[My] Life in Wisconsin

Just Sad

Good Morning All;
First of all, I am sickened hearing of the earthquake in Haiti and the massive devastation. What tragedy. My heart goes to them all, whether Haitian or tourist.

Prayers too for my friend Brats friend who has just lost her daughter. Hit by a car as she waited at the bus stop.

More for Drew who is in the hospital in Panama City Beach, suffering from a recurrent infection that is threatening.

Last, but not least, for my daughter CaseyAnne, who is so very tired of being in such pain. She called last night with a question about her surgeries that not only spoke volumes of her state of mind,  but stabbed through the core of my heart as well
"What if it doesn't work?"
She resoundingly stated she does not want to live with this pain for the rest of her life.
Hearing the sadness in her voice, I had no answer for her, save to tell her to research every question she had about it; and of course to tell her that I love her. She did not call me back, but emailed me the following:

"I didn't really find anything on the antrectomy given to cure gastroparesis, so I'm going to ask Dr. Sutherland about the success rates when we go in for my appointment on the 27th.
Love you MUCH MUCH,

As God as my witness, this damned disease will not win.
It will not destroy my daughters bright future and outlook on life.