so many of them too!

Cousins and neighbors, Jim and JoAnne Reimer-
Jim just had surgery on his shoulder after dealing with a torn rotator cuff, and then ripping a few tendons. (That's some painful stuff too).

Another neighbor, Julie- With her 3 month old puppy.
She collects dogs like other people collect knick~knacks.
Has gone back to school now to be a licensed cosmetologist.
Other people just out for a ride- to see the sign and pull in. Whatever works.
At times my yard looks like a used car lot- At others, it's like a mini ghost town.
I wasn't going to open it this weekend either- Until the gal down the road put an ad in the paper advertising her own sale.
So out came my sign. (Hmmm... Does that make me a thief somehow)?
And a whole lot of pretty men too! (I will just have to open more often)! Mmm
***wipes drool off screen*** hehehe
Casey has come out every day- Up and at 'em real early for me too- Even if no one is here besides us, I can think of no better company than her own. She is just so funny- even in pain, (and sometimes because of it too). That is so special!

CaseyFace! hehehe
... Brings a whole new meaning to "You Go, Girl"
I'd better close for now and get my dishes done- 2+ days without doing those.
(Don't tell anyone).
I hope you are ALL having a great weekend too!
My love to all
From my '
bizarre newsletter': "
September 2 is National Beheading Day."
I will need a show of hands (I mean "heads"), to see who goes first?!?