[My] Life in Wisconsin

"I Believe" ~Still~

Good Morning All;

There are many newcomers to my pages that may not have read this, to know these things about me; or to really think about these things from my heart.
I am only me. (But I am a pretty great "me" too). hehehe

Though I have added a comment or two within, the beliefs I hold dear remain the very same now, as then. (Yeah, I am kind of boring that way).

As stated, please keep in mind that you need not agree with me on it all. I have a tendency to celebrate our differences, and not whine about them...

And yeah, I really AM the person I have written about below... (kinda boring that way too)!

Here goes...



Good Morning to all;

...Before you push that button to ask to add me as a friend, there are a few things you need to know about me...

*Should you still want to be my friend at the end of this, please feel free to send me an invitation.
I cannot promise to be able to correspond, but I do promise to try.

I am finding it very hard to be keeping up with everyone, and apologize for this- Yet I do wish to be thanking everyone that has asked to be added as my friend too.

I have denied but a few people- on the grounds that I will never add an empty/closed page, or one without a photo; save for my personal friends and relatives.  I am not the subject of anyone's fantasies (save for my own)- Nor do I wish to be added to be gawked at, or laughed at. I do not think I am that kind of "gods gift" or anything. I am not that kind of person.

I am not afraid to call a spade a spade. I believe this ability to be a positive thing- (although the situations I have lived through to be able to do this were not always thus)...

I do not care for nudity on my site or yours- .I will not be having a naked friend on my site- .I do not believe that to be necessary for friendship. Please keep your nudity in your clothes.

I am Indian, (Native American). Proud.

I am Irish too.


I am hoping that you will know me as kind, compassionate, caring; (and halfway creative ~most times anyway)-

I have many positive energies- as well as a few negative ones- (we all possess those and work on them daily).


In the course of my life, I have been someones daughter, I have been someones friend, someones sister, and someones enemy.


I am someones mother.

I am someones grandmother.

I am someones heart. (Just that I don't yet know who that is)...

Yet even with all of this, I am always and forever a woman.

I am active, though not as active as I was after having fractured my back- (in too many places).

I am not afraid to sweat or to get my hands dirty- (although I wish never to get my name dirty).

I love and respect animals, (and yes, I abhor spiders).

I can run hot, cold, ---and every conceivable degree inbetween--- (I reserve my hottest for the most appropriate times-, and know when to be absolutely cold also).

I do NOT tolerate immorality.

I do NOT tolerate drunks, druggies, liars, thieves, or cheats.

I do NOT tolerate gossips for the sake of 'malicious' gossip alone. Although I have been known to gossip myself on occasion.

I do NOT abide suffering or pain; especially that kind brought on by someone who is supposed to love you with all their being- heart and soul. Nor whether it is physical, mental, psychological, (or even just imagined).

Simply put-
Pain is pain. ..
Suffering is suffering.


I have panic and anxiety attacks- sometimes fierce in their intensity- but yes, I have lived through them all, (duh?)- and I am *still* learning how to help myself through them.

I am in awe of thunderstorms, and reserve my utmost respect for the forces of Mother Nature; whether she is spews forth in in Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter.

I do not like to be too cold- or too hot.

I enjoy beauty- and all the wonders of nature- (except for those damnable spiders).

I really do enjoy mowing the lawns- I can be almost hypnotized when mowing, and my thought world can go anywhere. As in the shower, I sing while I cut.

I do not like to shovel snow, (but appreciate the added exercise it affords me in the dead of winter; as a few more calories bite the dust).

I am a Christian-

I believe in the Bible; although I do not practice reading it each day.

I believe too, that the ONLY words actually written by the hand of God are "The 10 Commandments".
I try to live by them.

I am neither fanatic, nor judge.  You live your life. I live mine. (Although I do have a personal issue with those that do not believe that there is someone, something, greater than ourselves).

I believe in the Afterlife.

I believe in Heaven.

I believe in Spirits.

I believe I have been here before, and that I will be back again- (especially if I don't get it right this time).

I believe our lives on Earth might be Hell itself; or at the very least, a purgatory of sorts.

I do NOT believe in the devil, or whatever you choose to call him/it. Although I do believe that there are some very dark spirits and entities living amongst, and near, to us all.

I believe in Angels- of every phylum.

I believe I have chosen this path long before I was even conceived.

I believe in karma.

I believe there are good, bad, and downright ugly people in this world.
I believe because I know a few of them.
(I believe because I truly love a few of them too).

I believe in honesty; and in friendship.

I believe there is an innate and basic goodness in almost everyone.

I believe that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I believe that dogs and little children are the very best judges of character and integrity. I further believe that these same creatures clearly, and absolutely, see and understand things that I do not.

I believe that there is nothing that is absolutely black or white in this world;
 - except for, well, black and white.

And I believe I should have said that first...

Have a good one.



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So there you have it Folks.

*For those of you who have already read this, maybe think of it as a refresher course?

*For those of you who are reading it for the first time, please let me know what you think...

And for that, I thank you ALL;   all over again.

Have a "wunnaful" day!



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.Originally posted, Y360, Wednesday August 16, 2006 - 07:24am