[My] Life in Wisconsin

Well, Bless Me Father...

headslap Pictures, Images and Photos

Oh no!  He did NOT just say that!

Oh wait... 

By now, most of you know that for many years I have not been a practicing Catholic. I do, however, consider myself quite Christian and more than spiritual.
I have gone to the annual Sts Edward and Isidore church rummage sale as time and circumstances would permit.
I kind of 'have' to, (I have always gotten really good deals).

My back is awful -and Casey is pretty sick, (She is OK, and I will fill you in later). Since this sale is a 6~hour event, and only once a year, we went anyway.

They (the church) had blocked off the handicap parking stalls. I was in no shape to walk any further than necessary, nor was Casey-  And I had chosen to leave my cane at home (knowing there would be ample tables to lean on).
Knowing that it is illegal to block off handicap stalls, I parked 1/2 on the torn up lawn, and half in the stall- perpendicular to the way the stalls are set up. I must also metion that I was not the only vehicle that had done so.
(They had put 3 orange cones in the 3 stalls).
Lots of people outside, but nobody said a word as I hung the DIS tag up on my rear-view mirror and we walked in.

The church sale is in 2 parts.
The 1st four hours are for regular business- The final 2 hours are the $3.00/bagful. You check out between the sales.

While carrying things out to the car from part one, one man (my age) came up and told me that I couldn't park there. He had a real badass attitude about it, (when I have moo~koo pain, I am not the right person to "tell" anything to).
I said, calmly, "But you blocked off the handicap stalls."
He replied, louder this time, "You have to move your car or leave. You can't park here."

I opined that it was illegal to blocked off these stalls in the first place, and then mentioned that I would think state law would trump his little orange church cones.
Mad as heck at my calm replies, he went on to holler something else... (I do not know what he said as I was way past listening to the ranting person).
So I just told him "Well, call it in to the sheriffs dept. then" -as I walked back into the sale.

Casey, still behind me, suffered the worst of his wrath.
He demanded to know what "f***ing" law I was referring to. She simply replied for him to 'please take it up with my mom.'
He chose not to, and continued to holler at her- She came in near to tears and related the conversation to me.

Spying an old friend of my moms, I went to the Mrs. and told her what had happened. Another lady overheard and suggested we speak to Father Dave about it.
There he was, across the room. The 2 nice ladies walked over with us.

After filling him in, he looked us both straight in the face, and said, "Maybe if you are so handicapped, then you shouldn't be out shopping."

I kid you not. He was dead serious.
(This is the same priest that, 23 years ago, had refused to baptize Casey because I was not married to her father).

I would have left then and there. (I think that might have been his angle anyway). But I would not be giving him that satisfaction.

My question is this.
  1. Does state law trump this?
  2. What would you have said?
    To the guy? To the priest? To Casey?

As soon as I realized he was serious, I smiled, (smugly then). We simply turned and walked away.

They have the nerve to wonder why I don't grace them with my presence?!

