Good Morning All;
My apologies for visiting and not replying to your many entries. I am just not feeling the greatest.
Must have caught a lil bug while at the hospital for Casey.
Casey will be needing more surgery.
She had her EGD, (esophagogastroduodenoscopy).
Her anastamotic ulcers are still there. The surgeon here in town has upped her meds, changing one to a liquid as perhaps that may work for her pain a bit better.
These types of ulcers are directly caused by surgery- (The other, more common ulcer is caused by a bacteria, h~pylori).
The amount of pain that this young lady has learned to live with on a daily basis, for the past 6+ years just moves me.
Still, she has more chutzpah than most of her peers- or any other group. Not in a rude or impertinent sort of way, just with her ability to look at everything and still say, "so what?"
Makes a mama real proud.
My son in law William called on Thursday- All is well in Alabama, save for the fact that the poor guy has been freezing half to death. (I chuckle at that always).
Lawrence is quite well, although with the heart thing, he is limited to non-contact sports. So, much like Casey, he has dealt with that too. He is on the swim team and is loving every minute of that. He will be 11 this coming February- and is already almost 5' tall. That physique means he can swim like a fish!
When the phone rang again last night, and it was William, I got a bit panicked- Two days in a row is almost unheard of unless something is happening.
He stated that he and Lawrence were just leaving the hospital. His oldest son, Blaine, is now in the hospital, -with pancreatitis.
Lordy, I didn't even know of this until Casey's problems started. Then I didn't know anyone else with it. Then Uncle Chum had one attack a few years back. Now Blaine. Now I know 3 people.
Odd, isn't it?
Blaine is 21. He will be hospitalized until this bout passes.
They have also found a growth on the outside of his small intestine. Not yet sure exactly what it is attached to, but that will have to be dealt with too.
I wish him the very best of diagnosis and prognosis.
William did tell me that where the growth is, is very very rare that this sort of thing would be malignant. That is good to know. Still hard for these kids to be in such pain.
... If it's not one thing...
I sewed until about 3AM then stole a few hours of sleep.
Some things are coming together. Some, not so much. Oh well. hehehe
Punk must surely hate me for being so busy without her.
She lays on the foot pedal...
Or, Worse, ...
~ She lays on my nicely ironed ready to use patches...
(Casey had to iron more than a few, again, the other day).
And I save almost everything. 3 shots of patches too small to use.
Too small? Wanna bet?
These are NOT my quilts, so I can post these pictures. hehehe
I only wish I had more thread and fabric...
I'd better close and get on with my day.
Casey and Greg will be here shortly- Brian called yesterday and her car is ready to be picked up. YAY! Happy it is done.
I hope all is well with everyone! That you are enjoying these last two weeks of the year!
Must fly for now- My love to all.