... because I am too damn lazy to post a blog today.
Hi Anne:
Gerald sent me your e-mail about Casey.
What next can happen to that girl? She doesn't have much left for them to work on.
I just don't understand why this is happening.
Be assured she will be in my prayers as you are too.
When you see her give her a big kiss and hug for me and tell her I love her.
Keep me posted.
Love , Aunt Marlene.
Thursday, August 02, 2012 2:45 PM
Subject: Re: Casey
Dear Aunt Marlene; I would have replied sooner, but I did not receive this note until right now. I see it was sent on Tuesday?!? Wonder what's up with Yahoo now. |
Casey has an appointment this coming week to try to figure out what the heck is wrong now.
To say that this has depressed me is beyond the truth- as it seems that this next step will be requiring a biopsy.
I will go with her to all of her appts.
She has much pain- Greg and her have a wedding to attend tonight-
It's in Milwaukee.
My friend Randy even offered to buy her a new summer dress for it- She turned him down because she doesn't want to go shopping.
(You know she is miserable when she turns down shopping).
Just that none of her clothes really fit, and I don't have $ to buy her a new wardrobe; (let alone to even buy some new jeans for me).
Thank God that she has gained 25 pounds since her last shopping trip (which was over 4 years ago anyway).
If you know of anyone who wears a 7 or a 9, and has clothing to part with, would you please let me know?
She needs that weight.
Soon, she will also be receiving a thingie to automatically keep her diabetes under control. I forget what that is called, but you wear it and you push it when you need your insulin; changing needles every 2nd or 3rd day. This eliminates 8 different, and separate, pokes. It automatically gives her body small doses all day long. It is programmed to match her needs- through a very thorough compilation of her blood glucose readings from the past 6 months.
I already know I am on my out of this world- But she is only 25 for Gods sake!!
These past few years have been the hardest of my life-
And hell Auntie, I raised 4 daughters BY MYSELF! (If things should have been hard, one would think having 4 teenage girls at once would win, hands down. Such is not the case).
I am afraid for her as I have never been before.
Please continue to say your prayers for her. She needs them most now.
My love always