In the wee hours of the morning here, there is so much to be thankful for... The quietude... and the furnace too! Chilly in here this morning, but have cranked the heat up to 68 already. And didn't shut it down too far last night either; as Berta and Casey are both asleep upstairs... The Punkster is also up there, (asleep with one of the girls)... and Miss Milly is asleep in the entrance. And not too much of an argument from her either... So all is well with my world; and I hope it is with yours too!
Had Miss Milly in/out for the best part of the day... Rarely did the windchill rise above zero... I am seeing that it is about 11 degrees right now (yes, that is on the PLUS side), and yet I hear a bit of the wind too...
She came in yesterday morning and stole Punkie bone. Punk was trying to argue with her mothers' executive decision to gnaw on it a while; and when I admonished them for getting too rambuntious, this is what I ended up with in my camera.
Yes, she actually fell alseep on her mama's hinder!
Now getting a picture of Miss Milly in anything but a smile, you cannot let her hear the camera turn on. Honest. Kind of funny. She is also a bit odd in the respect that she HATES to come off that rug because her feet make noise on the linoleum. We have to put down little rugs or towels to get her to venture too much further than the entrance or the food dish. Picky dog!
Last night/late afternoon, Berta had brought her in... I had been resting my chilly bones on the couch...
I heard them come into the entrance, and was clearly NOT prepared for what happened next... Miss Milly STOLE Punkies little busted toy, almost flew into the living room; sailing right past her annoying Punk, and jumping straight onto my back on the couch! And even though she does smell/(reek) of the red cedar chips mixed with 'dog' I could not help but burst out laughing... What a shock for such a previously cautious and timid dog! Not to mention the fact that I was more than shocked too!
And then she tried to 'hide' that toy!!!
She stayed on the couch WELL AFTER she had forced my own backside off!


Myself, fighting for a place on MY couch...... And Berta with Milly
And poor little Punk... (I don't think she is too impressed that mama gets to share the house either)!
Casey arrived after her classes were done- Master Gabriel thought it unwise that she woud have to eat alone and begged for food from his Auntie Casey...


Mmmmmmmm, GOOD!!!!
Berta had that appointment yesterday with the surgeon- All went well as he explained about Gallbladder Disease to her... She has surgery scheduled for this morning... and we must be at the hospital for 5:30~ish... Please continue to keep her in your thoughts; as well as Miss Mindys mother who will be undergoing a much longer surgery today... CLICK HERE for her blog and please leave her a positive little note.
I will go out shortly and start the cars that we will need to go with. I told Casey just in case the new(er) cars don't start, there is always the old Buick Roadmaster. I have never ever had a problem starting that car; (knock on wood), and I am glad it is still in the yard to use if need be!
I hope you all have a grand day!
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